Alittle confused on which firmware to install


May 5, 2015
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i got the camera with the Z221 (i undertsand i need to make sure firmware is same version)
from which thread should i take the file? i saw a thread with 12 pages of messages, but its not written for which version it is (there are many firmware there...)

would appricate anyone helping me to pick a firmware to install (hopeing to make camera take better video at slow fps.)
yes i saw that thread, i mean about the custom firmware, sorry if i confused.
Customize it by yourself. It is easy and well described.
If the camera performs per spec as purchased, I suggest leaving as is and avoid fixing what isn't broke.

I have two GT680W cams. I struggled with the first until I correctly faced the gps. During the process I bought a "replacement" gps module that became a spare. After having enough of my first cam (not the GT680W) I purchased a second GT680W since I already had a gps module. Recent firmware changes that accomodated the superceded module required me to "downgrade" to an earlier firmware version to accommodate my "spare" module. The cam now performs as intended. The first GT680W is in service for 1-1/2 years without flaw and I have no intention to do anything with potential to change that.
thanks for the heads up but i would still want to upgrade my camera, just like changing rom on my phone.

i found this video. but how do i know which table is 1080 , which is 720 and etc?

and what is recommand to change setting to? 25mb's? 30mb's? do i change all the table's? or at low resolution it doesnt have effect?