A800s focus issues


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May 25, 2015
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I have just got my brand new A800s kit and it has focus issues.
In the lower part of the image the dashboard is visible and crystal clear but beyond that, the road and anything farer is blurry.
It is clearly out of focus and I think it is not possible to fix it without disassembling the camera.
What should I do?
warranty time
Uhh, that is what I was afraid of...
Pain in the ass to send back the camera to china.
I will see what the customer service says.
Here is a sample screenshot form a 4k video:
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does look like it's a little off, not a great image to judge from though as everything is in the distance

slow moving traffic, parking lot etc where there is lots of things at varying distances is better for looking at potential focus setting issues
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does look like it's a little off, not a great image to judge from though as everything is in the distance

slow moving traffic, parking lot etc where there is lots of things at varying distances is better for looking at potential focus setting issues
These are better i think:


The image quality is worse than other samples i have seen on youtube.
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looks ok in some, not as good in others, might not be out of focus as such, may be losing focus, how is the weather there right now?
For me it looks only barely acceptable but not OK. The image quality is far from expectations. It can lose focus? I thought the dashcams have fix focus. It makes more sense.

The weather Yesterday was sunny, today overcast with some rain.
Let's see what the 70mai supports opinion. If they don't replace the camera I plan to sell it.
For me it looks only barely acceptable but not OK. The image quality is far from expectations.
yeah it's not perfect but it does look better focused in some of those screenshots than the others
I thought the dashcams have fix focus. It makes more sense.
yes they are fixed focus, if they lose focus that's generally a quality issue, particularly if the weather isn't extremely hot or cold at the time
yeah it's not perfect but it does look better focused in some of those screenshots than the others
Indeed, but the sharper screenshots are still not OK for me.
4k camera with a blurry 1080p image quality.
yes they are fixed focus, if they lose focus that's generally a quality issue, particularly if the weather isn't extremely hot or cold at the time
Oh now I understand why you asked the weather. It was 18°C, the camera was lukewarm.
5-6 years ago my first Xiaomi action cam had the same issue with more blurry image. I disassembled and adjusted it myself. Okay it was only half or third the price the A800s.
the focus could be adjusted to improve it for sure, it looks to only be slightly off, if you are getting focus drift due to temperature changes though it won't fix that
the focus could be adjusted to improve it for sure, it looks to only be slightly off, if you are getting focus drift due to temperature changes though it won't fix that
Unfortunately It is more complicated to adjust on this camera.
I am afraid the temperature drift will make it worse. I would be happy to see a sharp image that goes off with temperature.

I have just got my brand new A800s kit and it has focus issues.
In the lower part of the image the dashboard is visible and crystal clear but beyond that, the road and anything farer is blurry.
It is clearly out of focus and I think it is not possible to fix it without disassembling the camera.
What should I do?
I have the same issue with my A800S, have you been able to find a solution?
My A800S feels "near sighted" as well. If I still had a set of vision test lenses, I'd throw a +1 or +2 diopter lens in front of the A800S and see how much correction it needs to get 20/20 vision on license plates more than a car length or two away.

I have just got my brand new A800s kit and it has focus issues.
In the lower part of the image the dashboard is visible and crystal clear but beyond that, the road and anything farer is blurry.
It is clearly out of focus and I think it is not possible to fix it without disassembling the camera.
What should I do?
I am having the same issue, have you tried returning the camera? Aliexpress seller is refusing the return request saying there is nothing wrong with the dash cam!