VIofo A119V3 Sample video, thoughts

dash riposki

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
Nong Khai
Dash Cam
too many
I've got the A119V3 mounted in my pickup next to the V2, so should be able to get more comparison videos. I've not had a chance to drive much at night.

There were no major surprises unboxing the v3. After an A118, two A119's, everything seems familiar. and packaged up nicely.

I do miss the side by side adjustment of the V2 lens, on the V3. Not a big deal, but would be nice.


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This is kind of 'what could go wrong?' video.

This is a railroad crossing in a not so nice area, and sometimes the crossing is closed for up to 20 minutes or longer for switching.
Here we have 'speedy' deciding to climb over the train to get to the other side.

V3 First:


Apparently he was just trying to get to the convenience store on the other side of the tracks, here is his return trip.



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HEHE TBH i think i too would have climbed that train too, not cuz i was in a hurry but rather its right there and its really not a problem, even with my semi bum knees.

I kinda like the lesser FOV of the V3 - Sharpning could do with a reduction,,,,,, seem like you have to say that with just about any new digital camera.
Not sure what we are looking at, I was expecting a crash ?

What amazes me is that matey in front of you is sitting there, for possibly up to 20 minutes, with his brake lights blazing. I'd have put the handbrake on and turned the engine off.
The pedestrian on the right, chubby black man, climbing over the car couplings to get across, and the train wasn't totally stationary.

The car ahead did a u turn at some point, and went the other way.
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The video from the V3 is clearly superior but then it plays as 1440p from YT whereas all the V2 ones only play at 1080p which obviously reduces the quality in any case so may not be 100% fair comparison?
The video from the V3 is clearly superior but then it plays as 1440p from YT whereas all the V2 ones only play at 1080p which obviously reduces the quality in any case so may not be 100% fair comparison?
Good point. @dash riposki is your V2 set to 1440p or 1080p?
1440p is the best resolution on V3 and V2 I personally never use any other. 1080p was the maximum resolution not so long back so not surprising Lots of 1080p and it is still the most likely to be viewed on YouTube but it all changing as more and more 4K hardware takes over.

I did some testing 1440@30 and 1080@60 on my V2 and 1440 is definitely the setting for reading number plates, especially coming at you where the closing speed is 60mph or above.
1080 may appear to be smoother but freeze frame side by side shows the difference.
I'll have to check if the v2 is 1440P, I know the V3 is. Threw the cams up in the pickup in a hurry oops! v2 was on 1296
OK, finally both V3 and V2 set to same resolution.
(Will figure out how to clean up thread later)

Just curious how this lady with cell phone held to head shows up on both.



Thanks for doing that.

That does open up another can of worms because to me the V2 footage is sharper and more detailed, even with the obviously wider FOV? The "Fuel Rewards" advertising panel and the lady coming back to the silver sedan behind the trolley park are much clearer - even the sky is a better colour. Both viewed at 1440p on my 1440p monitor.

Just had a thought - is it possible you got the clips mixed up and the V2 is actually the V3 and vice versa - although that can't be right because of the FOV difference looks the right way around?

Anyone else getting the same result?
Click your right mouse button on the playing screen to see what actual resolution you are seeing them in. It's Stats for Nerds and it will tell you if it is displaying in the resolution you think it is. may need a couple of views for YouTube to settle down to the best resolution for you.
OK, finally both V3 and V2 set to same resolution.
(Will figure out how to clean up thread later)

Just curious how this lady with cell phone held to head shows up on both.



Do you think you have the lenses aimed a little too high? Lots of sky. Pictures from both cams seem a little dark/dull. Was it an overcast day?
Hehe easy to see its a trucker driving the camera car in that dusk footage above with the left turn, many other would have floored it to get in front of the truck down the on ramp.
Where us smart people just take it easy for a little while and make our pass down on the bigger road where it is easier and more classy to do it.

Yes I have looked at the stats and both are playing @ 1440 - have checked several times and the V3 is still looking poor?