Bricked mini 0801

I am a bit confused now :p
Do you have a Mini0801?
Yes, Tobi@s, I have a bricked one :P I bought it from E-Prance, Amazon Uk. :D
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Ok, do you have an UART->USB converter?
Yes, I have a Nokia DKU-5 data cable. It should be ok since it has a usb-serial converter inside.
Something like that:
My friend sent me his bricked Mini0801. Actually bricked reason is not firmware updating. He says voltage is bad in his car battery. So i tried to connect to pc with my burning cable but Windows says that "usb device not recognized". Also can't seem in device manager. But everyting is ok when i tried with my Mini. I mean device manager shows Ambarella_Evaluation_Board_1.2.3.0 So cable and driver ok. I think my friend's device had hardware problem. What do you think about this? Anyone have any idea?
@roxor ok connect tx with rx and rx with tx and gnd with gnd
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Ok connect it to your converter, start hyper terminal at baud 115200 and check if you get any output
My friend sent me his bricked Mini0801. Actually bricked reason is not firmware updating. He says voltage is bad in his car battery. So i tried to connect to pc with my burning cable but Windows says that "usb device not recognized". Also can't seem in device manager. But everyting is ok when i tried with my Mini. I mean device manager shows Ambarella_Evaluation_Board_1.2.3.0 So cable and driver ok. I think my friend's device had hardware problem. What do you think about this? Anyone have any idea?
He should buy a new BMW asap :P
Do you think so its hardware problem? Any solution?
You already answered your question in your post ^^
I assume it's a hardware problem yeah. A software based brick is based on something software related. You could dismantle it and check if the PCBs are ok.
@Tobi@s, I tried but with no results. Nothing showed on the terminal. If I make a short-circuit between tx and rx, I can get something...but I think that's not relevant.

Update: I just destroy one of the UART pads from the is not a viable solution anymore. I will try few more times with the USB DIRECT.
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This is how I tried to unbrick it (in Win XP - VMware):
What am I doing wrong?
Try it again without the verify checkbox checked
Same error, Tobi@s

I don't know if this is normal, but some components get really hot when I plug the usb cable into the camera.
I'm not able to get the camera recognized with that version, and I tried all the board versions. It seems that it only gets recognized with a2sbub. Anyway, still the same error with recover-0801.elf. :|
Found 1 busses, 1 devices changed
bus=0, port=0
Dev#1: 0x4255 (Amba) : 0x0001 (A4 ) : 123456789ABC has 1 configs
AMBA_Check_State: (0x0012EA90)
State is BOOT
AMBA_Check_State. (0x0)
Found 1 AMBA device!
Found 0 busses, 0 devices changed
bus=0, port=0
Dev#1: 0x4255 (Amba) : 0x0001 (A4 ) : 123456789ABC has 1 configs
AMBA_Check_State: (0x0012EA90)
State is BOOT
AMBA_Check_State. (0x0)
Found 1 AMBA device!
ConvertELF(C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\DirectUSB\recover-0801.elf):
AMBA_Set_Boot_File: (0x1,C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\DirectUSB\recover-0801.e2b)
AMBA_Set_Boot_File. ()
Reinit start wait.
AMBA_Load_File_BST: (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\0801-244-2212-Burning-Software\0801-244-2212-Burning-Software\DirectUSB II\DirectUSB II\bld\a2s.bin,0xc0000000,1)
AMBA_Load_File: (C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\0801-244-2212-Burning-Software\0801-244-2212-Burning-Software\DirectUSB II\DirectUSB II\bld\a2s.bin,0x00000000,0x040AF240)
AMBA_Load_File. (0)
Load file start.
Load file end.
AMBA_Load_File_BST. (0)
[0] AMBA_USB_Reinit_Wait: (1,1)
[0] Wait device re-init...
Reinit start signal.
Found 0 busses, 1 devices changed
Found 0 AMBA device!
Reinit start wait.
Reinit start signal.
Found 0 busses, 0 devices changed
Found 0 AMBA device!
[0] Not found.
[0] AMBA_USB_Reinit_Wait. (-1)
BLD execute failed.
[0] Failed!!
AMBA_USB_Download. (-1)
Reinit start wait.
Reinit start signal.
Reinit start wait.
Reinit start signal.
Device[0] busy
Reinit start wait.

Probably the problem are not the .elf files but something between the camera and DirectUSB like drivers, usb cable, usb port...
It's stange that, all of a sudden, the camera is not recognized anymore and the process fails because of that.