A119S Parking Mode Beta

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I just installed it on mine. I can confirm that the Parking Mode option is there and has a few different FPS settings (5, 10, and 30, I think), but I haven't tested it yet because I would need to move my fuse tap to a different slot for that. There also seems to be a new 720p120 resolution setting (yes, 120FPS!). Curiously, the version number as displayed on the camera is just 2.0 and doesn't have a "b" in it as previous betas have.
Parking mode seems to be a combination of motion sensor & time lapse.

However, I'm not really sure what engages parking mode when continuous recording is enabled. Seems a bit hit and miss when sitting here on my desk - need to test in-car.
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F.W V. 2.0 Parking Mode Beta - 1080p @ 60 FPS, WDR - On, CPL - No.

An inadvertent test of Parking Mode at a traffic signal.

Please lower the volume on your device. Subwoofer - ON. Parking Mode kicks in a little after 1:35.

No motion detected in the centre of the frame for 1:30, camera switched Parking Mode (set to 15 FPS.). Went back to Recording Mode (60 FPS) on sensing motion.

Screen stays OFF when the A119S switches back and forth from Recording Mode to Parking Mode. Colour of the Power button LED changes from red to green while in Parking Mode.

A gap of almost two seconds in the video when the A119S switches from Parking Mode to Recording Mode.

Looks like the motion sensitivity is set quite low, there was movement on the sides for most of those 90 seconds. Seems to be favouring the centre portion of the image or probably it was the distance from the moving objects. Thoughts?

Takes a while to react to motion and switch to Recording Mode while in Parking Mode, there was movement on the immediate sides of the car behind mine but still took a while to acknowledge the motion and switch back to Recording Mode.

Known bug still present - not switching to Parking Mode if there's a lot of movement around the car post coming to a halt. Behaving exactly how motion-detect was on 1.6 and how it's currently on the Beta for the A119.
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I saw a reply on Viofo Romania Facebook.... "What events cause parking mode to "trigger" when continuous recording is enabled?"

The G Sensor is telling to the camera to enter in parking Mode or in normal mode. After entering in parking mode the motion detection feature is telling to the camera to stay in Stand by or to record low FPS in parking mod videos.
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I saw a reply on Viofo Romania Facebook.... "What events cause parking mode to "trigger" when continuous recording is enabled?"

The G Sensor is telling to the camera to enter in parking Mode or in normal mode. After entering in parking mode the motion detection feature is telling to the camera to stay in Stand by or to record low FPS in parking mod videos.
With the Parking Mode enabled and the A119 recording normally (resolution/fps per the Menu setting), the A119 (and A119S I presume) must first enter the Standby mode where it stops recording after sensing no triggers (either G-sensor or motion detection) for 1.5 minutes. Once in the Standby mode, the A119 may enter Time-lapse recording if motion detection (not G-sensor) triggers are detected, or it may re-enter Normal recording if G-sensor triggers are detected. G-sensor triggers have priority over motion detection triggers and force the A119 to switch to Normal recording from either the Standby mode or Time-lapse recording. Hope this helps. Also see my interpretation of Harsh's video here: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/viofos-a119s.26309/page-13#post-351926.
Going to download and try on my A119S. Thank you!
F.W V. 2.0 Parking Mode Beta - 1080p @ 60 FPS, WDR - On, CPL - No.

Not working as intended. A119S doesn't acknowledge motion and keeps recording in Parking Mode (15 FPS).

1:12 - Switches from Parking Mode to Recording Mode.
2:50 - Switches back to Parking Mode.

Here's another example of just the Parking Mode clip, lots of movement but for some reason Recording mode doesn't trigger.

This one's in the driveway, again motion not sensed.

The above clip is three successive Parking Mode recordings of different lengths merged into one.

Aren't these supposed to be 90 seconds each?

Parking Mode clips are of different lengths and too many gaps in the recorded video during Parking Mode.

F.W V. 2.0 Parking Mode Beta - 1080p @ 60 FPS, WDR - On, CPL - No.

Again doesn't react to motion.

Reacts to change in lighting but quite slow. As mentioned earlier, sensitivity looks to be set on the lower side.
Not working as intended. A119S doesn't acknowledge motion and keeps recording in Parking Mode (15 FPS).
1:12 - Switches from Parking Mode to Recording Mode.
2:50 - Switches back to Parking Mode.

