[USA] Big Rig Crash US 97 & WA 14 (x-post from /r/nononono) - [10:03] @5m48s

oncoming rig was lucky it was an empty trailer. no way it would have flown like that (and received so little damage) if it was loaded.
:eek: i was like what what what when the guy on the left started to move, and i think you are right about the empty trailer Gibson.

Allmighty shunt the trailer got, and camera truck was mighty lucky to not get mixed up in it all.
oncoming rig was lucky it was an empty trailer. no way it would have flown like that (and received so little damage) if it was loaded.
Yep, hit it in the softest spot possible.
That was pretty cool seeing the trailer go flying. If the oncoming vehicle was a regular car, they probably would be dead.