A139 Pro Test & Review PP

That is a bad idea. People who never clean or reformat their cards will lose everything new, and you can't lock new videos if they are not being recorded.
Yeah I wouldn't make that the default setting.
The idea isn't really what I'd want, but it wouldn't require much code. Just a getter+setter+Interface setting for what's already there.
Other solutions would require a new block of code.

About losing new footage: the cam beeps continuesly, if it can't record. Yes, you might lose some new footage, but I'd argue people would rather keep their locked footage instead of losing it for random fresh footage.
In a perfect world, the cam would give a notification if you're lose to the limit.
How many minutes of video do you want to keep? (What options do you want for the "Loop Recording Minutes" setting?).
Maybe "30 minutes | 1 hour | 1 day | 1 week | Unlimited". (With the minimum setting being 30 minutes, that gives you an excuse to record a reasonable amount!).
The police/laws don't care about the settings of the dashcams. They'd argue to buy a different dashcam then.
The perfect solution would be to have a setting to not store anything, apart from what's locked.
However, to make this way more convenient, there should be a possibility to switch to "lock everything until I stop it or the card gets full".
Via pressing the button 2-3x or if the G-sensors trigger locking.
So you can either have some spontaneous continues footage or if you have an accident, it'll keep recording until you stop it or the card becomes full.
no i also think its just fine here, as sharing video in general.
I can not stalk people with a camera, or say film over a fence or a bush or in peoples windows, but on public streets everyone are fair game, even the police, though strangely they seem to think it is illegal to video them, but that just outline the poor state of that part of Denmark too.
I can not stalk people with a camera, or say film over a fence or a bush or in peoples windows, but on public streets everyone are fair game, even the police, though strangely they seem to think it is illegal to video them, but that just outline the poor state of that part of Denmark too.
The UK police are very poorly educated, and use instinct rather than knowledge. But their powers are very limited under common law, which is as it should be in a free society. This has created a small industry on YouTube where individuals take their cameras, including small drones, where they can film, and inevitably the police turn up. Worth watching.
In this post I would like to compare the Horizontal FOV of the Front, Rear, and Interior cameras.
The A139 Pro 3-CH has a specification of 140° + 170° + 170° FOV.

1.) A139 Pro .png
2.) A139 Pro 3-CH .png

I updated my work bench with wallpaper, and a ruler.
I made a platform jig to place the camera lens 50 centimeters from the wall, and 11 inches high, the same height as the bottom of the ruler.
The center of the lens is the same hight as the center of the ruler.
I made sure the jig was “square” with a level, if the image looks “tilted” it’s possible the lens in not “aligned”.

3.) Platform Jig .jpg

Here are the Horizontal measurements in the center of the recorded footage;
Front: 146cm
Rear: 194cm
Interior: 191cm
Interior LED’s On: 115cm
Now that we know the Horizontal measurement, and the distance from the lens to the wall we can calculate each camera’s Horizontal FOV.

Here are the “true” Horizontal FOV’s;
Front: 111°
Rear: 125°
Interior: 124°
Interior LED’s On: 98°

4.) A139 Pro Front .png
5.) A139 Pro Rear .png
6.) A139 Pro Interior .png
7.) A139 Pro Interior IR LED's .png