Vertical windshield - motorhome


New Member
Aug 1, 2016
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United States
Dash Cam
Street Guardian - SG9665GC
I just received my SG9665GC, which is intended to be mounted in our motorhome. The windshield is pretty much vertical and I selected this model due to specs and partially due to the "vertical windshield, no problem" comment in the product description. I might still be missing something; but I'm not quite sure it's really suited for vertical windshields. The thicker mounting plate does allow the device to sit further away from the windshield, providing room for the camera to tilt up. However, it appears that the camera doesn't till up far enough. When mounted this way, on level ground, the horizon is at the top of the screen (2% sky, 98% road). I noticed that the image corrects itself if I were to mount the DVR body horizontally but the lettering is now upside down. I haven't played with it enough to learn if the lettering orientation can be adjusted. I now need to build a small box to raise the camera high enough to see over the molding in order to mount the camera horizontally. Another option would be to build a small wedge to mount to the windshield that the camera would then mount to. I think that if the camera could rotate 2-3 more clicks toward the vertical position, it would be fine. As-is, I think the "vertical windshield, no problem" is a stretch. Color me excited, disappointed, and asking if there is something else that I'm missing for vertical windshield applications.
"Near" Vertical Windows are no problem, and also depends how high you mount it. The 40/60 split rule for aiming is also a factor. No more than 40% Sky in frame maximum.

We are looking into 3D printing a wedge option as you suggested as well for even more flexibility
how high up the window are you mounting it?

At the bottom of the windshield. I should note that the bottom of the windshield is about 6' off the ground and the top is about 10'.
At the bottom of the windshield. I should note that the bottom of the windshield is about 6' off the ground and the top is about 10'.

motorhomes can be tricky also as the swept are of the wipers will often dictate where you need to place the camera, top of window looking down is the intention, by all means though if it turns out it's not the right solution for what you need it's completely understood if you need to return it
That's the problem, best to mount at the very top of the windshield.

When I do that, the camera is 10' off the ground and can not see objects closer than 10-16' in front of the RV unless I point it more toward the ground. Part of my problem is that my windshield isn't "near" vertical, it "is" vertical. :) (see avatar). I like the technical features of the device and thought the camera turned up to the horizontal position when mounted on a vertical windshield.
motorhomes can be tricky also as the swept are of the wipers will often dictate where you need to place the camera, top of window looking down is the intention, by all means though if it turns out it's not the right solution for what you need it's completely understood if you need to return it

There's a couple of inches from the bottom of the windshield and the wipers. In fact, the Styrofoam block the camera is packed in is the right height to raise the camera over the molding if I lay it horizontal (sticky tape down, camera facing out). In this configuration, only the lettering is oriented upside down.
yeah that's not an easy window to work with, as I said if it turns out not to be the right fit for what you need it's no issue if you need to return it, understand that making up a DIY bracket to suit doesn't appeal
The SGZC12SG might be a better option

Agreed. It was unfortunately cost prohibitive for me. 2-3 more clicks toward the horizontal and it would have worked perfectly. A wedge mount will work too, which you've said is in engineering.
FWIW, I've got the Mini 0806 mounted about 10" up from the bottom edge of my class A, just in the bottom portion of the wiper pattern. Just in case you do decide to go for another brand/style. Been very happy with mine, and it's able to capture a 12-hour trip with no issues. It h as full range - straight down to straight up.
yeah that's not an easy window to work with, as I said if it turns out not to be the right fit for what you need it's no issue if you need to return it, understand that making up a DIY bracket to suit doesn't appeal

Thank you, and thank you to you both for the "really rapid" response. It too was one of the reasons why I went with this. Engineering a mount isn't a problem now that I'm getting over the initial surprise. :) I think that the wedge mount will be the most elegant solution as I'm not sure what vibrations the camera might pick up while mounted to a box sitting on a padded dash. I could see there being an opportunity for movement in the camera on rough roads.
I think that the wedge mount will be the most elegant solution as I'm not sure what vibrations the camera might pick up while mounted to a box sitting on a padded dash. I could see there being an opportunity for movement in the camera on rough roads.

yeah they really do need to be solidly mounted

Engineering a mount isn't a problem.

see how that goes but if still an issue we'll look after you