Analysis of your first video starting at 11:09:53: Triggers not so obvious as yesterday's video. The analysis below is what I think is happening but it is really not clear cut:
  • 11:09:53 - 11:12:16....................Video starts in Time-lapse, evidenced by 2X fast motion. Motion trigger not obvious but would have occurred in Standby mode (not recording) prior to going into Time-lapse recording.
  • 11:12:16 - 11:12:18....................2 second gap switching from Time-lapse to Normal recording. This should have been a G-sensor trigger at 11:12:16, but it's not obvious (no apparent car movement). G-sensor has priority over motion to force the A119 into Normal recording. A bump to the car or just getting in might trigger the G-sensor.
  • 11:12:18 - 11:13:56...................Normal recording until no triggers sensed for 1.5 minutes.
  • 11:13:56 - 11:14:06..................Recording Gap (no recording) - Standby mode. Occurs when no G-sensor or motion sensed in 1.5 minutes prior 11:13:56.
  • 11:14:06 - 11:17:06 (end)........Time-lapse recording evidenced by 2X fast motion, triggered by motion detection and continued past 1.5 minutes by sensing additional motion.
Here's another example of just the Parking Mode clip, lots of movement but for some reason Recording mode doesn't trigger.
While in Time-lapse recording or Standby mode (not recording), a G-sensor trigger is required to switch back to normal recording. A G-sensor trigger has priority over a motion detection trigger and will force Normal recording.
Aren't these supposed to be 90 seconds each?
Parking Mode clips are of different lengths and too many gaps in the recorded video during Parking Mode.
  • The Normal recording period usually lasts a minimum of 1.5 minutes. Normal recording file durations are usually from 1.5 minutes up to the Loop Recording time. There are a few exceptions like user interruption and Loop Recording carry-over files that can make the file shorter.
  • In a similar manner, Time-lapse recording period usually lasts a minimum of 1.5 real-time minutes unless interrupted by a G-sensor trigger that terminates the Time-lapse recording file and starts a Normal recording file. The same exceptions apply as with Normal recording that can also make the file shorter. Time-lapse file durations can vary from zero+ up to the a time value seemingly unrelated to the Loop Recording menu setting. In Parking Mode, the Time-lapse real-time Loop Recording time in minutes = 60/PM fps, or the following:
Parking Mode fps = 1fps...............60 real-time minutes.
Parking Mode fps = 5fps...............12 real-time minutes.
Parking Mode fps = 15fps.............. 4 real-time minutes.​
  • The Gaps, other than the 2-3 second ones that happen when switching from Time-lapse to Normal recording, happen when the A119 stops recording and enters the Standby mode, awaiting any triggers. It's a way to conserve file storage space {Edit: and power} when periods of inactivity are sensed for 1.5 minutes or longer.
  • The unpredictable file durations happen because of the sensing nature of the Parking Mode. The whole idea is have one mode for both driving and parking to capture the significant events while conserving file storage space and power during periods of low activity.
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While in Time-lapse recording or Standby mode (not recording), a G-sensor trigger is required to switch back to normal recording. A G-sensor trigger has priority over a motion detection trigger and will force Normal recording.

Shouldn't motion be given priority?

Depending upon motion or the lack of it, IMO the A119S should continuously record in Parking Mode or Recording Mode and not go into Standby Mode. Not able to wrap my head around the Standby Mode business.
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Shouldn't motion be given priority?

Depending upon motion or the lack of it, IMO the A119S should continuously record in Parking Mode or Recording Mode and not go into Standby Mode. Not able to wrap my head around the Standby Mode business.
You still have the option of using the pure Motion Detection or pure Time-Lapse menu modes which are independent from Parking Mode as far as I know (I leave them turned off when in the Parking Mode).
  • The Parking Mode is just the set of activities that the A119 performs when Parking Mode is enabled in the menu - mainly Normal Recording, Time-lapse recording, or no recording (Standby mode to conserve file storage space and power).
  • As it is now, once in Normal recording, the A119 will stay in Normal recording until no G-sensor or motion detection triggers are sensed within the previous 1.5 minute timeframe.
  • If no G-sensor or motion triggers are detected in 1.5 minutes (a quite period), the A119 sort of goes to sleep and stops recording (Standby Mode), but awaits any new triggers.
  • If a motion is detected nearby when in the Standby mode, the A119 starts Time-lapse recording, keeping a watchful eye out. It continues to record Time-lapse as long as motion (not G-sensor) triggers continue to be sensed.
  • If a G-sensor trigger is detected (car bump or movement), the A119 wakes up all the way and starts Normal recording again, from either Standby or Timelapse recording (G-sensor has priority).
I'm guessing the main ideas are (I'm just the messenger):
  • To have a single hands-off autonomous mode to capture significant events while driving or parked.
  • When driving, the very sensitive G-sensor and motion detection will keep the A119 in Normal recording most of the time (not all the time as you have already demonstrated). I've never had it stop recording when driving.
  • When parked, you are probably interested in security and maintaining enough file storage space and power to record the whole time you are away from the car day or night.
  • If there is no motion about and the car is not bumped or in movement, the A119 goes to sleep (Standby mode) but keeps an eye out for nearby motion or car movement.
  • So security-wise, you would like to know when something or someone is very close to your car, hence the A119 detects nearby motion and starts Time-lapse recording (after a no recording Standby period). If the nearby motion ceases for 1.5 minutes, the A119 goes back to sleep (Standby).
  • If someone or something bumps your car or someone enters the car - more important than motion around the car, either you are getting in to drive or maybe you have an unwanted guest so you really want to know in detail what is happening. Hence a G-sensor trigger activates due to the car movement to start Normal recording, and has priority over Standby or Time-lapse recording.
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I wish VIOFO would just keep things simple:

1) G-sensor/movement detected: Record in normal mode
2) No G-sensor for 5 minutes: Record in time-lapsed continuously (don't stop or go into "standby") until hardwire kit cuts off power.

