The list of shame fake 4K cameras and CMOS size

Maybe in the summer.

1. Fake 4K "video-picture". The recorded resolution is 3840x2160 but the video is obtained by 10 or 15 consecutive photos/second and by adding a PCM audio so you will watch a picture slideshow with sound. The quality is much much worse than next category, fake 4K resized.
Usually these cameras price is about $60 and overall quality is bad, no firmware support, avoid these cameras because their goal is low price.

Honestly I would love a camera that could do this with high quality 4K stills at 24p. This would be the equivalent of a digital camera for filmmaking.

That stills from my quote are resized from 2K, because the used CMOS is just 2K.

That stills from my quote are resized from 2K, because the used CMOS is just 2K.


Right, if they were actually true 4K that would be awesome!

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This post must've really laid it down. Not one of these companies have replied to it.

IMX117 with 96660, no idea if it's real or not. Probably not as some already said these two can't work together.
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My bet is: IMX078.

Ele Explorer Pro.jpg

Is not a shame to produce a camera with Sony IMX078, I don't understand why is so important to advertise a camera with IMX117 because not so many people knows it is the CMOS used by GoPro.
Why to use the IMX117 which is more expensive compared to IMX078 if the fake 4K 2880x2160 recorded resolution is the same as IMX078?

I will never trust a $100, fake 4K or not, camera with IMX117. Is not possible to produce it at the moment, at this price. Can be a great camera but when I see lies I am not buying.

IMX117 with 96660, no idea if it's real or not. Probably not as some already said these two can't work together.
We can see Novatek list the IMX117 in their code project, but Novatek told me no Chinese manufacturer use that sensor at present.
I will do further check.
It is a more expensive one.
We can see Novatek list the IMX117 in their code project, but Novatek told me no Chinese manufacturer use that sensor at present.
I will do further check.
It is a more expensive one.

I wouldn't trust these no name brands that have no support, they will say anything to sell the product and don't care what happens after

The only two I see making any effort is SJCAM and GitUp, SJCAM seem to make a lot of mistakes though and don't know what they are doing with firmware, if I was going to spend money on this type of action camera I would only buy the GitUp
The DAB201 uses the OV4689 sensor which has 4mpix. Even though it uses a newer chipset it doesn't have the same low light performance as a 2mpix Sony sensor found in other cameras.
The DAB201 uses the OV4689 sensor which has 4mpix. Even though it uses a newer chipset it doesn't have the same low light performance as a 2mpix Sony sensor found in other cameras.
Well, thanks for the reply. Then what would be your recommendation for a video camera auto 1080p resolution, HDR and high performance the view at night, the price around $ 100. If exist :)) And this A12 DAB201 make his money, what do you think? Thanx again. Alex
The Street Guardian is one of the best (if not the best) currently with it's Sony Exmor IMX322 sensor. At a lower budget there is the GitUp Git1 action camera that uses the same Sony Exmor IMX322 sensors and has very good wide dynamic range and low light performance. While the first one is specially designed as a dash cam and have dedicated functions and features like gps and super capacitors, the second one is a general purpose action cam similar to the GoPro (exactly the same size and format).
The Street Guardian is one of the best (if not the best) currently with it's Sony Exmor IMX322 sensor. At a lower budget there is the GitUp Git1 action camera that uses the same Sony Exmor IMX322 sensors and has very good wide dynamic range and low light performance. While the first one is specially designed as a dash cam and have dedicated functions and features like gps and super capacitors, the second one is a general purpose action cam similar to the GoPro (exactly the same size and format).
Ok, thanx for reply, I already ordered my A12 DAB201 camera and I hope make good choice, for the price and his configuration. Good day
Wow how, well.... shameful. Heh

These products have brought great Shame in deed. How can they even sleep at night?
The money they earn by selling these fake 4K cams have kept their bed a bit warmer and more comfortable at night :D
So i am going to reply on this thread by starting to say , you are even creating more chaos and that your technical facts on a lot of issues are based on storys, or are already incorrect. I hate it when people start threads like this with already false information. Or be correct or not even start it !!!

I will tell you why , people start referring to this thread as being declared true or holy. I only see a lot of terms wrongly used and explained and so giving false information and creating an not true story

1) you already start with a wrong resolutions for 4K, if we take 4K for real then 97% of all cameras are fake in your opinion, because the resolution which you everytime refer to is UHD and not 4K, but it does not mean that because you use 4K wrong that you are fake ;-)
2) There is a huge difference in false advertised or fake products.
3) You state cameras advertised with IMX117 are having OV4689 multiple times, please proof it because you have not owned them or opened them, else I will proof that for example cameras like the m20 or sj8000 both advertised as imx117 (and not even with all sellers) are only false advertised but have a real sony sensor inside. But you call them fake, who do you think you are ???. yes they are false advertised, but thats it.
4) What do you mean by fake You are using words which are not even related to the case you want to describe.
5) you even state IMX078, IMX206 as fake 4K sensor ??? you must be kidding me. and don't say yeah they can't do a certain fps because that is a completely different story and the esp. the 078 is more then capable . Or do you know better as Sony itself ??
6) eken this eken that, some are advertised wrong some are advertised right, but if you don't know what motion Jpeg is then don't buy a camera where it is advertised as motion jpeg.

