Action cam guides for newbies?

we will be writing an in-depth manual for SJCAM series cameras. It will be several A4 pages. We will post for everyone once they have been completed. Cheers
Alright guys, I created a first video, explaining some really basic things.
Any feedback is welcome and will help me improve future videos.
Except for drawing, I am terrible with it, so it can not be fixed nor improved.
HUGE thanks goes to @Gibson99 who kindly offered to read a script for the video and did a revision and edits. Thanks a lot mate @Gibson99
I really like this video Pavle. It brought a smile to my face and did a good job of explaining the most basic of basics regarding action cams. And who knew you were such an artist!:)
Thanks Teri. Walt Disney himself would be amazed with my drawing and writing style. :)
Yeah ! Very nice ... ( Bravo sir )
I enjoyed it, i also like your animated logo at the beginning, no criticism, only an opinion, I thought if the action was kept within the frame, it would of looked better (IMO) and if some of the drawing was speeded up a bit it would of been even better too, I found this clip very interesting to watch, and was easy to take in the information, and liked your style of drawing :)
Constructive criticism is great. I completely agree with you.
The whole setup was on a floor, with me laying on a floor trying to draw. Camera was on a tripod filming over my head as an overhead rig. It was hard to keep whiteboard from moving, so next time I will try to keep it still by fixing it somehow.
Because the size of a tripod and camera it was impossible to do it on a table. But even that wouldn't make my drawing better :-)
But even that wouldn't make my drawing better :)

you want to see poor drawing skills, check these ;)

our designer doesn't speak English so I hand draw all our packaging designs and he does them based on my artwork (I use the term artwork very loosely), considering the language barrier it's quite miraculous what he does with the poor standard of stuff I give him to work off of


  • box top design layout.JPG
    box top design layout.JPG
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    box front design layout.JPG
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    box back design layout.JPG
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    box bottom design layout.JPG
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@jokiin haha, these look awesome :) Looking at your packing design, it is obvious this works well for you guys.
the finished article certainly looks a lot nicer than my effort, one of things where you just have to pay a professional, that was from the first one we did and I have to say considering there's no English involved we have it down to fine art now, even without English he understands what I want and rarely gets it wrong
in that case you did rather well, I don’t know if this will be of any help to you.

in our local DIY store I have seen 2mm/3mm thick white perspex 50cm x 50cm or even 1Mx1M if you wish, good for using as a white board, and if you get some of these suction cups (I got these off eBay cheap)

then maybe what might be a good idea is attach these suction cups to one side of the perspex and then attach all this to one of your house window (from inside or on the outside, if it's not raining) then you’ll have freedom of movement and you will be able to stand up, all this shouldn’t cost you more than a few ££, the suction cups cost me £2 or £3 then the cost perspex, hoping your tripod goes high enough

hope this might be of help to you, as I did like the way you put across the information
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Glad I could help. Also like how you wrote drone then crossed it out and wrote quadcopter.

This style works and is unique and keeps the viewer's attention without being too distracting, so you can still listen to the narration. Good work!
And a list of which cameras to avoid can be found here.
All people can help to report false advertising cameras.

@Pavle , you are also good at teaching, I like this style.
I will share some useful info to you soon, maybe you can find some useful part and use it in your future video.
@gitup Thanks, any info that might help is more than welcome.
I found this very helpful video about light, CCD and CMOS sensors and more on YouTube.

There is a whole series of videos and as I watch them I'll post them here if appropriate.

Also if I can steal a posting by DCT member jokiin in another thread, here are two more videos that are very helpful:

Cheers :)
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@TeriTerryTarry Nice videos, but be aware that action cameras do not have parts such as mechanical shutter and view finder (mirror).
I am still writing some basics as I learn , so hopefully until the end of February I will have an entire series done , we will see.