Cam image comparison and how to improve?


Active Member
May 10, 2013
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United States
Here are two still images from the two cams I purchased. The bottom image is great, but the top one is washed out a bit and not as sharp. Is there a setting to clean up the top cam?I know position of the sun can affect PQ to some degree, but I don't think that's the case here. Reflection does play a roll a bit in contrast, but shouldn't affect sharpness.


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Whoops, I labeled them backwards. The top is the SG9665GC
Shots are made in different times. Is it possible to do side by side comparison while mounted / recorded in the same car at same time. ?
Do you have the factory protection lens film peeled off the lens?
It looks like the sun is blasting right into the lens on the top image. (but isn't on the bottom)
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The sun was high in the sky above and slightly behind me. Both images were at almost the same identical time of day. The top image was heading due east while the bottom image was heading Northwest. I think the biggest issue is the angle of the windshield along with the dash creating an awful reflection. But that shouldn't affect the sharpness, should it? Isnt there a contrast or aperture setting on the camera that might help? Heres another image a few minutes after the other. Its without the glare of the sun from the windshield. You can see that the PQ is not as sharp as with the 12 cam.


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I wanted to make sure they didn't forget to peel off the plastic film protector that comes stuck to the lens. (some people don't notice it)
Yeah, I know what you mean. I just repeated your questions for OP ;)
I wanted to make sure they didn't forget to peel off the plastic film protector that comes stuck to the lens. (some people don't notice it)
or they notice it then forget to take it off like me.
Those protective film lens stickers should have lettering on them that says, "Remove this sticker" so that it shows up in the videos!
Yeh, I checked and the sticker is off. Ive got to run to the bank and Ill use both cams side by side and get back to yall in an hour. Thanks for yalls help!
Truth be told, that second screen shot looks similar to some of the image quality issues I've experienced with my SG9665GC that @Pier28 & @jokiin are both aware of.
It's possible the focus is a bit short, I'm sending Dashmellow a replacement as soon as the 2nd production batch arrives. I'm happy to replace Daffypuck's unit as well if needed. I've shipped quite a few GC and this is definitely not a common problem.
Hopefully, the problem is rare. I've actually been wondering if there might be others with this issue. In this case, I think it needs more analysis before a determination can be made. A full resolution image would help.
I think 1% is forgivable for Quality Control (even Apple isn't perfect), focus is one of the first things that can go wrong on any dashcam product it seems.
This is where customer service swoops in for a quick replacement. (out of stock currently though)
OK, heres two images side by side. The 12 sits about 3" lower than the 9665.


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Heres a closer image comparison. I cropped a smaller section of each cam at 1920x1080 for each image. It almost appears that the 9665 has the slightly sharper image, but its not as saturated and lacks the contrast of the 12. ( for all of these images, the 9665 is always on top)


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