Will a CPL help?


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
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Hi All,
Finished installing my cam. Went for a drive around the block and viewed the video. Noticed a reflection in the middle of the screen. Can't seem to pinpoint where it's coming from. Only happens when the sun is out.
Vehicle is a 2001 Mitsubishi Pajero (Montero in the US, Shogun in the UK). Cam is mounted to the right of the rear vision mirror. Cam settings are default out of the box.

Frame 2016.08.24 13-00-43 (0-02-05.202).jpg
Overcast view, dash reflection across the bottom not too bad.

Frame 2016.08.24 13-01-09 (0-02-31.330).jpg
Dappled sunlight. Some dash reflection in the lower left and across the bottom, but what's the big reflection in the middle?

Frame 2016.08.24 13-02-26 (0-03-48.920).jpg
Will a CPL fix this?
Thanks, will order one and see how it goes.
Can you believe these guys!!!!!!!!!
Ordered a CPL filter yesterday arvo and it arrived today.....
You blokes better slow down, you'll have a heart attack!!!!
Major props to Rick, thanks.

OK, the CPL has made a difference. Same road, approx same area's, but the weather wasn't the same. Later in the day so the sun was pretty low. Even so, the reflections are reduced.

Had to put the thicker mount on as the CPL filter pointed the lens to low.

Frame 2016.08.25 16-14-01 (0-02-29.153).jpg
Frame 2016.08.25 16-14-29 (0-02-57.089).jpg
Frame 2016.08.25 16-15-45 (0-04-13.054).jpg
Yep, I needed to put the thicker mount on mine as well. I only did it yesterday. With the thinner mount the filter was touching the windscreen and wouldn't go up high enough.