Mobius dash cam problem


Oct 25, 2020
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United Kingdom
I posted here a couple of years ago and was grateful that some members kindly sorted out a problem for me.
Today I have a new problem!
The thing that I first noticed which suggested there is a fault is that, whilst in use in the car, the red LED at the back of the camera was lit continuously, whereas it would normally be flashing red whilst recording. I assumed, therefore, that it was not recording. However, when I removed the SD card and inserted it into the computer's SD card reader, I can watch videos which were recorded correctly despite the red LED not flashing but lit continuously.
The dash cam seems unresponsive to anything and is not recognised by the Mobius Actioncam Configuration Utility when connected it to my computer using a USB cable.
When I press the power button, the blue LED underneath is lit continuously. To turn it off, I hold the power button for a few seconds. Beyond that, I can do nothing.
I should mention that I replaced the battery with a capacitor when I first got the camera. It is also worth mentioning that it is now a few years old!
I hope that someone with a better knowledge of the camera can help me with this.
Thank you for reading. John
When the RED LED on the back of the camera remains on without blinking it is usually an indication of a problem with the memory card. Try reformatting the card or replace the card.

I experienced this myself just the other day. Due to the changeover to Standard Time from Daylight savings time I reset the time in my Mobius cameras. One of my cameras has a 128 GB memory card installed in it which requires that it be formatted to exFAT. In my haste I forgot to use exFAT for formatting and went with the standard FAT32 format. Then, when I put the camera back in my vehicle it wouldn't work and the rear RED LED remained solidly lit. Realizing what I had done I reformatted the memory card to exFAT and the camera once again functions just fine.

Every once in a long while I've had a Mobius camera suddenly stop working and the RED LED remains solidly lit. The memory card in this case has reached the end of its life and simply needs to be replaced.
When the RED LED on the back of the camera remains on without blinking it is usually an indication of a problem with the memory card. Try reformatting the card or replace the card.

I experienced this myself just the other day. Due to the changeover to Standard Time from Daylight savings time I reset the time in my Mobius cameras. One of my cameras has a 128 GB memory card installed in it which requires that it be formatted to exFAT. In my haste I forgot to use exFAT for formatting and went with the standard FAT32 format. Then, when I put the camera back in my vehicle it wouldn't work and the rear RED LED remained solidly lit. Realizing what I had done I reformatted the memory card to exFAT and the camera once again functions just fine.

Every once in a long while I've had a Mobius camera suddenly stop working and the RED LED remains solidly lit. The memory card in this case has reached the end of its life and simply needs to be replaced.
Thank you, Dashmellow.
I have two more SD cards, both 32Gb, and which have/had earlier recordings from the camera and which can be played back perfectly. I have reformatted one and tried that in the camera, but the end result is the same: a constant red LED.
This suggests to me that there may be a fault in the camera itself. I reset the camera by pushing a thin wire into the small hole at the back, but the problem remains.
I wonder whether the capacitor (which replaced the original battery) could be at fault. I have had the camera connected to the computer via a USB cable (actually I tried two) for quite a long time to ensure that the capacitor has had time to recharge. If so, replacing the capacitor would be much cheaper than buying a new camera!

If, at the end of the day, buying a new camera (and capacitor) would cost the best part of £100 so I'd prefer to avoid that if possible.
I'd be grateful to hear of any other suggestions. Thank you.
Is the camera recording properly? You said that you can play back videos that were recorded while the rear LED is on continuously?

When you remove external power, is the last file saved correctly?

When you connect the camera directly to your computer, can you access the files (removable drive mode)?
Is the camera recording properly? You said that you can play back videos that were recorded while the rear LED is on continuously?

When you remove external power, is the last file saved correctly?

