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Apr 7, 2023
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United States
I have a VIOFO T130 and I had it hardwired, I want the parking mode feature, but it seems to keep the cam on Permanently. Is this how parking mode works?

I thought it would shut off and then just turn on if it detects motion or gets bumped.
What parking mode do you have it set to?

Do you have parking mode files on your card? Check to ensure it's actually entering parking mode.

When in parking mode, the camera will never shut down. In time lapse and low bitrate, it will always be recording. In auto event detection, it will stop recording and no motion is being sensed, then record when motion is seen, but it will not shut off.
What parking mode do you have it set to?

Do you have parking mode files on your card? Check to ensure it's actually entering parking mode.

When in parking mode, the camera will never shut down. In time lapse and low bitrate, it will always be recording. In auto event detection, it will stop recording and no motion is being sensed, then record when motion is seen, but it will not shut off.
I have the Parking mode set to "auto event detection" and i do have parking mode files on the camera I'm just not sure if its just 24/7 continuous files or if its just parking mode files from when it detects motion and kicks on and starts recording.

it is hard to tell because some of the files time stamps seem to be off. For example this morning when i went to my car to see if parking mode was working i went to the file i thought was most recent and it said it was 04/08/23 17:00, when i was checking this out it was 04/08/23 09:00! so the date was right but in was saying that it was 5pm when it was 9am.

As i am writing this right now it still isn't even 5pm lol its only 11:36am
it is hard to tell because some of the files time stamps seem to be off. For example this morning when i went to my car to see if parking mode was working i went to the file i thought was most recent and it said it was 04/08/23 17:00, when i was checking this out it was 04/08/23 09:00! so the date was right but in was saying that it was 5pm when it was 9am.

As i am writing this right now it still isn't even 5pm lol its only 11:36am
Make sure you have the T130's time zone selection set to the correct one for your location. You also need to change it at each DST transition (spring/fall). That could explain the time stamp of the files being off from the local time. Are just the time stamps of the files on the microSD off or are the date/time values in the status line of the recorded video off as well?
Make sure you have the T130's time zone selection set to the correct one for your location. You also need to change it at each DST transition (spring/fall). That could explain the time stamp of the files being off from the local time. Are just the time stamps of the files on the microSD off or are the date/time values in the status line of the recorded video off as well?
I am pretty sure i have it on the right one... although its also confusing at first bc it just says GMT 1 2 3 4 etc etc I live on the east coast (Massachusetts) so i was expecting for it to have a EST for Eastern Standard Time but it does not have that it just has GMT 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 which means nothing to me (or the avg person)

That being said i have it set on GMT -4 which i believe correlates to EST or eastern standard time. but i also like to drive with my camera not connected to WIFI. Unless i am trying to jump into the app and connect to the camera to look at files or adjust settings I turn the WIFI of the camera off. i dont like to stay connected to the WIFI with the camera because then i cant use my phone bc it says connected but without internet which makes me not able to stream my music.

i wonder if me disconnecting from wifi messes the time up
Parking mode set to "auto event detection" and i do have parking mode files on the camera I'm just not sure if its just 24/7 continuous files or if its just parking mode files from when it detects motion and kicks on and starts recording.

If your using the viofo hardwire kit (3 wire) the Dashcam will remain on until the car battery drops below the cut off voltage eg 11.8 or higher (slide switch on the side of the unit determines what voltage it will cut off at)

i thought was most recent and it said it was 04/08/23 17:00, when i was checking this out it was 04/08/23 09:00!

Check you have the date set correctly. In the US it's usually mm/dd/yyyy. Check it in the app.

i have it set on GMT -4 which i believe correlates to EST or eastern standard time.

That's correct for this time of year but in Nov you'll have to change it to -5 due to daylight savings?

wonder if me disconnecting from wifi messes the time up

What version of the app eg latest Google/iPhone.
What version is the firmware installed on the Dashcam.

WIFI with the camera because then i cant use my phone bc it says connected but without internet which makes me not able to stream my music.

