WonVon MT1

No sweat buddy, we are here to generate smiles,,,,, and sad faces on idiot drivers getting busted by dash / handlebar cameras :)

Hope we will see some scenic footage from you some day,,,,, no piling up into tractor trailers.
@kamkar I actually have 3 cams! Front & rear and have another on my helmet which is looking whenever I am.
I’ve got some great footage on my YouTube channel while riding “The Back of the Dragon” from Marion, Virginia to Tazwell, Virginia. I’m including the link to the helmet cam footage.

Motorcycle is about the one thing i am not licensed for, and probably for the better, my driving when i was younger was atrocious, i have even managed to drive my little German 3 door hatchback on 2 wheels in a suburban area.
And brakes i almost had to do once a year due to my aggressive driving style.
Still i have never gotten a speeding ticket, or crashed a car so in the eyes of my insurance i am a elite driver.
I did get a 660 CCM Yamaha quadbike in 2006 when i was in my early 40ties, but did not have the stamina to enjoy it on the dirt track, so instead i turned to stunt driving it, which was great fun, i sure do miss the adrenaline / dopamine kicks it gave me.


Never did Deal's Gap or many of the other twisties though I wanted to. As good as the internet is for finding things, it brings the masses in who tend to ruin the places :(Such as this becomes both heavily patrolled and full of people exceeding their skills who can take you out with them :mad: But there's some good local roads in the hills near me which don't get spoken of a lot online and I did get to enjoy those routes. I'll probably not ever ride again but at least I did get to enjoy the experience :cool:

MT1 should with our brand B1M motorcycle APP also. You can have a try?
Question @estore009 . I thought the “AV” plug on my unit was for an external microphone. Yet when I plug it in, my screen goes blank. I’m including a picture of the connector I’m using.
Does it take a special remote microphone or what?2F9158C6-9CD9-4FD4-A061-C160054CBE4A.jpeg
Only works with this supplied remote controller, which Mic is in the controller unit.
@estore009 The manual says the “AV” jack is for a remote microphone. If it is not for a microphone, then what is it for?
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