I know what your intentions were in this thread and I know they were good but please put all in the right context and terms. I hate threads like this they are even more missleading as the falsely advertised products.

please show me which is the ov4689 in the underneath cameras (advertised as IMX117). I know it is the IMX078 so it is falsely advertised. but still a real Sony sensor

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So i am going to reply on this thread by starting to say , you are even creating more chaos and that your technical facts on a lot of issues are based on storys, or are already incorrect. I hate it when people start threads like this with already false information. Or be correct or not even start it !!!

I will tell you why , people start referring to this thread as being declared true or holy. I only see a lot of terms wrongly used and explained and so giving false information and creating an not true story

1) you already start with a wrong resolutions for 4K, if we take 4K for real then 97% of all cameras are fake in your opinion, because the resolution which you everytime refer to is UHD and not 4K, but it does not mean that because you use 4K wrong that you are fake ;-)
2) There is a huge difference in false advertised or fake products.
3) You state cameras advertised with IMX117 are having OV4689 multiple times, please proof it because you have not owned them or opened them, else I will proof that for example cameras like the m20 or sj8000 both advertised as imx117 (and not even with all sellers) are only false advertised but have a real sony sensor inside. But you call them fake, who do you think you are ???. yes they are false advertised, but thats it.
4) What do you mean by fake You are using words which are not even related to the case you want to describe.
5) you even state IMX078, IMX206 as fake 4K sensor ??? you must be kidding me. and don't say yeah they can't do a certain fps because that is a completely different story and the esp. the 078 is more then capable . Or do you know better as Sony itself ??
6) eken this eken that, some are advertised wrong some are advertised right, but if you don't know what motion Jpeg is then don't buy a camera where it is advertised as motion jpeg.

I know what your intentions were in this thread and I know they were good but please put all in the right context and terms. I hate threads like this they are even more missleading as the falsely advertised products.

please show me which is the ov4689 in the underneath cameras (advertised as IMX117). I know it is the IMX078 so it is falsely advertised. but still a real Sony sensor

Hi friends! I'm not an expert but today I test a GoPro Hero 3 Black edition(4k,12 fps, wide) vs my A12 DAB201 Ambarella dashcam(2560x1440, 29,97 fps, hdr off) on same moment and condition, static image. I was surprise but the A12 DAB201 have the best image, best colors and clear details in comparation with GoPro. Good day. Alex
@DavidDutch - for most folks, 4k is what you get when you buy an UHD television. they aren't referring to 4k theater resolution, because a consumer isn't going to be able to buy any sort of display that can properly display 4k-theater any time soon. and chances are, once those DO become available, those customers won't be wasting money on a $50 camera that claims to do 4k. they'll be buying commercial grade or high end consumer stuff with brands like sony or canon or whatever.

the issue is when a camera claims to do 4k but is either interpolating to get 4k, or isn't even producing a video with the correct resolution or aspect ratio of proper 4k/uhd. so when you talk about a 4k CONSUMER camera, chances are, it's talking about 3840x2160 or UHD resolution. not the 4096 or whatever that theater 4k is. UHD 4k should have been called 4x since it's 4 times the size of FHD 1080p.

but again - till uhd/4k displays become as common as 1080p is today (and that's a long way off), not many people will be able to tell the difference between a video shot at 1080p and one shot at anything higher, so these sleazy companies can get away with it.
@Gibson99 Dont worry I fully understand what you are saying and was hoping on a reply like this. The story was more about the word fake in this thread but I will take it then a step furter on the 4k issue because you actualy say most people assume their tv is 4K when it is actually UHD and they dont know the difference, right? I think most people agree on that part (even I do :-). and So now everybody gets frustrated about the smart chinese sellers . I hope you also know the alternative name for 4K since you quote DCI related things, here it comes 2160P and for people who dont know it just watch YouTube select 2160p and what do you get 4K,

Do you think sellers in china are highly educated ? or are they just simple people who try to make a living, similar with a local store in each of our country, they have no clue what they are talking about or selling (offcourse exceptions , but same goes for chinese sellers) so if those people see 2160P from a recorded video, do you realy think they know the difference. (sure fraud is everywhere, so some know and profit). Do you realy think a newby who uploads his video to YT knows what is going on. The only thing I can agree that some specs say 3840 x 2160 (although you have to ask yourself the question, is it a lie or not because interpolated or not it nowhere says it is not and the algoritm used displays it).

So offcourse I know what people try to do in this thread, but behind everything is a reason and people forget this and start shouting "fake" it is not fake, it is only false advertisement, fake is if you have fi. two similar Phones where 1 is Original and one is fake with cheap electronics, examples enough, or if you think you buy a gopro and it is not). People without certain knowledge come here read storys about fake sensors and believe it and there are no fake sensors, only wrong mentioned specs.

I have a forum group with almost 800 members who own 1 of these cameras and if you see the average technical knowledge in this group that will say enough, so sorry again, but we dont need threads which are confusing people with wrong information, like fake cameras or fake sensors or wrong info on sony sensors or whatever. I dare to say that this is purely story making and nothing better then the false specifications on the mentioned camera's, and personally think the people who support this are no better than the sellers of these cameras, they think they know but dont. If they realy want to help people they just say it is sold as .... 4k with a ov, imx or whatever sensor but the real specs are as followed. Blacklisted cameras realy who do people think they are?? they not even have their own facts straight and correct, blaming chinese people while they are actually the same !!! A lot of people think they have the knowledge, come on be realistic.

So again I have said what I think about it, offvourse there will be people who will have others thoughts about it and I respect that, (aslong as it is proven with facts, instead of storys)