Good point.
This never used to be the case. Don't know what the logic was to alter it.
I keep forgetting to disable 4G to view live footage.

Welcome to the forum.

I think the handover are default to instant on the T130, so it change to it at once, so i would sort off assume it create at least one event file the moment you slam the door, but i have to admit i am not familiar with the auto event detection parking guard mode.
You can set a delay for the parking mode engagement, so you dont get a event created when you slam the door, i have done that CUZ while i use low bitrate that always record anyway, then i also have the G-sensor for while parked on, and that is what trigger and create a event.
The triggered event go in the RO folder, but otherwise the low bitrate always record parking guard files are just there among the regular recordings, they are however easy to spot as the low bitrate files are much smaller than normal files.
So i now use a 90 second delay for parking guard to hand over, so i often get back to my car to hear ( parking guard enabled / 2 channels recording )

The auto event detection mode you use i think are a mix of G - sensor and motion detect, you can always test if the G-sensor are working by sitting in the car until parking mode are enabled, and then with a finger flick the camera.
Personally i use the most sensitive G-sensor setting i can for when parked, when i drive i do not use parking guard as it can create false events from driving over potholes ASO, and i want to keep my RO / event folder as clean as possible.

If you have high G-sensor sensitivity, you can also slap the windscreen from the outside, and probably also kick one of your rims with the sole of your foot to set off the G-sensor.

You can also try to change to low bitrtate recording , just to see in the parking mode do engage as it should, or with auto event detection move your hand / fingers in front of camera lens and then flick the camera housing, i think in that mode motion wake up the camera, but it will actually not make a recording before there also are a G-sensor event.

you can also test the manual event button ( i use that all the time for saving the little things on the road i want to share ) those files will also go strait to the RO / event folder and be safe in there,,,, well for a while at least if you generate a lot of event files i think they are also recycled in the end like the ordinary files also will then the memory card fill up, but fear not if you have a reasonable sized memory card you have room for a lot of event files.
Actually i only look at the RO folder once a month, and even so as i do not generate a lot of events, well i have event footage lying in there going back months.

Using 256 GB memory cards, and driving less than most folks ( i think 15 minutes or so daily ) i have regular footage going back a long time too, so if i suddenly right now remembered something from last Sunday i want to save but have not locked, well it would still be there in the regular files.

I also use the timer function in the camera as i do not park much out on the town and at home i have CCTV on my parked car ( camera on my 2 floor balcony aimed at my car parked in the back yard where right now at 1:30 AM it is pitch black, but the CCTV camera have IR light so i see everything clear as day )
SO i use 3 hours on the timer to go easy on the little battery in my little car.

Do play around with your system, you can always hit the reset to default button in the APP to start all over.

Generally i use default settings aside for

Best possible image quality
G-sensor OFF when driving or on LOW if off are not a option
3 minute video segments
Time & date stamp + speed stamp ( KMH )
And then i set the time zone, which now are +2 for Denmark as we have entered summer time, in the winter we are the +1 dictated by the countrys placement on the world map. ( the latter i call actual time )
The dashcams like our computer and phone can not automatic account for summer time, so we have to do that with the time zone ( well at least if we have the GPS on and use it )
So now in Denmark we are +1 for the time zone we are in and +1 more to compensate for summer time, so +2 in total.
I of course have GPS on, no need to hide speed ASO as it can and will always be determined from the video in a court, as no one will trust a cheap GPS antenna in a camera.
And then of course the parking guard related settings i want.
Welcome to the forum.

I think the handover are default to instant on the T130, so it change to it at once, so i would sort off assume it create at least one event file the moment you slam the door, but i have to admit i am not familiar with the auto event detection parking guard mode.
You can set a delay for the parking mode engagement, so you dont get a event created when you slam the door, i have done that CUZ while i use low bitrate that always record anyway, then i also have the G-sensor for while parked on, and that is what trigger and create a event.
The triggered event go in the RO folder, but otherwise the low bitrate always record parking guard files are just there among the regular recordings, they are however easy to spot as the low bitrate files are much smaller than normal files.
So i now use a 90 second delay for parking guard to hand over, so i often get back to my car to hear ( parking guard enabled / 2 channels recording )

The auto event detection mode you use i think are a mix of G - sensor and motion detect, you can always test if the G-sensor are working by sitting in the car until parking mode are enabled, and then with a finger flick the camera.
Personally i use the most sensitive G-sensor setting i can for when parked, when i drive i do not use parking guard as it can create false events from driving over potholes ASO, and i want to keep my RO / event folder as clean as possible.

