Zipper merge denied!

thou shalt not pass

From my experience, where two completely independant lanes have to merge, everything goes well & the zipper works fine. The problems arise when you get two lanes merging as in a motorway or dual carriageway.
As one driver begins to move over, there is always some asshat right up his tailpipe looking to get just that extra car length ahead, as soon as there is room, they inevitable try to squeeze through then force their way over - and this is where problems arise.
If everyone would leave some space between them and the car in front and zipper merge, we would not have traffic jams or 45 car pile -ups.
It's insane how people fight to get ahead of you just so you can stare at the back of their head while both stuck in traffic.

And then there are these guys:
That's the same short piece of film repeated over and over again. :D
If everyone would leave some space between them and the car in front and zipper merge, we would not have traffic jams or 45 car pile -ups.
It's insane how people fight to get ahead of you just so you can stare at the back of their head while both stuck in traffic.

And then there are these guys:

LAME. they needed to include Samir and Michael's traffic experiences as well. They're WAY better than Peter's. :p