VIOFO A139 Pro - Firmware

Nice that there is new firmware, but this whole process makes me very hesitant to buy a A139 pro:
  1. Although the link above links to the website, there isn't even a download category for the A139 pro on that website:
  2. At Viofo Benelux, the latest firmware is V1.1_0321:
Somehow this feels very unorganized to me. What do other people think?
Their US website for A139 Pro:

Has a clear link to the firmware:

Which points to: Change Log for V1.1_0615
Nice that there is new firmware, but this whole process makes me very hesitant to buy a A139 pro:
  1. Although the link above links to the website, there isn't even a download category for the A139 pro on that website:
The link you referenced is the older VIOFO firmware download pages for dash cameras released before mid 2022. The A139 Pro was released well after those older firmware download pages were discontinued by VIOFO. You'll notice if you access any of the links to download firmware from those older firmware download pages it will take you to the newer product support pages for that VIOFO dash camera model.
Hi, The firmware which I received in my A139 Pro is V1.1_0629 and the website is showing V1.1_0615 so do I need to upgrade?


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The big question is: Where can the other customers find this newer firmware version V1.1_0629 and what are the changes compared to V1.1_0615. :unsure:
The big question is: Where can the other customers find this newer firmware version V1.1_0629 and what are the changes compared to V1.1_0615. :unsure:
And an even bigger question is: what is the process for managing the introduction of firmware updates? Right now, the process looks a bit chaotic. It appears that there are firmware updates on the "official" website, firmware updates supplied to individuals in Dash Cam Forum to "try" to solve reported problems, and defacto firmware updates in the newer releases of the product.

@VIOFO-Support @viofo As a former software senior product manager, I would like to propose that customers need a single source of "truth." In my observation, it seems like there are too many sources now... the support page on, postings of updates from Viofo in specific threads here in DCT, and now by word-of-mouth from newer product users. I would propose that such a single source be a firmware support page that collects and distributes any and all firmware updates that have been made available publicly. This would include "personalized" updates supplied here in DCT as well as the "planned" updates to existing product users, and also the updates that are found to be a part of the newer releases of the hardware.. Such a posting would ideally be accompanied by a brief explanation of what changes are being made, information about whether any or all of the firmware updates are targeted for existing product users... and a recommendation to install or perhaps a warning to existing users not to install, if applicable.

I think the rapid response of @viofo to the problems and the creation of the rapid firmware updates to address these problems has been great. But creating a single go-to source (for "personalized" as well as "planned" updates) along with the transparency inherent in such a solution would, in my opinion, go a long way towards reducing the confusion that the technically-inclined product owners, such as the people on DCT, have about what's the best way to ensure that the product(s) they own are up to date.
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Think back to the days of video games in cartridges like the SNES. It used to be that when a company was ready to release a product, that it was it. A video game’s code would effectively be etched in stone once it was released and so they had to spend time getting it right as much as possible. Lots of products were like that.

Now that firmware updates post-sale are an option, it seems to be the norm to release stuff sooner and fix it later.

It is admittedly hard, if not impossible, to have a bug-free product, not to mention things continue to get more complex over time, but still it does seem to be a trend to release buggy products at launch and rely on future updates later.

This has become more and more prevalent in software development due to the agile methodology and the concept of minimum viable product (MVP). It is 100% designed to be that way and will continue to get worse.
And an even bigger question is: what is the process for managing the introduction of firmware updates? Right now, the process looks a bit chaotic. It appears that there are firmware updates on the "official" website, firmware updates supplied to individuals in Dash Cam Forum to "try" to solve reported problems, and defacto firmware updates in the newer releases of the product.

@VIOFO-Support @viofo As a former software senior product manager, I would like to propose that customers need a single source of "truth." In my observation, it seems like there are too many sources now... the support page on, postings of updates from Viofo in specific threads here in DCT, and now by word-of-mouth from newer product users. I would propose that such a single source be a firmware support page that collects and distributes any and all firmware updates that have been made available publicly. This would include "personalized" updates supplied here in DCT as well as the "planned" updates to existing product users, and also the updates that are found to be a part of the newer releases of the hardware.. Such a posting would ideally be accompanied by a brief explanation of what changes are being made, information about whether any or all of the firmware updates are targeted for existing product users... and a recommendation to install or perhaps a warning to existing users not to install, if applicable.

I think the rapid response of @viofo to the problems and the creation of the rapid firmware updates to address these problems has been great. But creating a single go-to source (for "personalized" as well as "planned" updates) along with the transparency inherent in such a solution would, in my opinion, go a long way towards reducing the confusion that the technically-inclined product owners, such as the people on DCT, have about what's the best way to ensure that the product(s) they own are up to date.
Thanks for your advice, we will optimize this part later. Actually, there are two principles for updating our firmware. You will not be misled if you are clear about your purpose to update. The firmware released on our official website is to optimize the function of the camera, which can be updated by all users. The special firmware is provided to part of users to solve the unique problem they meet, which is not suitable for others if they have not met such issues. That is why we have not released them to the public. Some users beyond the DCT may update them by mistake which may cause unexpected issues.
And an even bigger question is: what is the process for managing the introduction of firmware updates? Right now, the process looks a bit chaotic. It appears that there are firmware updates on the "official" website, firmware updates supplied to individuals in Dash Cam Forum to "try" to solve reported problems, and defacto firmware updates in the newer releases of the product.

