A119 vs A119S Video Comparison - Quick Analysis

When we count number of glasses in the lens, does that included IR filter?
I think that should be the number of lens elements, the ones with curved surfaces to refract the light, so does not include the IR filter. But it probably depends on the manufacturer, some will want to count the IR filter to make the specification look better!
Oh man, my reviews would be so much better if I had the engineering and programming knowledge to answer this question. I think @jokiin and @viofo would be much better informed to deal with this question. I am also very interested as well.
I don't think anyone knows at this point, especially as some of the important firmware work is done by Novatek.

I think it is clear that in very dark conditions the A119S wins because with it's more sensitive sensor it is able to use higher ISO values, but under street lighting like the images in the OP there is not much difference. That probably indicates that there is some optimisation to be done on the A119S. For example the A119S is able to use higher ISO values to reduce motion blur, and maybe it is under normal street lighting, but since none of the images in the OP show much motion blur it may be better under street lighting to use a lower ISO value than it currently is to decrease the noise and improve image quality, doubling the motion blur may not matter when it is already not noticeable. However at higher speeds there will be more motion blur so a compromise has to be made, unless it can adjust the ISO/shutter speed equation based on GPS speed - more ISO as for faster speeds, less when parked at the red lights.
To check the focus you need to be outside looking at either text or something textured like tarmac or grass and then rotate the camera over, you will see if something that was in focus becomes blurry, indicating a lens issue.

You could also pivot to view a sign or some text between all corners and edges of the frame and see if it changes sharpness as you go.
Looking at comparison images, both cameras are blurred on the left side more than right one. A119 is sharper on right side than A119S. But also I cannot resist to say that A119 seems to be over-sharpened in postprocessing. It looks like result of unsharp mask filter from Photoshop. To be perfectly clear I'm not suggesting those images have been photoshoped. IMO A119 applies huge postprocessing IMO. Just look at all sharp lines for example power cables hanging next to road. Those are black, but surrounding by pixels brighter than the sky. It's artificial; technique to makes image subjectively sharper.
When we want to analysis down to the smallest detail of focus, would not be the right way to take it out of car to eliminate the windshield, when we compare them.
I have never heard any compare DSLR lenses, taken through a window.
All corner should also have the same distance to the lens. Center of the camera, would be a little less.
New Video

Did some comparisons on the left hand side which appears less blurry. A119S looks better and more on par with the A119. The corners the A119S definitely has a lead. In other parts the A119 is sharper. According to the owner of Street Guardian says the firmware has a ways to go so it's possible in the future the video quality will be improved.

Right now I do think the A119 remains better but that may change in the future.

Edit: I haven't moved both cameras over to the other side of my windshield, the videos are taken on the "better" side.
New Video

Did some comparisons on the left hand side which appears less blurry. A119S looks better and more on par with the A119. The corners the A119S definitely has a lead. In other parts the A119 is sharper. According to the owner of Street Guardian says the firmware has a ways to go so it's possible in the future the video quality will be improved.

Right now I do think the A119 remains better but that may change in the future.

Edit: I haven't moved both cameras over to the other side of my windshield, the videos are taken on the "better" side.
Excellent comparison, great presentation. My verdict... A119 is sharper and more clearer and the license plate came in better. A119 wins without a doubt. S model faded dull and not as good as the A119.....Maybe @viofo will have a fix soon... Really, at the present state the S model not worth that extra money
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Can we have a dark video, with no streetlights? It seems that your streetlights give enough light for both cameras, may get a very different result out in the countryside...
Can we have a dark video, with no streetlights? It seems that your streetlights give enough light for both cameras, may get a very different result out in the countryside...
I have seen a no streetlight comparison and the S model is much better but that's only one pro with many cons.
New Video

Did some comparisons on the left hand side which appears less blurry. A119S looks better and more on par with the A119. The corners the A119S definitely has a lead. In other parts the A119 is sharper. According to the owner of Street Guardian says the firmware has a ways to go so it's possible in the future the video quality will be improved.

Right now I do think the A119 remains better but that may change in the future.

Edit: I haven't moved both cameras over to the other side of my windshield, the videos are taken on the "better" side.

The A119 definitely looks better up to the 20 sec mark, then at the traffic stop and again 2:47 onwards. For the remainder of the video, the A119S looks a lot better, brighter and natural, IMO.

Both have their pros and cons under different situations. Not a big fan of the yellow hue to the video from the A119 at night. The scene needs to be lit up like a Christmas tree for the sharpness to be apparent; and of any use at night with the A119.
I have seen a no streetlight comparison and the S model is much better ...
That specific pro outweighs the current cons for me. I would choose A119S, with expectations of firmware tuning delivering future performance improvements.
I noticed that the A119S is sharper (less motion blur) during a turn (panning video). As soon as the car straightens out (the panning stops) the A119 is sharper again.
I think the 199S look alright for something new, perhaps that is due to me not really focusing on the small stuff.
I am sure as several brands start to push for better performance things will change soon.
Can we have a dark video, with no streetlights? It seems that your streetlights give enough light for both cameras, may get a very different result out in the countryside...

There's a bit in the first video. I'll pull up the clips once I get home as I drove through that a section a few times to get footage as that was important to me too.
Can we have a dark video, with no streetlights? It seems that your streetlights give enough light for both cameras, may get a very different result out in the countryside...

I have seen a no streetlight comparison and the S model is much better but that's only one pro with many cons.

That specific pro outweighs the current cons for me. I would choose A119S, with expectations of firmware tuning delivering future performance improvements.

@Mtz has a good video:

In my opinion, if you need a good rear dashcam or parking mode at night (minimal lighting situations), then the 119S shines. If mounted to the front windshield, the differences between the 119 and 119S are minimal IMO. The headlights cause the S to adjust the exposure and look similar to the 119. Maybe future firmware can improve upon the dynamic range to bring more details in the darker areas for the S.

Also, look at @blake mounted his 119s in the rear: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/a119s-exactly-what-i-wanted-for-rear.26334/
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It seems like the A119S is amazing in nightmode, do you expect the picture quality to improve with a firmware update?

I'm holding off buying the A119S until there are better reviews. I just bought the A119 for my GF. I have a G1W from 3 years ago and have started seeing more issues but I will wait until the summer maybe to buy a new camera. I just bought my dad the G1W-C because he doesn't need a great camera.
It seems like the A119S is amazing in nightmode, do you expect the picture quality to improve with a firmware update?

There's no straightforward answer. I think at this point it's going to a personal call. Right now the Viofo A119 is the better value but there are advantages with the A119S especially as the firmware matures overtime. I don't know how much better it's going to get.
thanks @AndrewL for a fantastic comparison once again, looking very forward to the inevitable full review on YouTube. No surprises there that the A119S lags behind the A119, though as you say once the firmware matures (not only Viofo's side, but Novatek and Sony providing any updates from their side for Viofo to work with), should be much better. Suppose it is a bit hard but considering the amount of cameras on sale from Viofo, they do need differentiation like they are doing with price points etc.