If you have high G-sensor sensitivity, you can also slap the windscreen from the outside, and probably also kick one of your rims with the sole of your foot to set off the G-sensor.

You can also try to change to low bitrtate recording , just to see in the parking mode do engage as it should, or with auto event detection move your hand / fingers in front of camera lens and then flick the camera housing, i think in that mode motion wake up the camera, but it will actually not make a recording before there also are a G-sensor event.

you can also test the manual event button ( i use that all the time for saving the little things on the road i want to share ) those files will also go strait to the RO / event folder and be safe in there,,,, well for a while at least if you generate a lot of event files i think they are also recycled in the end like the ordinary files also will then the memory card fill up, but fear not if you have a reasonable sized memory card you have room for a lot of event files.
Actually i only look at the RO folder once a month, and even so as i do not generate a lot of events, well i have event footage lying in there going back months.

Using 256 GB memory cards, and driving less than most folks ( i think 15 minutes or so daily ) i have regular footage going back a long time too, so if i suddenly right now remembered something from last Sunday i want to save but have not locked, well it would still be there in the regular files.

I also use the timer function in the camera as i do not park much out on the town and at home i have CCTV on my parked car ( camera on my 2 floor balcony aimed at my car parked in the back yard where right now at 1:30 AM it is pitch black, but the CCTV camera have IR light so i see everything clear as day )
SO i use 3 hours on the timer to go easy on the little battery in my little car.

Do play around with your system, you can always hit the reset to default button in the APP to start all over.

Generally i use default settings aside for

Best possible image quality
G-sensor OFF when driving or on LOW if off are not a option
3 minute video segments
Time & date stamp + speed stamp ( KMH )
And then i set the time zone, which now are +2 for Denmark as we have entered summer time, in the winter we are the +1 dictated by the countrys placement on the world map. ( the latter i call actual time )
The dashcams like our computer and phone can not automatic account for summer time, so we have to do that with the time zone ( well at least if we have the GPS on and use it )
So now in Denmark we are +1 for the time zone we are in and +1 more to compensate for summer time, so +2 in total.
I of course have GPS on, no need to hide speed ASO as it can and will always be determined from the video in a court, as no one will trust a cheap GPS antenna in a camera.
And then of course the parking guard related settings i want.
wow thats alot lol.... i am going to have to get familiar with this T130... i like it i just have to learn it and get better acclimated to it. this will take some time. thank you for your input!
Well it is not like Dashcams have a steep learning curve, most often you can slam it in and it will record right away ( might have to in camera format memory card first )

But there are a few things in settings you might want to take a look at, not least image quality which should always be the best one, and then of course setting the clock, either manual or by setting the time zone ( +/- summer time ) and let the GPS antenna take care of the rest.
I have tested a few viofo cameras lately, and the T130 was also a walk in the park, just installe it, set it up the way i like, and then once in a while put on a new firmware when Viofo released one.
It was in my car for nearly a year, and since then have also spent some months in my living room window doing 8 hours of recording every day, these are interrupted recordings lasting a hour each with 30 min to 1 hour breaks in between.

Mind you i do not test ALL options when i test a camera, so for instance parking guard, well here i do use my favorite mode of low bitrate, and of course i also do not test every single setting combination, so i assume someone could still find a combination of factors that could make the camera behave less fortunate, it seem so looking at these forums, but for me the camera never missed a beat.