Forget the "Motion Detection" entirely.
You still have the option of using the pure Motion Detection or pure Time-Lapse menu modes which are independent from Parking Mode as far as I know (I leave them turned off when in the Parking Mode).

With just motion-detect there's no footage leading up to the trigger. Time-lapse at 100ms could do the job but forgetting it's ON would lead to almost useless footage while driving.

I actually don't need or intend to use Parking Mode. Just checking it out and sharing as the unit I have is a sample from VIOFO.

Post getting the Vico PP, out of curiosity, checked out motion-detect on the A119S. With my requirement not stretching beyond 2-3 hours of parking while out conducting daily business, I have been and still prefer leaving the front and rear cameras recording when away.
With just motion-detect there's no footage leading up to the trigger.
Same for Parking Mode Standby. Also without pre-buffered video it can get ugly in the crash Event mode while parked, which I explored in this post (toward the end I think). You really need to understand that if you are going to use Parking Mode. Pre-buffered video would cure a few problems if it were feasible, and might create some too.
I actually don't need or intend to use Parking Mode. Just checking it out and sharing as the unit I have is a sample from VIOFO.

Post getting the Vico PP, out of curiosity, checked out motion-detect on the A119S. With my requirement not stretching beyond 2-3 hours of parking while out conducting daily business, I have been and still prefer leaving the front and rear cameras recording when away.
Yeah me too. I'm not even hard-wired, much less have a battery protection device $$. Been using Parking mode exclusively over the last few weeks using a battery bank when I go shopping, in 95-105F heat no less, but not over night. Scares me to leave it unattended for very long in the heat. My car might turn into a crispy critter. Where you can really learn how it works best is at home where you can control the motion and G-sensor activity. I got interested out of curiosity mainly when no one else was reviewing it in the A119 forum.
BUG discovered (both A119 & A119s):

I can not turn off G-sensor with Parking Mode enabled. I have an A119 in the front and an A119s in the back. I have set the G-Sensor to "OFF", but both of them still triggers the G-sensor when I go over bumps. They would display a yellow triangle and beep to indicate that G-sensor was triggered, and the file will be locked.
@viofo should tell us if this is a bug or G-Sensor must be enabled by firmware for Parking Mode to work.

@5Cowbells, great explanations, thank you! We should not forget that if there is no motion and no shock, the camera will not record in that time. A software Parking Mode can not be so good like a hardware parking mode so can be some missing scenes and also we need to remember that the A119S was not launched on the markey with this feature, Viofo is trying to satisfy our requests and because of this I admire them.

@viofo should tell us if this is a bug or G-Sensor must be enabled by firmware for Parking Mode to work.

@5Cowbells, great explanations, thank you! We should not forget that if there is no motion and no shock, the camera will not record in that time. A software Parking Mode can not be so good like a hardware parking mode so can be some missing scenes and also we need to remember that the A119S was not launched on the markey with this feature, Viofo is trying to satisfy our requests and because of this I admire them.


There's no reason why the accelerometer should need to be enabled for automatic video locking to use it to decide whether or not to record at all. Those should be separate functionalities.
BUG discovered (both A119 & A119s):

I can not turn off G-sensor with Parking Mode enabled. I have an A119 in the front and an A119s in the back. I have set the G-Sensor to "OFF", but both of them still triggers the G-sensor when I go over bumps. They would display a yellow triangle and beep to indicate that G-sensor was triggered, and the file will be locked.
{Edit: Possible bug confirmed after all - see this post below.} Unable to confirm your findings on my A119 with V3.1B firmware when comparing "OFF" to "Low Sensitivity". G-sensor "OFF" seems to work OK. Maybe others can test and report results. {Edit: Tests were tap or shake tests, not road tests.}

But I have been noticing that the G-sensor Event ! (crash) mode with the big yellow Triangle on the screen seems to be occurring more frequently with the V3.1B firmware installed. Was using V2.0 before. I was thinking it was just my unit after receiving a one too many bumps doing testing, but I'm not sure. Have already changed G-sensor from "Middle Sensitivity" to "Low Sensitivity" and it is still seems more sensitive than V2.0 firmware "Middle Sensitivity".
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BUG discovered (both A119 & A119s):

I can not turn off G-sensor with Parking Mode enabled. I have an A119 in the front and an A119s in the back. I have set the G-Sensor to "OFF", but both of them still triggers the G-sensor when I go over bumps. They would display a yellow triangle and beep to indicate that G-sensor was triggered, and the file will be locked.
Just found that G-sensor menu setting has changed a couple times to "High Sensitivity" while in Parking Mode after setting it to "OFF", then allowing the A119 to go to Standby, then shaken a few times, and rechecking the setting. Also it did go into the Event ! mode recording once. So something is going on there that I don't understand yet, so it might be a bug like you say. In my previous tests I didn't go to the Standby mode first. Viofo mentioned something in one of there posts about automatically switching to high sensitivity but it kind of went thru the empty space in my head.:)