30 to 60 second gap between files


Active Member
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
StreetGuardian SG9663DCPRO
My camera (SG9663DCPRO) I just realized has been leaving a gap between the end of one file and start of the next. Going by the timestamps added to the videos, the lost time varys between 30 seconds to just over 60 seconds. Is this a configuration setting I missed when rereading the manual? Thank you.
Sounds like a bad memory card. What make/model/size card came with your bundle? If you have a spare card to test with that will help confirm.
Also make sure you’re on the latest firmware and you’ve formatted the card in camera regularly especially after it’s accessed via computer
It is a SanDisk 400 GB card. I will check the firmware in the camera tomorrow (current is 1.10?) and also do a reformat in the camera and then drive some to see what happens.
OK, SDformatter completed last night with no errors. I inserted the card into the camera this morning and turned the vehicle on. Camera started up and then presented me with the "Please format..." blue box. When I press any key I am warned that I will delete everything on the card. I select "OK"... and then get the blue box again. Am I missing a step in the process?
Can I find out without an card in it?
OK, let me go check... V1.10
I only have this one microSD card.
Here is something. I tried copying the firmware file to it and it returned this error in Windows: 0x800701E3. I think it is messed up.
Will let you know the result.