Cams that can attach directly to windshield without a mount?


Jun 15, 2015
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United States
I'm looking for a cam that can attach directly (via 3M Dual Lock) to the windshield. My B40 A118 died. It was wedge shaped with a rotating lens and a flat bottom. I'm also looking at the Cobra 810, which while it has a windshield mount, it looks that the bottom of the unit is flat and can accommodate a mounting piece of the Velcro, and it looks like the lens rotates so I can place it up against the windshield. A mini (not Micro) USB would be nice also as my cars are already wored in for that.

Did my description make sense? Any others I should consider? Or just get another A118? I just hate that it I couldn't buy it locally and had to go through SquareTrade for a refund.
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Any others I should consider? Or just get another A118? I just hate that it I couldn't buy it locally and had to go through SquareTrade for a refund.

If you like the A118 and are looking to take things to the next level check out the SG9665GC. Check out this SG9665GC vs B40/A118 Q&A
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