[Canada] Lane change attempt causes serious road rage (Jump to 1:10)

Hang on... cam car sees the whole thing unfold - looks like he's going to continue his journey without stopping o_O
I would have stopped and helped at least. the undertaking car shouldn't have done it. but think both have some responsibility. the under taking car was more upset about it and should have just backed off...

I cant stand peoples idea that they own the road and are entitled to rule the whole thing. You need to remember that its not just your road. its all the people around your cars road and if they do something stupid. just say prat, and back off.
I cant stand peoples idea that they own the road and are entitled to rule the whole thing. You need to remember that its not just your road. its all the people around your cars road and if they do something stupid. just say prat, and back off.

Wow, this coming from someone in the UK. Almost all of the UK dash cam footage I see on here, the drivers are always screaming at the top of the lungs, there is no give and think their #$#@ don't stink :D The bicycle rider footage are just as bad.
did anyone else notice that the black car (civic?) who was doing all the swerving around and caused the actual collision was nearly creamed by a big-rig near the end of the video?

also, bad form for the camera car to apparently leave the scene without checking on either driver, or perhaps offering footage for insurance purposes. :(
I wouldn't have stopped for these two idiots either. Let them suffer from their actions. Black car was driving like an idiot. The counter action of front car caused the accident. In a court case, of course the black car would be at fault.

From a public safety standpoint and trying to stay stress free, let the aggressive drive go ahead. If you challenge, be prepared to tango.

If I were to stop, this would have been the reason -
Black car (Mazda Protege wagon?) doesn't discover his brakes until after the semi blasts past him.
1. When black car is merging left and red car starts to merge right, the black car is in his blind spot. Despite the blind spot, Red should be aware of Black's presence, just as Black should have been aware of Red.
2. Black merges with zero following distance behind Red.
3. Initially, I thought Red brake-checked Black (a stupid thing to do when Black's so close behind), but on review, I think Red's only responding to what's directly in front, though Red may have moved left to block the seemingly aggressive action from Black...
4. As the Red/Black interaction is going on, you can catch a glimpse of the silver car ahead putting his brakes on. So perhaps the brake check was actually just maintaining a safe following distance from the car ahead?
5. Black didn't get on the brake, even after being brake-checked from zero distance. Was Black even off the gas? And still didn't get on the brake until he's spun to nearly a complete stop.
1. When black car is merging left and red car starts to merge right, the black car is in his blind spot. Despite the blind spot, Red should be aware of Black's presence, just as Black should have been aware of Red.

You can hear a honk when they are side by side. They were going at it already.
Crazy, you're right, I didn't notice the honk at 1:12. I wonder what happened between the two of them, or if they knew each other off-the-street...
i heard the honk at 1:12 too but i don't think it was either of those cars. the protege has a wimpy electromechanical buzzer horn, and the red car (not sure what it was, chevy sonic?) probably also has a buzzer horn like most econoboxes. of course that doesn't mean they didn't upgrade their horns... i upgraded the buzzer horns in my 98 camry to ones that sound like what comes on the current camry - the little snail-shell types.
One of the two cars honked then they both faked side checking each other. The honking was the triggering point. Thats the way I see it. This was no accident, more like a duel.
1. When black car is merging left and red car starts to merge right, the black car is in his blind spot. Despite the blind spot, Red should be aware of Black's presence, just as Black should have been aware of Red.
2. Black merges with zero following distance behind Red.
3. Initially, I thought Red brake-checked Black (a stupid thing to do when Black's so close behind), but on review, I think Red's only responding to what's directly in front, though Red may have moved left to block the seemingly aggressive action from Black...
4. As the Red/Black interaction is going on, you can catch a glimpse of the silver car ahead putting his brakes on. So perhaps the brake check was actually just maintaining a safe following distance from the car ahead?
5. Black didn't get on the brake, even after being brake-checked from zero distance. Was Black even off the gas? And still didn't get on the brake until he's spun to nearly a complete stop.

Agree with all these.
I think he didn't even get the chance to go for the brake, his first move was steer to the left to avoid hitting, then try to gather it back, but all h*&^ broke loose and he was in a fu&*ed up situation.
It looked exactly like me when I play 'Need for Speed: Most Wanted'. :D