It would be a good idea to make sure there are no slack in the wires right where the plug into the different units, rear cameras are know for messing things up if they are not plugged in fully or the wire have been compromised.
On rear cameras i use a few of the provided wire clips to hold the wire from the camera on the top / middle of my rear hatch and then off to a side, where i do have a loop of wire where the transition from rear hatch to C piller happen.
Well it is not like Dashcams have a steep learning curve, most often you can slam it in and it will record right away ( might have to in camera format memory card first )

But there are a few things in settings you might want to take a look at, not least image quality which should always be the best one, and then of course setting the clock, either manual or by setting the time zone ( +/- summer time ) and let the GPS antenna take care of the rest.
I have tested a few viofo cameras lately, and the T130 was also a walk in the park, just installe it, set it up the way i like, and then once in a while put on a new firmware when Viofo released one.
It was in my car for nearly a year, and since then have also spent some months in my living room window doing 8 hours of recording every day, these are interrupted recordings lasting a hour each with 30 min to 1 hour breaks in between.

Mind you i do not test ALL options when i test a camera, so for instance parking guard, well here i do use my favorite mode of low bitrate, and of course i also do not test every single setting combination, so i assume someone could still find a combination of factors that could make the camera behave less fortunate, it seem so looking at these forums, but for me the camera never missed a beat.

It would be a good idea to make sure there are no slack in the wires right where the plug into the different units, rear cameras are know for messing things up if they are not plugged in fully or the wire have been compromised.
On rear cameras i use a few of the provided wire clips to hold the wire from the camera on the top / middle of my rear hatch and then off to a side, where i do have a loop of wire where the transition from rear hatch to C piller happen.
Yeah should be a straight forward for the most part... it was fine the first time I had it installed. Last year in August, but apparently the person i had installed it made an error when they did, so my camera only recorded when I turned the car on. Which I was fine with at first. Until I wanted parking mode on bc I have valuable things in my car like a uniden r8 radar detector and subwoofers.

I just recently brought it back to where I had it hardwired with the hk4 kit to tell them my parking mode wasn't working because I had no parking files on the app or even when I took the memory card to my laptop. They then re wired it and now I have parking mode. And the camera stayed illuminated even when I turned the car off, so I wasn't used to seeing that. But someone told me in parking mode the actual camera never powers down. It just stops recording when it doesn't see movement, but will always have lights on

I have only had this setup for 2 days now and I'm just making sure everything is doing what it's supposed to in parking mode. Which I will check on the parking files in about an hour to see what I'm working with. Just ironing out the small kinks and quirks.

I appreciate your informative replies.
I been thinking lately, when i get a new car in a few years, maybe it is time for BIG audio again, though i do not think i will go 3 X 12" each on 500 W AMP again.
But a single subwoofer and replace the factory speakers would be nice, the car is the only place i listen to music now.

Yeah some modes the camera are sleeping and wake up on a trigger like G-sensor or movement, these are most often with a buffer so you get a few seconds before the trigger event, and then they might go back to sleep again half a minute after the event.
I am not super fan of that so i use the low bitrate that record all the time, but maybe i find that best as after all i only use that for 3 hours on the timer, at home i have a CCTV camera on my #2 floor balcony door, CUZ at night the back yard are pitch blcak so a dashcam in parking guard mode will not see a lot, even if a PIR light in the back yard come on with movement there.
So right now it look like this on my PC.

The + is i have this open in a #2 window when i am at the PC, but i also get notifications on my phone and a tablet on my bedside table, meaning i can react at once.
The system have AI motion detect, so only human shape and vehicle shape set off a event notification, and as i am zoomed in on the car some 30 yards away, and film from above i have nothing in the background that could set off false events.
Also being zoomed in, i can actually get a capture that give me a chance if identifying a vandal / thief, so i can go strait to judge Dredd mode with confidence.

As i am retired well i do not have parking at work to think about, and all my shopping are done in 30 minutes tops

I use to just have 1 hour on the timer, but then last year visiting my little sister my car was hit 2 hours or so after i parked there, fortunately a little old lady had taken the plate of the offender so insurance took care of that problem.
So i upped the timer to 3 hours as i prefer to not rely on chance or other people in general.