BlackVue DR750S-2CH

I have a suggestion for BlackVue R&D team to consider - why not add an option to activate Enhanced Night Mode only when camera enters parking mode? Night Mode is mostly useful when car is parked, so I guess that kind of feature would make sense.
I certainly doubt it, but there is unchecked information on presence Ambarella A12

It's just in the info packet that Blackvue provided dealers with before the launch.
It has a comparison chart between the DR650S-2CH and DR750S-2CH and says
"Main chipset: DR650S-2CH - HI3616RFCV100; DR750S-2CH HI3559"
I have a suggestion for BlackVue R&D team to consider - why not add an option to activate Enhanced Night Mode only when camera enters parking mode? Night Mode is mostly useful when car is parked, so I guess that kind of feature would make sense.
Good suggestion. It's something we might consider, and which I also suggested. We didn't go with it because of time and the fact that some users might also want the Enhanced Night Vision while driving. However, we could consider a setting where user chooses between "NV always OFF", "NV always ON", and "Parking Mode Only" in a future update.
However, we could consider a setting where user chooses between "NV always OFF", "NV always ON", and "Parking Mode Only" in a future update.

Thanks. This is exactly how I would see this feature implemented.

Another thing. While testing my DR750S-2CH unit I've noticed its oversensitive (I guess?) motion detection in parking mode. It appears to record non-stop even when no motion whatsoever is actually around, unless super-tiny movements of grass blades or tree branches are also considered. Couple of days ago I've been at countryside and parked my car in the middle of the field - no car traffic, no pedestrian traffic, virtually nothing. Yet the next day memory card was filled with one-minute clips all over. I've even changed motion sensitivity setting to the lowest value of 1, yet still camera is recording video 24/7 in parking mode. I guess something not quite correct in this department.
The parking mode sensitivity is a common complaint for all models that have it. We're holding out hope for some day getting an improved detection algorithm, or a way to allow the sensitivity to be adjusted lower. Motion-detection can be tricky in terms of processing power, so I'd imagine there's a trade-off into how much better it can get.

I use Blue Iris for my home security cams and even with all the options turned on to minimize recording from trees/shadows it doesn’t do a very good job. That’s with the software being run on a i5-4670k.

Not surprised dashcams can’t do a good job discriminating motion you want to record vs ignore.
The parking mode sensitivity is a common complaint for all models that have it. We're holding out hope for some day getting an improved detection algorithm, or a way to allow the sensitivity to be adjusted lower. Motion-detection can be tricky in terms of processing power, so I'd imagine there's a trade-off into how much better it can get.


I think one thing a lot of users don't consider is the available light when it comes to motion sensitivity.
You can turn it down super low during the day so it doesn't catch a tree in the wind but how will that affect the camera's ability to catch someone wearing dark clothes keying your car in a dimly lit area?
Perhaps a day mode and a night mode for parking mode is the way to go
I've left my DR750S (just front channel) overnight in the office on my desk, with motion sensitivity set to 1 (lowest possible), Night Vision to on and 60fps mode. Just checked the footage in the morning, camera was recording non-stop all night long. Obviously there was no movement in dashcam's view whatsoever, I made sure to put it in place which would exclude any movements or things like blinking lights etc.

While I could somehow understand the amount of image noise during the night (60fps + NV + complete darkness == helluva lot of noise) could be "sensed" by chipset as motion and trigger recording, yet in daylight it should not be a problem. Regardless, camera was recording all the time in parking mode. Unfortunately seems like a firmware bug to me, as DR650 did not exhibit such issues in parking mode. In fact, DR650S was/is pretty much perfect-parking-mode-dashcam I've had chance using.
I've left my DR750S (just front channel) overnight in the office on my desk, with motion sensitivity set to 1 (lowest possible), Night Vision to on and 60fps mode. Just checked the footage in the morning, camera was recording non-stop all night long. Obviously there was no movement in dashcam's view whatsoever, I made sure to put it in place which would exclude any movements or things like blinking lights etc.

While I could somehow understand the amount of image noise during the night (60fps + NV + complete darkness == helluva lot of noise) could be "sensed" by chipset as motion and trigger recording, yet in daylight it should not be a problem. Regardless, camera was recording all the time in parking mode. Unfortunately seems like a firmware bug to me, as DR650 did not exhibit such issues in parking mode. In fact, DR650S was/is pretty much perfect-parking-mode-dashcam I've had chance using.

I had the exact same problem with a brand new DR750S-2CH. I re-flashed the original firmware and now everything works great. Parking mode will only record when there's motion (set to 4).

I did it through the iOS app, seemed like the easiest way:
1) Select menu and then "firmware download". Download firmware.
2) Connect to the camera Wi-fi
3) App will allow you to re-upload the firmware onto the camera
I had the exact same problem with a brand new DR750S-2CH. I re-flashed the original firmware and now everything works great. Parking mode will only record when there's motion (set to 4).