When you connect the camera directly to your computer, can you access the files (removable drive mode)?
Thanks Tony.
Yes. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th recordings all seem to be OK, and I'm sure the red light was on constantly for at least part of those days, although my wife was out on her own on some occasions. Nothing yesterday, of course, as I had removed the camera.
Yes, normally when the engine is turned off (and power consequently turned off) I find that the last file has recorded properly.
When I connect the camera directly to the computer (via USB lead), I cannot connect to the camera and can read no recordings. The only way I can see the recordings is if I remove the SD card and insert it directly into the computer.
I'm afraid I don't know what 'removable drive mode' is.
On reflection, I assume that the capacitor is still working (at least to a point) as, if I remove the USB connection to the computer and attempt to turn the camera on, the solid blue LED lights without any external power.
Incidentally, (when connected to the computer via USB) I have also tried pressing the middle button when I'd expect the colour of the light to change, but it remains blue.
Thanks for your help.
So, you have established that the camera boots up, records video and saves the last file properly when external power is turned off. This is good. If the capacitor was faulty, it would not hold enough charge to close the last files and shut down normally.

If you try to turn on the camera without an external power supply, you might briefly see a light but the capacitor doesn't hold enough charge to turn on the camera and do anything. That is normal.

Removable drive mode is when the camera (with microSD card inserted) acts like a thumb drive. That's when you can read files directly from the camera.

When the camera has external power, can you manually do things like stop/start recording, change mode etc? Or does it only start and stop when external power is turned on and off?
So, you have established that the camera boots up, records video and saves the last file properly when external power is turned off. This is good. If the capacitor was faulty, it would not hold enough charge to close the last files and shut down normally.

If you try to turn on the camera without an external power supply, you might briefly see a light but the capacitor doesn't hold enough charge to turn on the camera and do anything. That is normal.

Removable drive mode is when the camera (with microSD card inserted) acts like a thumb drive. That's when you can read files directly from the camera.

When the camera has external power, can you manually do things like stop/start recording, change mode etc? Or does it only start and stop when external power is turned on and off?
Thanks again, Tony.
Actually, no, the blue LED remains lit for quite a long time even without being connected to power. I've turned it off before about half a minute as I don't want to completely discharge the capacitor.
Thanks, I now understand removable drive mode. That makes sense, of course.
I'm afraid I can do nothing even with power supplied via the USB cable. Certainly none of the above, other than turning it on and off with the power button. Again, only a solid blue LED lights.
I'm beginning to worry that the thing is well and truly broken. That's £80 or £90 for another one!
I'm afraid I can do nothing even with power supplied via the USB cable. Certainly none of the above, other than turning it on and off with the power button. Again, only a solid blue LED lights.
I'm beginning to worry that the thing is well and truly broken.
Well, I wouldn't say it's broken since it does record video OK.

It might just be a problem with the buttons. You have already taken it apart at least once to replace the battery with a capacitor. Have you tried opening it up again and poking around inside, checking for any loose connections?

Looking at the online instruction manual I found this:

Q. When the camera is turned on, the blue LED turns on. It may turn off after a second or two. The Mode and Shutter buttons don't react and I can't take any video or pictures. The camera is also not recognized by my PC as a removable drive. When connected to the PC the green LED may be on or off. The red LED may also blink 3 times while the camera turns off.
A. The lens module ribbon cable is not connected properly or the lens module is damaged.

Now, yours may not actually be damaged since you can actually record. But as I said above, it's probably worth checking the connections inside (capacitor and ribbon cable).
What happens if you connect the camera to the computer without a memory card inside? It should go into webcam mode so you can see the video feed in the Camera application.
Thanks Tony. I don't have time right now (or tomorrow until perhaps the evening) to take it apart, but I certainly intend to do so. If it is a simple disconnection, I'm sure I could have a go. I'll be in touch then.
I'll also try it without the SD card inside.
Hi Tony.
I have opened the camera and can see no disconnections or damage. I photographed the internals.
After reassembling the camera, I removed the SD card and have now plugged in the camera via USB lead.
The red LED at the back is on constantly and the LED underneath is flashing yellow.
If I press the power button, both lights go off. Pressing the power button, both light again.
The mode button changes nothing. Inserting the SD card, no red LED and the LED is now solid blue.
I removed that SD card and inserted the one which contains recent recordings. The rear LED is solid red and the LED underneath is now rapidly flashing yellow.
Pressing the power button turns both LEDs off. Pressing again and back to solid red and rapidly flashing yellow as before. The mode button does nothing.
I can now load and play recordings on the SD card on to my computer, but these are only seen as brief images, skipping intermittently along the recording.
On the other hand, the camera is now recognised by the ActionCam Configuration Utility.
After stopping the recordings playback, I can now select the camera on the Utility and have the option of changing settings. These appear to be as they were before, and I have not made any changes to them.
Removing the SD card after turning off the camera, then turning it back on restores the solid red LED at the back and the slowly flashing yellow LED underneath.
Inserting a needle into the small hole at the back turns the camera off. Turning it on again, the LED at the bottom flashes blue once, then back to the previous colours back and underneath.
I have supplied all the information I have and am at a loss as to what to do next.
I'm sorry to trouble you again, but I'd be grateful if you can suggest anything else I can do, and I really appreciate your time and trouble in doing this.

