Yellow triangle (warning) on display and Menu will not come up


Jun 4, 2016
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
United States
Dash Cam
SG9665GC V2
There is a yellow triangle warning-like icon on the display, and I can't get Menu to open once camera is running. I stopped Recording, but still menu will not open. At first startup, I can get the menu open but once the camera is fully running, I can not get to menu. The other day I got into menu (right after fresh startup) and re-formated the SD card. That did not help. Still cant open menu.

I am on version SG20160809.V2

Also, what are all the "boxes with X" at the bottom of the screen for? The picture is right after startup and GPS did not find a signal at that time. But GPS works fine.


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you have to stop camera from recording before you can enter the menus. ( REC button stop / start recordings, exit menu auto start recording )
The triangle i think mean a event are being created which i think means you have G sensor on and maybe too sensitive, if that's the case your RO folder should be full / have a lot of files.

Those boxes are new to me, never seen those before.

I think you should try and load a new firmware, looking for a new firmware i think are one of the first things a camera would do in startup.

Have you checked the integrity of your memory card ? and what if you start up camera without a memory card in it, what happen then.

As i recall the older GC models can sit there and appear to be recording, but not really do that anyway due to a issue with the memory card or something,,, are you sure it are actually recording anything now ?
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Re-load/update the firmware to the latest and you should be good.
Thanks for the help. I know about stopping recording before opening Menu. That is not working. I have never seen that Yellow triangle/warnign before. If G-sensor is too sensitive, I'm not sure why it would show up now. I have not changed any settings since I installed this camera.

I'm not sure if the SD card is good or not. That is why I tried to re-format it that other day. I don't know if it worked or not, since the problem has not gone away. Maybe I should just get an new SD card now (they are not that expensive) to be sure.

A while back, I reported a similar (or same) problem here. That time I removed the SD card and tried to watch recordings on my computer but could not get any to play. I formatted the card then and I thought everything was working until now.

I will try to re-load or update the firmware. I assume I can find the latest version at the top of this forum (I'll look for it once I finish this post).

I did not see a place to get new firmware. Where is that file located?