Videos not sharp enough?

Well, that makes it really convincing.
If I do a print screen on that, I see more motionblur on the 25 FPS than the 60 FPS. Explain.

Actually, the fact that you see more motion blur at 25 fps than 60 fps is exactly what the demonstration is attempting to illustrate.

Why not explore some of the other links on that page, especially the one from RED Digital Cinema?
No thanks, I'm not really interested in revisiting the exact same discussion that we've already had here on DCT long ago. And yes, that video was part of the discussion too.
Well ok. I think I did my best.
Well ok. I think I did my best.

If you have something to say or to add, instead of rehashing the same argument here all over again why not post in the original thread I referred to the other day where this discussion was already beaten to death two years ago including the same videos you've posted here.
That thread is dead as you said, and as I own a GC and not a mini, I prefer this thread. Unpolluted by other arguments.

You have not shown understanding of the difference between framerate and exposure time, even in that thread, so I try to emphasise it here.
To repeat what I said yesterday, No thanks, I'm not really interested in revisiting the exact same discussion.
Well ok. I think I did my best.