If, as I suspect, this camera has had it, I think I'd rather wait before buying one of the present models as a replacement after having read that they are not as good as the earlier generation! If a new model should appear, as has been suggested, I think it might be better to wait for that, and some independent reviews. At least I have one functioning camera in the car (at the front).

After reassembling the camera, I removed the SD card and have now plugged in the camera via USB lead.
What did you plug it into - a data USB (PC, laptop) or a power-only USB (wall charger, car charger etc)?

I can now load and play recordings on the SD card on to my computer, but these are only seen as brief images, skipping intermittently along the recording.
Is this with a cable connecting the camera to the computer? Do the same recordings play OK if you use a card reader?

On the other hand, the camera is now recognised by the ActionCam Configuration Utility.
After stopping the recordings playback, I can now select the camera on the Utility and have the option of changing settings.
Just a thought. Can you use the utility to reformat the card in the camera?
What did you plug it into - a data USB (PC, laptop) or a power-only USB (wall charger, car charger etc)?

Is this with a cable connecting the camera to the computer? Do the same recordings play OK if you use a card reader?

Just a thought. Can you use the utility to reformat the card in the camera?
Thanks for your suggestions.

Yes, I plugged it into the laptop using a data USB.

I can only play the old recordings by inserting the SD card into the computer (with an adaptor due to its small size). I can't view the recordings using the USB cable from the camera.

When it did connect to the utility, I didn't notice anything about reformatting the card. I'll have another look though.
Yes, I plugged it into the laptop using a data USB.
After reassembling the camera, I removed the SD card and have now plugged in the camera via USB lead.
The red LED at the back is on constantly and the LED underneath is flashing yellow.
If I press the power button, both lights go off. Pressing the power button, both light again.
The mode button changes nothing.
This is normal. The camera is in webcam mode when connected to a PC without a memory card. The mode button does not function when connected to a PC.

Inserting the SD card, no red LED and the LED is now solid blue.
This is not normal. When connected to a PC with a card inserted you should have a solid rear LED and solid yellow LED.

I removed that SD card and inserted the one which contains recent recordings. The rear LED is solid red and the LED underneath is now rapidly flashing yellow.
Pressing the power button turns both LEDs off. Pressing again and back to solid red and rapidly flashing yellow as before.
Again, not normal as the yellow LED should be solid, not flashing.

If you have not reformatted the card in a long time, this might help by resetting the File Allocation Table. You can use your computer's card reader, but be sure to format as FAT32, not exFAT. I use a small utility called FAT32-Formatter. Alternatively, if you can access the camera via mSetup, click on Tools then In-Camera Format.

Sorry, I'm out of any further ideas. You could try asking for help over at the RCG Mobius 1 Support Thread where Tom has much more extensive knowledge of troubleshooting this camera.
Several years ago a former DCT member gifted me a couple of Mobius cameras, parts and aftermarket lenses he didn't have a need for anymore. One of the cameras had essentially the same symptoms being reported here. Nothing I tried was able to resurrect it. I finally purchased a new motherboard for the camera and was back in business. Unfortunately, that solution is no longer possible, so a new Mobius camera, perhaps the forthcoming M1S seems the best way to go.
I have again connected the camera to the computer via the USB lead and it now shows solid red and solid yellow lights. Turning the camera off and then on again, following a short flash of the yellow light, both lights are solid red and yellow again and the camera is recognised by the configuration utility.
That gave me an option of installing firmware v2.41 so I clicked Install and the message said that this is the latest version.
The camera seems to turn off and back on again, and appears and can be selected on the utility.

