Use Registrator Viewer at your own risk


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2015
Reaction score
Edmonton AB
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900x-Plus in 2022 Palisade replaced the 650
Being that I have promoted Registrator Viewer as an excellent alternative to any viewers out there.. I would like to warn all that this is no longer my position. There is a lengthy discussion about the issue in this thread.

It seems that there is some malicious code embedded in the program that "phones home" and get your computer to contact other sites..
Thanks, I will now turn back to original RegistratorViewer.exe sized 1179 Kbytes. I was rather surprised last week when I also found RegistratorViewer_v. sized 10473 Kbytes - I was wondering if some debug mode was not off when EXE was compiled. I hope original version is safe.

So sad Vadim, the Developer, is not with us anymore...
the problems in the last build version have been patched and it is safe to use
Could you please clarify which build you mean - which of the above two (small or big or some another? Thanks. was a regular release version, was a development build that Vadim was working on before he died, a few problems have come up such as the Google API expiring which maybe isn't a problem for you as you maybe use Yandex maps anyway, the program has a function to check his server for any updates, somebody took this domain once it expired and were serving ads so the program started to show these links to other sites, a few people have worked to fix this problem in the last release version so that it doesn't have this problem
Thank you, now it is all clear to me. I am going to further use smaller v6.0.0.1 since I do not see any functional difference with a bigger RV. Yes, I use both Google and Yandex maps and I experienced inconvenience with map display lately until I've found a registry fix on this forum, thank you again.

RV is still most ergonimic program to me, but I would also try new viewer from RobThery if I could get the working link to his program...
If the earlier version is working for whatever camera you have and there are no errors then there is no need to change
I've never tried RV. Do I still have to do the registry fix thing to get RV to work? Is the fix now just a simple click on a .reg file?
One have to do that simple registry fix in order to have GMaps properly working under RV. And .reg file is common reg file which one can import standard Windows way.
...but I would also try new viewer from RobThery if I could get the working link to his program...
That's probably not going to happen unless Rob decides to restart his development efforts. He's not been seen around here for quite some time now and his website is no longer active and the domain name has expired.