Vantrue S1 Pro Video and Screenshots and Firmware Update (2024-07-29) and "Vantrue Connected"

Vantrue S1 Pro Dash Cam Firmware Update
Release time: 2024-06-04 17:48:45
Version: S1P_VT-EDE311
Update Log: S1P_VT-EDE311 (New)
1. Compatible with the LT01 LTE module and the Vantrue Connected App.
2. Utilizes the latest parking monitoring process.
3. Consolidates parking monitoring settings, adding features like detection camera settings and cloud upload settings.
4. Adds French voice recognition.
5. Updates file numbering from 4 digits to 5 digits to accommodate 1TB and larger SD cards.
6. Supports the RC07 waterproof rear camera.
7. Improves display ghosting issues
Wonder when will we see some user feedback on the LTE module.
I had not checked in on anything dashcam related in a while. I like my S1Pro, love seeing there is an LTE module now. Would love to test it out. So far my luck with connected dashcams has been less than stellar. Waylens 360 was so-so, and we all know the utter disaster Dride4k is. Will have to keep closer attention to availability of the module
Connected module available for $149.99 for those who owns a S1 Pro already:

Vantrue S1 Pro Dash Cam Firmware Update​

  • Release time: 2024-07-29 10:48:45
  • Version: S1P_VT-EDG262

Update Log

S1P_VT-EDG262 (New)

  1. 1. Resolve the issue message pushes in LTE settings.
    2. Fix the abnormal GPS positioning in the Southern Hemisphere.
    3. Implement a new LTE upload feature for parking monitoring.
    4. Change the LTE motion detection image upload from 3 images to 6 images.
    5. Resolve the issues in icon displays, WiFi, parking mode and files upload.
    6. Add the RC07 low-light night vision feature.
    7. Increase the recording volume.
    8. Resolve the issue in app displays abnormal resolution.