VIOFO A229 Pro (Front & Rear) and TYPE-C HK4 HARDWIRE KIT


New Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Hello all

Just got this DC.

Q. Fuse tap... The tap comes preinstalled with an fuse. Do I need to be looking out for a certain Amp (A) on this taps fuse? (What size fuse does the dashcam need both ACC and fulltime power).

Q. What are the current recommendation for high heat environments for Parking Mode. (LBR or ???)
(I'm in Australia. Car is outside facing morning sun. Summer is brutal here. Car could on occasions exceed 40C in cabin).

Thank you
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Q. Fuse tap... The tap comes preinstalled with an fuse. Do I need to be looking out for a certain Amp (A) on this taps fuse? (What size fuse does the dashcam need both front and rear).
The dashcam fuse should be between 2A and 5A, doesn't make any difference which value in that range.
Use the original car fuse in the other slot, for the car equipment.
If it has come with a 20A fuse, don't use that for the dashcam!

Q. What are the current recommendation for high heat environments for Parking Mode. (LBR or ???)
(I'm in Australia. Car is outside facing morning sun. Summer is brutal here. Car could on occasions exceed 40C in cabin).
I use low bitrate, but I am in the UK!

All the parking modes use approximately the same. power, so generate the same heat, so it doesn't really matter which you use. The camera will shut down to protect itself if it gets too hot.

The use of the parking duration timer may be sensible, if you don't need 24/7 recording.
Recording in high temperatures should shorten the camera lifetime, but we don't seem to have much evidence of this for Viofo cameras.
Thank you for the reply Nigel. All very helpful. As I have read here on this forum the exchange of experiences in recent months.

The... "The use of the parking duration timer may be sensible, if you don't need 24/7 recording." is very useful to know. Thanks. I didn't know the DC had this feature. Nice.
Thanks. I didn't know the DC had this feature. Nice.
I have mine set to three hours, so it records all my supermarket parking, fuel stops, etc., but doesn't empty the car battery and waste memory card lifetime while sitting in the garage recording blackness at night. No need to worry about dashcam parking mode batteries if you never empty your car battery. Everyone has different requirements though, some people they want it recording all day, but then press the power button to turn it off at night, and some people want parking mode mainly for night time use.