Upgrade to the B1W hardware "Novatek 96675+IMX307"

Right I see now that makes more sense

I personally can not stand screens on a dashcam.. it adds bulk and cost only to have some low quality lcd used or where it is so small you can't even see number plates on it anyway.. I rather the money is used on better things like the hardware or in your reply on a better WiFi chip for example

I use my dashcam as its intended for not to have a low resolution screen on it for viewing back my daily drive unfortunately.. otherwise I'd buy a gopro or some fancy camera etc to mount on the outside of the car if i wanted to film the scenery.. so for me no screen dashcams are a win in my book

The A139 is a great example of this
Yes any screen i know off are useless for playback, and with my 55 year old tired eyes i need help even to just do settings on the screen, which i as a tester do often in relation to firmware updates.
If i was forced to share anything on the site of a accident my 2 DIN head unit can act as a playback devise on its 7" screen.
And some also provide a little USB card reader that can also be used with a phone, but the ones i have are micro USB and my phone have been USB C for a long time.

During testing i do some times use the LCD screen on all the time if the camera allow for that, but just as a source of heat to really toast the camera, in general use i have the LCD set to turn off ASAP.
I also do not recommend dash cameras as journey loggers as such, there a action camera or camcorder are better.
Some years ago i logged a 9 hour drive around the northern Jutland, for that i used a SJcam action camera recording in 1080/60 FPS, and it was much better.
A screen can be good at times such as when apps won't work or wifi dies, but on a cam as small as the B1W there's simply no room or reason to have a a screen which would only add heat, size, and cost- none of which are good for a dashcam :cautious:

I love the b1w small design and the barrel style twisting to get the camera pointed right where I want it. I also get less glare since its closer to the window vs a mount where its back off the window an inch or two. Its hidden pretty well while in the car. I have no need for the screen either. I am perfectly happy with the app and my android phone. I like that it alerts me when a file is locked. I noticed the b4k did not do that. I would like to see the 2k Sony IMX335 sensor for better low light and a better novatek processor with the video codec: H.265 video format TS with a slightly larger capacitor because I am tired of the time resetting itself so often. The mic is useless for me. I have it turned off by default only because you run in to wire tapping laws with passengers in the car. 150° wide angle glass lens and 60fps option. Would also like a magnetic power wire since I disconnect mine everyday and I know a few others that do the same. They all bought the magnetic adapters from amazon I showed them but it makes the wire connector larger. I doubt they can fit in the imx415 sensor since heat will be an issue but i dont know. This would be a dashcam that would have everything I am looking for in it. @estore009
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Frankly speaking, it is hard to make this decision now!