Two Buzzing Sounds in Audio - 1st Buzzes Each Second, the 2nd is Constant [SOLVED]


Active Member
Nov 28, 2013
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United States
Dash Cam
SG9665GC & Mobius 1

After my wife was almost hit by an illegal U-Turner, (clip here) I reviewed the video and discovered some audio issues with my SG9665GC V1:

There is a constant buzzing sound, and a cyclical brzzzp sound that repeats once per second in sync with the ticking of the seconds indicator in the on-screen time stamp. I assumed these were due to the power supply and/or cable, while some other folks suggested it was the GPS. After some testing, it seems suspected cause is responsible for one of the audio issues.

- First, I tried using different cigarette power supplies in-vehicle, but the same power cable. No change. However, once I unplugged the GPS, the constant buzzing stopped, while the cyclical brzzzp remained.
- Next, I brought the camera inside and tested with a 5v iphone USB power supply and a new short cable. Clean audio!
- Next, I went back in-vehicle and tried the short cable with my in-vehicle power supply. Clean audio!
- Next, I tried a new LONG cable (the 2nd one from a two-pack, from which the 1st cable is the one installed in this car). The cyclical buzz returned. With the video still recording, I plugged in the GPS and the constant buzz returned also.

So now I know the causes, the power cable and the GPS. But what to do?

- Do I need to look for a "shielded" cable?
- What about the GPS...? I don't have this issue in my second vehicle, which uses the same camera. May the power cable is aggravating the GPS cable somehow?

Short Cable, Clean Audio

Long Cable, Buzzy Audio (half-way through I plug in the GPS and the constant buzz kicks in)
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take it the GPS is not too close to the camera?

you do need clean power input to avoid problems, if the GPS may be faulty you can try switch cameras between the cars, if you get the same buzz on the other camera in this car it will be the GPS, if it is let us know and we can send a replacement
Ah, good idea. I'll try swapping the cams when my wife gets home.

I have the GPS mounted in the far right corner or the dashboard. Also, the power cable and GPS cable are running side by side (until the GPS cable diverges to go to the dash.

The only things I have changed recently are: 1) added a dash mat/cover to reduce glare, and 2) I replaced the combined cigarette power supply & cable with a separate fully USB cable and separate USB power supply.

That's why I'm thinking it's the cable. but I will try swapping the cams.
try using the original power lead, aside from the noise if the power source isn't stable it can cause problems like you have in the other thread of losing settings
Alright, so I've done multiple test scenarios and I can confirm the buzzing audio problem is from the power cable I'm using.

I have 2 cars. An Avalon and a Highlander, each with an SG9665GC. In June 2018 I updated the firmware in both cams. The Avalon is my wife's. I wanted to replace the original Street Guardian power lead with a USB cable. This is because she only has 1 cigarette lighter in the center console, and using a USB cable (this cable) with an Anker USB power supply (no longer on amazon) would open up other USB ports for phone charging. While removing the original Street Guardian power lead, I accidentally tore it in half while trying to pull it out of the crevices I had wedged it into. I thought "no big deal" since I was replacing it anyway. I had not checked the video until my wife nearly got hit, so that's when I discovered the audio buzzing issues.

Here are the tests I did. My Highlander has the original power lead, Avalon has 3rd party power lead.

1) Tested Highlander cam in the Highlander with original power lead and GPS - No buzzing
2) Placed the Highlander cam in the Avalon with 3rd party lead and GPS - this produced the cyclical buzzing AND the constant buzz

3) Placed the Avalon cam in the Highlander with original power lead and GPS - No buzzing
4) Tested both cams in the Highlander with 3rd party power supply and USB lead with NO GPS - this produced the cyclical buzzing only; when I add the GPS, this adds the constant buzzing

So the problem is power lead, not the camera. Looks like I'll need to get replacement. Bummer, since I liked having the extra USB ports available in the dash.
it sounded power related so not too surprised by your test results, better to use the supplied type power lead and hardwire if you want to free up the cig plug, we even have the power leads pre-terminated like that as an option