Confirmed! Just reflashed my unit and confirmed now motion detection mode works as expected. Thanks!
Hi tvxr,
One thing I can say is that the bitrate is fixed by the firmware but not restricted by the hardware. We have tested at higher bitrates, and who knows, maybe the bitrate will evolve in the future, as was the case with the DR650S Series. Our R&D tested starting with much higher bitrates, going down progressively to match their target quality/size ratio. Past a certain point, gains in image quality were not deemed sufficient to make up for the added file size, which we have to consider since it impacts things like recording time but also Wi-Fi download speed.

One more thing: our R&D is still working on the image optimization, so things may change in the future, but hardware-wise I can tell you we are far from reaching a cap.
Thank you.

I get what you're saying about WiFi 'speeds' but storage is cheap these days and only going to get cheaper. If you have plenty of headroom on the CPU to bump up the bit rate then you need to seriously consider doing this ASAP or at the very minimum, since it's a software controlled setting (rather than a hardware limitation) make this option available in the settings! In some sort of 'advanced' menu with loads of warnings if you must. I never understand why manufacturers never expose these kind of options to customers.

From what I've seen so far, 1080p30 = ~10Mbps and seems to be *just* about acceptable, 1080p60 = ~12Mbps and doesn't really offer any kind of extra 'quality' because it's too heavily compressed. You're only hurting yourselves, there are plenty of communities out there that would help others with the advanced menu options.

Also, as a feature suggestion, you need to have a counter for the number of 'parking mode events' during a parking mode session and have it announce the number of parking mode events when coming out of parking mode. This helps in situations where opening/closing the trunk is likely to get counted as an event but you don't know if there was anything else with the current announcement.
Has anyone problem that the clip is not fully synchronized?
For example can clip one end at 13:10,15.
And then clip two will start at 13:10,12.

So a few seconds are "double", its not a smooth transition.
That's not a problem, it's as-designed. The 650S does that too (and presumably the older models). Three-second overlap. While I haven't played with many of the "stitching" apps to join up clips, I'd hope some of the better ones can compensate for that.

Registrator Viewer can take those overlaps out.. Can't comment on any others that do.
Thanks. This is exactly how I would see this feature implemented.

Another thing. While testing my DR750S-2CH unit I've noticed its oversensitive (I guess?) motion detection in parking mode. It appears to record non-stop even when no motion whatsoever is actually around, unless super-tiny movements of grass blades or tree branches are also considered. Couple of days ago I've been at countryside and parked my car in the middle of the field - no car traffic, no pedestrian traffic, virtually nothing. Yet the next day memory card was filled with one-minute clips all over. I've even changed motion sensitivity setting to the lowest value of 1, yet still camera is recording video 24/7 in parking mode. I guess something not quite correct in this department.

If this is true - I'm dssappointed as this is one feature |I hoped had been sorted on this model compared with my very old 650
If this is true - I'm dssappointed as this is one feature |I hoped had been sorted on this model compared with my very old 650

It's been fixed with the firmware update according to OP, just needed to read two posts down from the one you saw.
Just received and installed my 750S today. I had ordered a 650S previously from a reseller but it wasn't functioning as intended. I returned it and ordered the 750S direct from Blackvue instead.

My questions are, does anyone else's mount have this ****ty looking print on it? (photo: Also, has anyone else experienced a loose fit with their front mount? After the front camera clicks in to each notch, I can shake the mount and the camera shakes loosely, not a lot, but enough that it will cause video quality issues and excess noise. I shoved a piece of paper in the ring to fill the void and it's a snug fit now, but ****... for a $400 camera, that should be the least of the problems to expect.
Just received and installed my 750S today. I had ordered a 650S previously from a reseller but it wasn't functioning as intended. I returned it and ordered the 750S direct from Blackvue instead.

My questions are, does anyone else's mount have this ****ty looking print on it? (photo: Also, has anyone else experienced a loose fit with their front mount? After the front camera clicks in to each notch, I can shake the mount and the camera shakes loosely, not a lot, but enough that it will cause video quality issues and excess noise. I shoved a piece of paper in the ring to fill the void and it's a snug fit now, but ****... for a $400 camera, that should be the least of the problems to expect.

No the font and lettering on my 750 mount is perfect.

I would ask for a replacement.

I ordered mine from an authorized Blackvue seller in the US. It was cheaper than buying from Blackvue. Probably easier to get customer service too.
Another inquiry, anyone else from Canada order direct from Blackvue? Did you have to pay a customs fee? I had to send a payment of $84 to DHL, labelled on my receipt as "DHL Duties, Taxes and Fees for your delivery"