dr650 series

  1. Joshua Kriegshauser

    SD card unformattable after brief stint in DR650GW-2CH

    Two days ago I installed my newly-purchased DR650GW-2CH in my wife's 2011 Honda Odyssey. I also have a previous one in my Nissan Maxima that I installed myself almost a year ago. In the Odyssey I wired the PMP into a blank/unused fuse that has 12v with ignition off and ACC, 12v on Accessory and...
  2. dhavie

    What happen to my DR650GW-2CH?? SD Card or Units?

    Well, I never done this before but today, out of the blue, when I hop up to my car I check my dashcam though the app, I was shock that I am not able to see any files. What had happen? The SD Card is there and seems all fine. Power not off because I have a Power pack. I off the Cam and pull out...
  3. dhavie

    BlackVue new model DR650GW-2CH IR

    Guys, I got this information from my local dealers in Philippines. I heard same specs but with IR for the rear cam ONLY. Don't know how much yet. Anyone have any idea?