Top camera at the moment?


Mar 7, 2013
Reaction score
So what new cameras are out there that are the best all around. The price is no factor.

Anything that has all of these or most of these items?

  • 1080p recording at 60fps?
  • Best daytime wide angle recording.
  • More importantly better night time recording. (DOD-Tech LS430W has a really good low-light recording capability, that I have seen)
  • Wifi capability - ONLY if this feature works properly. I have the Blackvue 500 camera and it sucks for transferring video files. It takes incredibly long and sometimes looses connection.
  • Small form factor that makes it easier to hide. The LS430W is really big and it stands out a lot when looking at the windshield from the outside. The white lettering and branding doesn't help either.
  • Small screen for GPS' speed display like the LS430W
  • USB port for power
  • MicroSDXC support to enable recording on 128gb MicroSD cards.
Always Panorama recommended!;)
Are they coming out with the third version of Panorama any time soon? When was the 2nd version released?
there is an updated version coming I believe which performs even better, not sure how long before that would be available though
Damn it it would have bought a panorama 2 (or s? What's the difference?) if I had come to this site earlier hah. Although I still love my Blackvue form factor.
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