Thinkware F50 - an issue with my bass in my car triggering Incident Recording


New Member
Dec 20, 2016
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Dash Cam
Thinkware F50
I had a couple of dash cams installed in my vehicle after my 0801 bit the dust. It just randomly stopped working - I'm not really sure how to describe what happened other than when I reviewed the footage of the SD card and the picture quality got worse and worse within a couple of videos (3 minute increments I believe) and then just stopped working altogether. I had it for about 2 years. I don't know enough about the cam to figure out what exactly went on it. I tried another micro sd and it still didn't work. Do you think it is salvageable or should I just give it up?

One really cheap on got installed that eventually stopped working, I don't remember the brand but it was really bad quality. And then the other dash cam that I got someone to hardwire into my car didn't have an option of looping over once the SD card was full. With the amount of driving I do every day, even a large SD card filled up very quickly and then stopped recording until I would go into the settings and delete the footage. I would have to do this every couple of days and it got really annoying to do especially while I was driving.
So finally the guy changed it out for a Thinkware F50. I'm kind of disappointed with the picture quality of the nighttime footage especially.

Anyways I listen to my music all the time, and I guess the sub I have in the back is too bassy because it triggers the Incident Recording constantly. I have tried changing the sensitivity on the settings. It still is happening. So when I try to review the footage, there is a bunch of videos in the other folder that are 5 seconds, 2 seconds, 10 seconds long etc. It's really difficult to review the footage normally. Not to mention it beeps every time the incident recording starts but I can just turn off the volume so I'll probably end up doing that.
So I've been told that I can't turn off this Incident Recording setting, or turn off the sensitivity completely. I don't really know what to do at this point, is there a way to bypass this somehow or make it stop happening? The person I talked to said there are a lot of people that also experience this problem if their exhaust is loud/vibrate-y or if their suspension is not too great or they are driving on crappy roads.
The only other qualm I have is that the video is saved in 1 minute increments and you cannot change it to any higher (for example 3 minute or 10 minute). I'm really bummed out about having to go back to the guy again and say it isn't working out.

I had the Mini 0801 HD and I was actually really happy with it. The picture quality was good. It was easy to use. I liked that it looped over once the SD card filled up. And that I could change the settings for the vids to save in 1, 3 minute or 10 (or was it 5, I can't remember) minute increments. Those are my main criteria for a dash cam. I like that it has a small screen also. I'm not really wanting the option of park recording or GPS or anything. Does anybody have any recommendations off hand that has similar specs and of decent quality? My budget is around $150. I am considering the Mini 0805 or A118 (or A119?) I have to do more research and check out some comparisons of video quality.
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I had the mini0806 and had to return it 3 times. Worst camera i have owned. It was great when it worked but it just wasnt durable.

Have a look at the SG9665GC, it fits all your criteria. Its simple and very reliable. Fantastic support here too.
Thank you so much! I'll be sure to check it out. :D
I'm having the exact same problem with the same cam. My subs keep constantly making the F50 record event files every 20-30 seconds. I'm pretty close to returning it.