I'm hoping that when I put the camera back in the car it might work properly.
I'd like to thank you for all your help. I'll add a note to confirm that it is now working properly... hopefully!

Good news! Hope it's fixed!

Occasionally, Mobius cameras do indeed die unexpectedly when an unknown component on the motherboard fails. It's rare but it happens.
This is normal. The camera is in webcam mode when connected to a PC without a memory card. The mode button does not function when connected to a PC.

This is not normal. When connected to a PC with a card inserted you should have a solid rear LED and solid yellow LED.

Again, not normal as the yellow LED should be solid, not flashing.

If you have not reformatted the card in a long time, this might help by resetting the File Allocation Table. You can use your computer's card reader, but be sure to format as FAT32, not exFAT. I use a small utility called FAT32-Formatter. Alternatively, if you can access the camera via mSetup, click on Tools then In-Camera Format.

Sorry, I'm out of any further ideas. You could try asking for help over at the RCG Mobius 1 Support Thread where Tom has much more extensive knowledge of troubleshooting this camera.
I saw an option to format the card on the configuration utility, as you suggested before, and did this. Having now turned on the camera, the rear light is solid red and the underneath light is solid yellow. It was formatted as FAT32, as you suggested.
Before formatting the card, the earlier recordings played back smoothly when the card was inserted into the computer's card reader, but when attempting to read the recordings via the camera the playback was very jerky. (Obviously, there is nothing to read from the card now.)

I have again connected the camera to the computer via the USB lead and it now shows solid red and solid yellow lights. Turning the camera off and then on again, following a short flash of the yellow light, both lights are solid red and yellow again and the camera is recognised by the configuration utility.
That gave me an option of installing firmware v2.41 so I clicked Install and the message said that this is the latest version.
The camera seems to turn off and back on again, and appears and can be selected on the utility.

I'm hoping that when I put the camera back in the car it might work properly.
I'd like to thank you for all your help. I'll add a note to confirm that it is now working properly... hopefully!
Several years ago a former DCT member gifted me a couple of Mobius cameras, parts and aftermarket lenses he didn't have a need for anymore. One of the cameras had essentially the same symptoms being reported here. Nothing I tried was able to resurrect it. I finally purchased a new motherboard for the camera and was back in business. Unfortunately, that solution is no longer possible, so a new Mobius camera, perhaps the forthcoming M1S seems the best way to go.
Thanks. If Tony's ideas haven't worked, I shall have to buy a new camera. The one advertised on Car Camera Shop UK is only described as Mobius Action Camera and appears to be the same as the models I have. No mention of 'M1S'.
Of course, this will cost over £100 including capacitor (and mount, which I don't really need) and VAT! I suppose it's worth it, though. I might get the wife to buy me one for Christmas, if necessary!
Thanks. If Tony's ideas haven't worked, I shall have to buy a new camera. The one advertised on Car Camera Shop UK is only described as Mobius Action Camera and appears to be the same as the models I have. No mention of 'M1S'.
Of course, this will cost over £100 including capacitor (and mount, which I don't really need) and VAT! I suppose it's worth it, though. I might get the wife to buy me one for Christmas, if necessary!

The M1S is a new model that is not yet on the market. It is said to be a new version of the M1 but with higher resolution. It's all rather speculative at the moment.
The M1S is a new model that is not yet on the market. It is said to be a new version of the M1 but with higher resolution. It's all rather speculative at the moment.
Thank you. No doubt the higher resolution will be accompanied by a higher cost! Pardon my sarcasm.
Several years ago a former DCT member gifted me a couple of Mobius cameras, parts and aftermarket lenses he didn't have a need for anymore. One of the cameras had essentially the same symptoms being reported here. Nothing I tried was able to resurrect it. I finally purchased a new motherboard for the camera and was back in business. Unfortunately, that solution is no longer possible, so a new Mobius camera, perhaps the forthcoming M1S seems the best way to go.
Don't remember which were the symptoms, but I succesfully saved a Mobius motherboard by reflow-baking it in the oven (killing the mic in the process...but then I installed an external mic plug-in switch).