Blur lens on the G1W... solutions?


Jul 1, 2014
Reaction score
Costa Rica
Hey guys. I bought a G1W-C version of this cams.

Everything is great (I tightened the Mini USB port already), but the only thing left to make it perfect, is the blurry image in one side of the lens.

Any solutions for that are available?
Send it back in for a replacement
Xybone, I would, but I live in Costa Rica, so it would be too expensive for me to sent it back. Since it'a a hit or miss issue, what happens if I get another one like this?

I can live with it, I just wanted to know if you could solve it in some way.
Presumably either the sensor, or maybe the lens mount aren't flat to the PCB. The focus on my g1wh is ok, so I've not tried anything like it myself, so be wary of breaking anything, but, assuming the lens mount is held on with a couple of screws top and bottom, then if it were mine, I would be tempted to try shimming the side of the lens mount with a sliver of paper and refocusing the lens. The lens will likely be glued, so you'd probably need to try to pick off any blobs of glue holding the thread, and you'd need to be very careful not to damage the wires from the sensor. A tv connected to the hdmi port might be helpful when focusing.