Video Lag After Update


New Member
Aug 7, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Hi All,

My dashcam was working perfectly up until I tried for the first time to update the firmware yesterday. I'm using a 128 gig transcend SD card from Pier/Amazon, serial #SGGC153XXXXX (I'll provide the rest if needed).

After I've updated, all the videos record there's a big lag in the video. It's very slow jerky movements, and also it doesn't match the sound (which is being recorded fine at the proper speed/rate). I've tested recording in my car (direct connection to fuse) and also plugged into wall socket inside house. Both with same video recorded results.

I followed all the directions including format and restoring to default settings. The version # in the camera states it is SG20161216.V1, so it looks like the firmware did update correctly.

I've tried another SD card with the same results.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
So instead of using the software to view the vids, I opened them up directly with VLC player. Looks like it worked so far, so maybe it is a software issue on PC.

I'm going to drive around tomorrow and see what happens, and will report back any adverse changes.

You guys are good! Wish I would have posted here hours ago. ;)
There are some hardware acceleration settings in Registrator Viewer that will impact playback performance, might be worth checking to see if any of those settings help
I often run the Windows 7 operating system as a virtual machine on a Mac. When I'm running the two operating systems simultaneously along with various applications in both systems I'll experience stuttering video playback because the computer's resources are being taxed to the max. If I close out some programs or quit Windows altogether videos will play just fine. Try quitting software you are not using and see if you get better results.