Unknown camera


New Member
Sep 11, 2020
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United States
Hi this is my first time posting here so sorry if it’s not very good. I just recently got my license and my dad has given me a dash cam to put in my car but he is not sure how it works. The camera was in a box for a different camera and it doesn’t seem to have any brand name on it. I was wondering if anyone had a clue as to what kind of camera this is.


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Welcome to the group of motorists, and dashcam owners & and of course this forum.

The camera should power on and start recording when power are applied to it, then you most often press a REC button to stop recording, and then a menu button to get into the menus.
But just have a rummage around, you can not break anything by pressing buttons, and all cameras have a reset to default if you get in too deep.

Personally i only make changes to a few things on a new camera.
time zone
recording quality / bitrate ( best i can get )
file length ( i prefer 3 minutes )
G sensors ASO i turn off as i am not that old that i will not feel if i get hit while driving or foreget to press the manual event button to lock that event in memory
It may be a variant of early models of the G1W series (https://dashcamtalk.com/g1w/) or LS300W (https://dashcamtalk.com/ls300w/).

Here's some documentation for a couple different G1W cameras that might give you an idea of how they work and some of the options. Searching the web may uncover more but these generic formats were produced by many companies most of which incorporated their own tweaks.


Welcome to DCT @Timberrio :) As you've figured out, most screen-equipped dashcams use 'menu' switches for settings, and most cams function intuitively once you get to the menu. I would start with 'default' settings, then drop any features you won't be using. If you've got a selection for length of the files, they generally work best at 1-3 minutes; longer times may lead to corrupt files. Format your card in the cam, then see what the recordings look like day and night; you may want to adjust the exposure a notch or two. Generally this is all you need to do with most cams, but for other problems post here and we will try to get them resolved for you ;)