@VIOFO-Support @viofo As a former software senior product manager, I would like to propose that customers need a single source of "truth." In my observation, it seems like there are too many sources now... the support page on, postings of updates from Viofo in specific threads here in DCT, and now by word-of-mouth from newer product users. I would propose that such a single source be a firmware support page that collects and distributes any and all firmware updates that have been made available publicly. This would include "personalized" updates supplied here in DCT as well as the "planned" updates to existing product users, and also the updates that are found to be a part of the newer releases of the hardware.. Such a posting would ideally be accompanied by a brief explanation of what changes are being made, information about whether any or all of the firmware updates are targeted for existing product users... and a recommendation to install or perhaps a warning to existing users not to install, if applicable.

I think the rapid response of @viofo to the problems and the creation of the rapid firmware updates to address these problems has been great. But creating a single go-to source (for "personalized" as well as "planned" updates) along with the transparency inherent in such a solution would, in my opinion, go a long way towards reducing the confusion that the technically-inclined product owners, such as the people on DCT, have about what's the best way to ensure that the product(s) they own are up to date.
Your request is reasonable, and rooted in common sense.
It'll never work. lol
Well I just want to clarify that I bought a new dashcam and got confused after cross checking my firmware with the Viofo website. Its a new unit which I received two days back from Viofo Aliexpress store. Then what I assume that this firmware is buggy or Viofo wants us to test as beta user ? Otherwise whoever buy a new will get new firmware

It shows a big gap between your departments and company structure.
We talked about many times but even beta testers and preproduction reviewers should aks new FW via PM. It is not usefull for all of us - we disturb Bill or other person many times. VS just get automatically new test builds and increase feedback activity for Viofo products.
Even the new firmware is having issues, will update after getting feedback from Viofo team.
Thanks for your advice, we will optimize this part later. Actually, there are two principles for updating our firmware. You will not be misled if you are clear about your purpose to update. The firmware released on our official website is to optimize the function of the camera, which can be updated by all users. The special firmware is provided to part of users to solve the unique problem they meet, which is not suitable for others if they have not met such issues. That is why we have not released them to the public. Some users beyond the DCT may update them by mistake which may cause unexpected issues.
Why did @anu0512 receive V1.1_0629 from a online retailer, and why it is not available for public download yet?
Why did @anu0512 receive V1.1_0629 from a online retailer, and why it is not available for public download yet?
The V1.1_0629 is for optimizing the abnormal issues in WiFi usage, such as slowness or stuckness. It will not help much more than the firmware released on our official website. As we have explained, some firmware to solve special issues is not suitable or necessary for all the users to update. We really do not suggest updating firmware if there is no problem with using the camera.
I've noticed recently that I can't connect to the A139P using 5GHz at home and in the close neighborhood where some other WiFi networks are available.
Driving just 200~300m further "fixes" the issue and WiFi works like a charm.
AFAIR 2.4GHz was more immune to interference and I'll test it out at first opportunity.

It seems on this firmware 5Ghz WiFi finally works great with my S10e. It just switched flawlessly and I already used it a few times without any problems.
Thanks for the fix!

On v1.1_0605 l couldn't even connect using 5Ghz and since I had no time to deal with that, I left it on 2.4Ghz.

On whatever version I had before that, 5Ghz issues were also present but it was kind of working, probably not too stable, I don't remember.
I wrote the above when was in a different location and back then I didn't connect that fact with the issue. It seemed that firmware update was the primary change but when I came back home from vacation, connection issues came back too.
One day I couldn't connect for like ~15mins and eventually drove away leaving WiFi on. Got a little surprised when it automagically connected few hundred meters further and that got me thinking.
Later I confirmed that simply getting out of such zone is enough to get 5GHz WiFi working again.
It looks like A139P @ 5GHz can be unusable in some areas, probably due to interference with higher number of WiFi networks (my router catches around 20).
I've noticed recently that I can't connect to the A139P using 5GHz at home and in the close neighborhood where some other WiFi networks are available.
Driving just 200~300m further "fixes" the issue and WiFi works like a charm.
AFAIR 2.4GHz was more immune to interference and I'll test it out at first opportunity.
Have you tried to forget the wifi in your home and then connect to the camera wifi? If you have remembered the home wifi, it will interfere with the connection between the camera and your phone. Actually, 5GHz is less likely to experience interference from other devices than 2.4GHz due to the smaller using range.
Got a VIOFO A139 PRO 2CH directly from China 20230802( or for Americans 08/02/23:-)) and it also has firmware: VIOFO A139P_V1.1_0629.
So there doesn't seem to be any newer than the firmware discussed in the thread.