The StarDisc Enterprise - a Mobius timelapse


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2014
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Too many
Well I did something a little different today with the Mobius and it doesn't involve road rage or cars!

I found out about this place last week and had to go check it out - it's basically a 21st century stone circle (a small Stonehenge) and a star chart detailing the Milky Way. Ironically it turns out some of my family helped to build this - I wish I'd known earlier!

The sun was in frame so the sky is blown out so I'll just have to go and do another of these at some point :)

And here's the little old Mobius in the middle of making the video :)

The sun was in frame so the sky is blown out so I'll just have to go and do another of these at some point :)

This is very nice Reverend, but what are you thinking, my good man?! If you go back to do this again it simply has to be on the solstice!
What's the auto rotating mount you use? I saw an ad for one some months back & was tempted - it was really cheap so wondered if it would last!
Joovuu have a rotading Mount, its more or less like a egg clock and do a 360 degree turn in 1 hour, and it is pretty damm cheap so i am tempted to get one too.

Pertty neat place, so fjew of modern man know about the heavens above, or can name a fjew stars and constallations, and not forgetting what feats those stars have helped man do over time.
It was a Flow Mow I used and it's slower so does 180 degrees an hour instead of 360 like most - only 23 quid from Accessory Hero I think it was :)

I'd love to do a night shot from up there with my dslr - need to learn how to use it properly first though
Joovuu have a rotading Mount, its more or less like a egg clock and do a 360 degree turn in 1 hour, and it is pretty damm cheap so i am tempted to get one too.

Pertty neat place, so fjew of modern man know about the heavens above, or can name a fjew stars and constallations, and not forgetting what feats those stars have helped man do over time.

These are genuinely amazing. We are going to try and find somewhere to set this up to demonstrate how amazing this is. If you love time-lapse this is actually awesome. This is not a sales pitch but a genuine like - omg it really is great.

We were outrageously surprised by this. We set it up and did on of our workspace just to see it and combined with the Mobius quality it makes everything seem professional.
4 sure a alternative for the savings minded person, but i would prefer a tread to secure my Dslr, and a tread in the other side to secure it all to my tripod.
I wonder if the Ikea egg timer is quite as smooth or works as well for this purpose as the dedicated device with the tripod mount? They look very similar, but. Maybe we can arrange a comparison test smack down? (Rev........did you hear that?....... hint, hint, wink, wink.....;)) It's good to support vendors like JooVuu though. There are not many vendors here, perhaps none, who would present a product they sell in this way.
I wonder if the Ikea egg timer is quite as smooth or works as well for this purpose as the dedicated device with the tripod mount? They look very similar, but. Maybe we can arrange a comparison test smack down? (Rev........did you hear that?....... hint, hint, wink, wink.....;)) It's good to support vendors like JooVuu though. There are not many vendors here, perhaps none, who would present a product they sell in this way.
Here is the egg timer in play
4 sure a alternative for the savings minded person, but i would prefer a tread to secure my Dslr, and a tread in the other side to secure it all to my tripod.
Like this?
I've mentioned the egg timer before - a lot of these timers do re-use the insides of them!

I went for the Flow Mow as it does a slower rotation of 360 degrees in two hours - the problem with these things is that when they're going they sound like a bomb!!
I did find some totally adjustable timelapse timers which I liked on Kickstarter but they were hundreds of dollars!

These ones are fine for Mobius sized cameras - supposedly the Flow Mow can handle DSLR cameras too but I need to figure out how to do that first!
hehe yeah like that, but i am in metric ville, and i dont have a 1/4 inch tread making bit lying around, and those are expensive if you buy a good brand and get all 3 so you can make tread all the way to the bottom of a hole. :D
hehe yeah like that, but i am in metric ville, and i dont have a 1/4 inch tread making bit lying around, and those are expensive if you buy a good brand and get all 3 so you can make tread all the way to the bottom of a hole. :D

Kamkar, you could still make this work without having to buy a 1/4 inch tap. There are many types of flat bottomed standard 1/4 tripod mounts available that could be epoxy glued to the top of an egg timer. You'd just need to center it carefully. There are also adapters available for converting to and from metric and 1/4 inch tripod thread mounts. Here are some examples from eBay:

tripod adapter .png
