User manual for GS5000, blue menu


New Member
Jul 26, 2013
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I can't find a decent manual for my dashcam on the Internet.
What is "Recycle"? NO-128M-256M512M
When I use my dashcam it creates a lof of files but the size is very differet and the also the time driven. Why?
recycle option is normally time driven, yours is obviously set by file size, unusual

anyway if you have it turned off it will just keep recording until it fills the card and then stop recording, chose one of the other options, depends on the bitrate as to how long each segment will be, if it's like an average one of these that records at around 8Mbit/sec then 512M would get around 10 minutes or so

Haven't seen one setup like this before so can't suggest where you might find a manual for it, they're not too hard to work out though so just post back with anything else you're not sure about
Thanks for the reply!
Now I have tested the camera lying on my desk and Recylcle set to 128M. After about one hour I checked the files created, Most of them was 131Mb but a few was about half that size. When I make a Group of all these files in Datakam player everything seems to be ok, no parts missing between the files.