updating firmware + GPS

I take it this model ain't that supported, considering the A129 is at beta 2.3?
I think the main reason that the firmware version is low is that they started again at 1.0 firmware when the V3 hardware was released, nearly all the bugs were removed from previous versions of the hardware, so the V3 worked well from firmware 1.0.

I would prefer using the suction mount, so I can't use the GPS mount with that...
Sticky mount is better unless you need to move the camera between multiple cars, it causes less vibration, less motion blur, never falls off.
If you only have 2 cars then buy an extra sticky mount, if you have more than 2, buy a suction cup mount only for use in the other cars and use the original sticky in your main car.

Having the time incorrect is a problem for finding files and matching footage with other dashcam video or phone messages/photos/video or data from your car's computer, and it is nice to have a correct timestamp.

Although the speed will not be treated as proof in court, it may be possible to use it to strengthen your own evidence of what happened, and insurance claims can be much easier since the insurance companies don't need legal evidence, the two companies just need to agree who's fault it was, they always want to avoid court/legal costs.
Well i am myself a bit optimistic when it come to a disagreement where dashcam footage are in play, even with no time at all in the footage, you probably have a good fix anyhow of where and when it happened.
Not least if ambulances ASO have also responded to the scene of the accident, so i think it will be hard for the other part to say " thats not the accident we had it was some other accident" and things along that line.
Even without GPS most people familiar with the area can probably testify that this is on XXX road and the video can probably tell it was just outside house number XX.

So i have always felt as long as you just have video, you should be good, cuz that should be hard to weasel out of in a dispute.
I am also aware that the court system in other countries appear to be different from the one here, and as i have never encountered the danish court system i might even have higher hopes for how it function that i should have.
Having the time incorrect is a problem for finding files and matching footage with other dashcam video or phone messages/photos/video or data from your car's computer, and it is nice to have a correct timestamp.
This is correct, in cameras with failing RCT batteries they can not keep the clock and so default to some time date every start, this will make a mess of the recordings on the memory card and the order of things for deleting the oldest files when the memory card are full.
I think this should not be a problem if you use the GPS, cuz it should set the time correct some seconds after engine start, or at least in time before the first file are saved if you use the popular 3 minutes file size.
Also myself some times i haven't even put the mouse antenna on the widescreen, but just wedged it in between the headliner and the top of the windscreen, but of course that's not the kind of GPS installation you find on the viofo 119 V3

Personally i would also go for the extra sticky mount, and then just leave the mount in the cars and move the camera around.
question is, if it comes to the crunch and you have your day in court and you produce video that has a timestamp that doesn't match the version of events, is that going to cause an issue?

This is something to consider, but for me when I show up with video from at least 3 different cameras which clearly show the same incident but have differing timestamps, i think I'll be believed when I say "the clocks are pretty cheesy in dashcams, but they do get pictures well." ;)

Having GPS to keep the clocks right is nice indeed, but most cams keep time decently within a few minutes over a month or two, by which time you should be pulling the card and checking the cam, so you can manually reset the time them without too much trouble. Unless you've got 5 cams to do that is.... :geek:

"Poor" is relative, but $10 equals a day's eating here, and three times that if I'm cooking and eating at home. That amount can be significant after a bad work week.

With the multitude of GPS advantages, personally, I’d go hungry for a day.

Advantages are advantageous only if and when you use them. For me, having one cam with GPS gives me speed marking, and in the others only would keep the clocks on time. I need and use no other GPS functions. For those wishing to do more with it you are right, and also if you have just one cam (y)

When the Suzuki Katana first came out it's production was very limited. Sportbike riders everywhere were at dealerships with bags full of money trying to get one- the world's first hyper-performance bike which would do 170MPH+ :cool: I've got lots of miles under my butt on bikes of all sorts and I know how things feel to go very fast on them, so when a guy I know proudly showed me his, I had the wisdom to know how to frame the question, not "how fast does it go?" (which I already knew anyway) but "How fast have you gone on it?" ;) He did 90MPH on it once, but rarely exceeded the speed limit and often rode slower :eek: Man, what a waste of performance- he would have been much better off with one of many machines better suited to his riding style. He was what the English call "a poser" and I lost most of the respect I had for that guy that day. I knew a dozen guys who would have killed to have that machine, and there it stood being wasted :mad:

So it doesn't matter what something's possibilities are- what really matters is if you're putting them to good use. If not, then you really don't need those capabilities.
