V1.3 beta firmware for A229Pro/Plus

There is an official website for firmware for all Viofo models. I gave you a link to it.
Check there often and you will know when new firmware will be released. ;)
They posted about the beta firmware, on the blog, so I am surprised they didn't make mention on the blog, of the official firmware. I have plenty of other things to do then refresh, the blog has RSS so that one doesn't need to go to the website to check, had they used it to keep updated enough. It would be wise for a company to get people informed as much as possible to get feedback if they want feedback.
On the update page, an information area is needed on the screen where all cameras are listed. Here, the camera that was last updated should be listed and each camera model that received a new update should be above.
Thus, control will be easier and understandable by everyone. @VIOFO-Support
Well constructed idea! ;). Something like a single page, all cams listed, with links to the firmware, right on the page. at the top it should be stated when the page was last updated. No fancy pictures or anything, text and link, and if generous, a link to the forum if allowed by forum and viofo rules. It could simply be an FTP as that can have timestamps and so forth. Instructing people over the phone if needed or on forums could be simple. Beta firmware could be listed in there too. simple, effective, also easier to maintain for Viofo. Win Win once implemented.
On the update page, an information area is needed on the screen where all cameras are listed.
Aren't all models listed there?
Here, the camera that was last updated should be listed and each camera model that received a new update should be above.
Thus, control will be easier and understandable by everyone.
Personally, it’s not difficult for me to go through all the models and see if there is anything new or not.
It would be wise for a company to get people informed as much as possible to get feedback if they want feedback.
Not all people need this. I know many users who are not at all interested in new firmware,
if the model works without problems with the firmware that comes with the model.
Aren't all models listed there?

Personally, it’s not difficult for me to go through all the models and see if there is anything new or not.
Oh this page you might be referring to. I see. Yeah thats not bad, it still would be much cleaner with a ftp and less clicking and easier to maintain serverside for Viofo without having to make extra pages on the server to store, causing less traffic on thier end as well which is always a good thing. For me I have tons of things to do so random times of sifting a website is not an effective use of time, a blog can be a good way to get a quick update, especially using rtss, is very effective not having to visit the website. Since Viofo did not inform of the update there, I realistically will only get an update maybe half a year when I remember to look it up :S.
Aren't all models listed there?
It may have been a wrong statement.
It would be good if the last updated camera model name and date were added as a news feed on the right or left of the screen on the page where all products are listed.
Yes, you follow all camera updates and share them here. I think this will make it easier.
You may be right if you access the updates page from a smartphone.
I only log in from a laptop and for me it looks normal.
Desktop viewing. An FTP site would look the same on phone and desktop so that is a win with it fitting on screens. I am going to make an attempt to come off like others in the next single sentence. I know there are plenty of people who cannot properly view our website, some do not have phones that can properly fit the website on thier 720x480 phone screen so we cannot use a full website we have to use FTP. Now that would be an argument against having a page with pictures and where alignment issues could arise. This is the type of stuff that this forum is filled with for reasoning. I in fact just gave a reason why FTP works while still sounding similar, making it sound like its old gear, but reality is it would work for newer tech just as well as older tech vs what is there now if a phone cannot properly view the website. It is easier to manage FTP server side, than to manage pages for each product, have extra traffic for those pages, takes more storage to save those pages, more tendency to have issues with spelling occur, or mistakes to be made and unnoticed. FTP is super simple to utilise and is a win win, but for the group that is fine with it how it is, alright lol. Some people are fine with okay, and some people like to fully utilize what they paid for and any new or extra features, or even possible stability improvements. Good for the group you mention, it excludes me btw. I do have tons of other responsibilities to things than to hover a website, bills, children, friends, family. An RSS for a specific model, RSS for all models, or the actual RSS they have for the blog, if it had been updated past mentioning the beta firmware that they did announce (we now have an official they forget to add to the blog since then). An email list for firmware updates for all models, are all smart ideas and keeps people in line with possibly buying stuff in the future. Communication, is huge in selling. Sell somebody a car with no idea about it, is not going to be the best experience. I am amazed how many reasons from multiple users are on here, are aimed to not to improve, or to leave things as is or say they seem to be good as they, with few people left coming up with ideas. Totally skimp out on hey thats a good idea or no it isn't, share another view or idea to make it even better or different, rather than to act like it works for us all but referencing a different type of group of users than myself. It might be the ideal setup for some people, it might be that Viofo found it to be ideal for that group, but it doesn't make it most efficient use of thier time, site traffic, resources, money towards that, etc. To me this is a wasted forum for asking for help from Viofo, in my experience, as I have questions unanswered but they said other things in thier response to me without addressing it head on. It wasn't a top secret question. If I was in the position of Viofo I would be encouraging input from all angles possible. I am not in that position, and I see how it is being treated from one angle of many. I am leaving this forum lol. <3 to you all. Best of success to Viofo and all involved on this forum.
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Viofo stated that 60fps can`t be implemented here by hardware reason.
Viofo stated that 60fps can`t be implemented here by hardware reason.
This is the first I have heard of something that cannot be implemented due to hardware.

Sorry for the additional question, but is it possible to set the audio bit rate to 128 kbps or the sampling rate to 48 kHz?
@donburi IMO audio can be improve but better ask Viofo about it. There are many parts in code there it should be modify to be properly implemented - main audio settings, noise reduction parts, etc... I done this before for A229Duo but it was not so stable as if this thing do Viofo itself. I have only bytes, Viofo - fully readable source code :)
I done this before for A229Duo but it was not so stable
I think that is the reason for Viofo limiting the sample rate. I'm not sure why there is an issue, but 48KHz has been asked for in the past. We had 48KHz on the A129 Pro, but then it dropped to 16KHz on the newer more powerful processors!
It was on A229Duo - on early FW versions audio was 96 Kbit/sec, 32000 Hz. Since V1.1_1208 audio quality was decreased to 64 Kbit/sec, 16000 Hz.
I think there is only one reason - Viofo decide that new values is fully enough for good sound record. IMO not much bytes economy between this values so I voted for first values.