What is the worst thing ever happened to you and your dashcam?

The main reason i got into dashcams way back in the days was,,,,,,Cyclists.

Now here in Denmark, which is one of the worlds most cyclist evolved countries, well if you grace a cyclist with your car, then you have to retake your license, and thats both the theoretical and practical part.
And i am also okay with that if i have done something stupid, but the way many cyclists drive here, chance are if i or anyone get in a alteration with one of them, chance are it is their own bloody fault.
And i will go thru hell and high water before i retake my license on the account of one such A-hole.

For sure i am also not a flawless motorist, even if my insurance have me pegged as a elite driver due to decades of not ruining my car or creating accidents.
BUT ! i am working on my shortcomings as i am after all aware of them, many other people seem to be both unaware and careless in that regard.

I have filmed a old guy running a red light, and almost running over a old couple in the crosswalk ( now deleted along with mu old google accounts )
I also filmed another accident again a car running a red light, and that time it did go crash as the car was T-boned by a car, here police got my footage as the driver ran, and the driver was one of the usual suspects.
Worst thing though was probably the kid i recorded driving on the sidewalk and bicycle path overtaking cars on the right side, and to trump that the police dident even care,,,,, before i brought in a TV station.
BUT ! i am done reporting people to the police, i would rather go vigilant on their punk behinds nowadays.

A few years ago i ran a red light myself, was stopped there alright, but then then the people turning left got a green arrow i set in motion and crossed while it was red for me going strait,,,,,,, fortunately though very rare, my brain choose to forget that embarrassment, so i did not upload my blunder on my youtube account, but i would have done that just fine.
In the end I did, but it was quite stressful and getting compensation out of the police was like getting blood out of a stone.