What make of dashcam has most reliable Parking Mode auto-detection?


Active Member
Jan 29, 2021
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I have very bad experiences using the Viofo A129 Duo in parking mode. It consistently misses large chucks of motion detection. The gap of time where it does NOT record can be from 1/2 hour to hours. This from using it for close to a year. I park my car in a high traffic area in great light. It should be detecting motion constantly. But the recorded files have large gaps including when I am approaching the car from behind.

The other option is to record in low-bit rate Parking Mode but the number of files created is enormous. That is why they created Auto-Detection so only motion is recorded. Makes it easier to go thru the videos and not have to search thru hundreds of videos.

If there is software that will chain all files together (Rear+R+R+R etc.) and play it one after the other automatically or as one big file and I can fast-forward, that may work. But I doubt such software exists.

From your experience, what Duo or non-Duo) dashcam works reliably in Parking Mode using motion detection?
Here's a thread that talks about concatenating the videos:

This is what I'm using in PowerShell on a Windows computer. I manually copy the files to my computer and create a new folder that I name with the yyyy-MM-dd format. I then copy everything with the exception of the last line and paste it into a powershell window and press enter. After the first FFMPEG command is finished running I'll copy and paste the last line to concatenate all of the rear files.

You'll need to update the $path variable to wherever you copy and paste all the parking mode files on your computer. Also, you'll need to install FFMPEG on your computer and update the path accordingly.

$path = "R:\Dashcam\Review"
$date = get-date -format "yyyy-MM-dd"

cd $path\$date

new-item -name "Front" -ItemType "directory"
new-item -name "Rear" -ItemType "directory"
get-childitem | where {$_.name -match "F.MP4"} | move-item -destination .\Front\
get-childitem | where {$_.name -match "R.MP4"} | move-item -destination .\Rear\

get-childitem  $path\$date\Front | foreach { "file " + "'$($_.fullname)'" } | set-content $path\$date\inputfilesfront.txt -encoding Ascii

get-childitem  $path\$date\Rear | foreach { "file " + "'$($_.fullname)'" } | set-content $path\$date\inputfilesrear.txt -encoding Ascii

#Without re-encoding

R:\Installers\ffmpeg-4.4-full_build\ffmpeg-4.4-full_build\bin\ffmpeg.exe -f concat -safe 0 -i R:\Dashcam\Review\$date\inputfilesfront.txt -c copy R:\Dashcam\Review\$date\front.mp4

R:\Installers\ffmpeg-4.4-full_build\ffmpeg-4.4-full_build\bin\ffmpeg.exe -f concat -safe 0 -i R:\Dashcam\Review\$date\inputfilesrear.txt -c copy R:\Dashcam\Review\$date\rear.mp4

I've noticed the same issue with parking mode as you. However, I decided I would rather review whatever footage parking mode caught instead of reviewing all of the low bitrate footage, even when I'm looking at at 10x. I mainly just view it to get a glimpse at what is happening around my car and I don't think there's much chance of someone hitting it where I park. However, I guess I could turn on the low bitrate mode and only review it if I notice damage to my car.
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Thinkware and Blackvue are reliable when it comes to parking mode.
Motion sensor and G-sensor (Impact detection) events.

I personally use timelapse + impact (high sensitivity g-sensor setting) for parking surveillance.