Time resets to an hour behind


New Member
Oct 8, 2016
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Is anybody else getting this issue?

It only seems to happen if I switch the car off / A119 has lost power for over an hour or two. Each day I've had to set it back manually.

Tbh I've just stopped doing it. But it's been bugging me lately as a time stamp will be very important if I ever need it for legal reasons.

I'm in Australia, so I'm +10gmt. If the camera head been off for 1 or 2 hours, it always resets back one hour.

I thought I'd switch it to gmt 0 to see if it makes a difference, but starting the car just now, had set the time to 10am - its 9pm at time of typing this.

It's only the hour that changes, minutes are accurate.

I've got the camera plugged into the USB if it matters any. The viofo supplied line doesn't fit in my 12v.

Anyone know what's causing the time to never be correct?

Edit: just realized, does daylight savings factor in automatically? I'll switch to + 11 and see if it changes tomorrow morning.
are you in Queensland?

if you're in NSW or Vic you need to set the timezone to +11 for DST
I'm in the UK, but I believe Australia also uses daylight saving time in October and April.
For this you will have to adjust your GMT time manually to take this into account as the A119 will not automatically set it.


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Cheers guys. Just ducked downstairs and set it to +11. Hopefully it keeps it in the morning.