Car coming? Better not walk faster.

Pedestrians walking? Better not slow down.
Many pedestrians, and especially taxi drivers, believe that a blast of the horn means that you have seen them and will take due car. They know you want to avoid any traffic infringements.
Pedestrians walking? Better not slow down.

What's the point in slowing down? I had the right of way, I safely went around them and I was doing the speed limit.

Am I supposed to stop because the guy wants to cross slowly?
I know that breed of humans, and i hate them with a passion. :mad:
Back before ABS I had 'friends' who would drive up on these peds and slam the brakes to lock up the wheels - much more effective than a horn. :D
Metal vs flesh.
Metal always wins regardless of green or red light and regardless of who has right of way so slow down if you see people on the streets.
Yes you had green but what's the point?
Honking slowly to let them know after slowing down is probably OK if you have to but speeding and swerving to scare is wrong.
If there's enough room and time to slow down, why be a dick?
Did you forget driving license exam questions?
One of them was to drive as per road conditions irrespective of speed limit.
Don't you slow down if you see pot holes or debri on the road or do you drive at full speed because you are driving at the speed limit and have right of way?
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I understand what you mean, but I didn't speed up, I actually kept the same speed. At the same time, I didn't swerve at them, I went around them.

It's not too hard to look and give cars space, if I can't do it, why can't he? I've been a pedestrian most of my life in a couple of very urban cities, and if you pull that crap, people aren't going to slow down for you, and most won't even swerve until the last absolute second.

To provide some extra context I've reuploaded with some extra time before so you get an idea how much time he had to see me.

Speaking of potholes, ironically I hit one a few weeks ago, I didn't see it and when I did see it, it seemed small enough not to warrant full braking, well...
ABS :mad: i have the same feeling towards that as the ppl in post #1

I really wish i could by a car without all that modern "poo" in it and get it for substantial less, i would even take it without any of the lifesaving stuff in it.
I don't know about your car, but in mine it's as easy as pulling a fuse, which causes the the ABS light to turn on and the tires lock freely.
Yeah, they almost made you miss 'making' that yellow light.
They succeeded in diverting his attention from the light.
What they (or at least the last one) did was selfish, arrogant and dangerous. That guy knew he would obstruct the approaching vehicle and was so full of himself he refused to be considerate to the needs of someone who had the right of way over him.
Might've been safer to give him a wider berth if possible (hard to tell from footage) but use of the horn was fully justified to let him know what he was doing was dangerous.

This is a painful reminder of a recent experience I had (won't go in to details.) I wish pedestrians wouldn't just ignore the risks, and would be responsible. I really, really don't understand the mentality of people whose attitude is to just about avoid an accident. Why not avoid the dangerous situation altogether if it only means waiting a second or two? Why assume other people are able/willing to make safe the danger you are creating? It's so silly and needless to take these risks.
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He was an arrogant bastard and deserved to be treated with contempt. I don't bother blowing the horn under those circumstances, I dip the clutch and rev the engine, seems to have more effect.
It's still more trouble than it's worth to run over them. :)

This is the time a horn or finger is appropriate.

Whether he could make the light if they weren't there is kind of questionable.
He couldn't speed up because the pedestrians were in the way?
I didn't even notice the yellow light till thepro was under it... he probably didn't either, because of the pedestrians.
Which also goes to show the ped did the entire crossing on red.
DC is full of people with an entitlement mentality. Probably called you a racist for honking your horn at him. Another reason I don't live there any more.