Yacking on phone, turns in front of oncoming motorbike.

dash riposki

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
Nong Khai
Dash Cam
too many
She (my personal headache) claims she thought the motorbike had already passed.
The bike ended up in a ditch in front of my house. The rider taken to the emergency room for minor injuries.

They don't take this stuff seriously because there are no consequences.

I've been screaming at her for a year to put the phone down before she kills somebody.
She took out a separate motorbike opening her driver's door into traffic while on the phone, two months ago.
The cam is a 70mai lite which has been very reliable in use for almost a year.
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You are not supposed to think anything while operating a motor vehicle, you are supposed to know everything.
The "think" part, thats just a poor excuse

I 100 % agree on the no consequences thing, it is also a severe problem in my country, and not only in regard to traffic.
I actually didn’t see the biker in the clip until the very last second, also was the biker gunning it or does it just look like he is?
Mopeds out there are not capped at 30 kmh like they are in Denmark,,,, or are supposed to be in Denmark.
Looking at statistics the number of wounded / dead male kids on illegal mopeds are #1 in Denmark.
The motorbike driver was an older teenaged girl. I don't think the bike was gunning it.
One of the major sore points is the girlfriend drives at an angle over that ditch, instead of slowing down and turning a little harder. She tears up her car. I've piled concrete rubble in the ditch to try to keep her out of it.

When I heard the bang, I didn't see the bike in the ditch and guessed she hit something stationary in the roadside. That's the mailman running to the crash, he had just delivered a few letters. I was in the doorway.
I'm not sure if the unofficial negotiations are over?
Yesterday a pickup load of village ladies came to pray at the crash site.
I probably won't be told the settlement prices, which will be low. (Unless they take advantage of the foreigner boyfriend )
I'm sick of the processes here. Most of her friends and family have no licenses but will have a late model vehicle.
They don't want to report accidents to police or insurance, usually an uninsured or unlicensed person is driving.
If one of these people run into you, you are the 'bad guy' trying to get them to be responsible, because you are 'rich'.
They treat these accidents as acts of god, instead of the result of somebody screwing up.

Here's the video from one of the security cams.

Oh, the car cam video, doesn't seem to have overlapping files. There's a little gap, less than a second but enough to notice.
Even more so, here, you need to look, look, look again, before you turn or change lanes. Vehicles will be coming from any direction, from any side...legal or not.
Mopeds out there are not capped at 30 kmh like they are in Denmark,,,, or are supposed to be in Denmark.
Looking at statistics the number of wounded / dead male kids on illegal mopeds are #1 in Denmark.
These are not mopeds, but 110cc and up motorbikes.
I think under 18 is restricted to 110 cc.
Like all laws in Thailand, vehicle laws aren't enforced often.
Aftermarket parts are technically illegal. (Exhaust, etc)
Mostly in the bigger cities the cops will occasionally round up street racers.

Wish I could find the video, but maybe it's on tik tok?
A couple of kids on a loud motorbike are sitting at a traffic light, revving the too loud bike, annoying everyone.
Before the light changes a cop walks up from behind in traffic, boxes the driver on the head.
Yakkety yak.
Wire up a signal detector that stops the engine if she uses the phone
Here's the video from when she parked in a travel lane, and opened her door into the path of a motorbike going around her stopped car.

Yeah kids do like it loud, a new thing it was not like that when i was young, back then we just wanted things fast, but fast dont have to be ear shattering loud.

Beefing up a legal 2 HP moped to 12 - 24 HP that was not unheard off back in the day, one of the guys had a Kreidler with a full faring and all the stops on it, cops never stopped it he destroyed it, and miraculous walked away from it.
She (my personal headache) claims she thought the motorbike had already passed.
The bike ended up in a ditch in front of my house. The rider taken to the emergency room for minor injuries.

Time to trade her in on a new model.
Here's the video from when she parked in a travel lane, and opened her door into the path of a motorbike going around her stopped car.

Seriously, it's time cut her loose, especially if you're married. She could eventually kill someone and you'd be sued into oblivion.
Seriously, it's time cut her loose, especially if you're married. She could eventually kill someone and you'd be sued into oblivion.
Not married. The lawsuit stuff is a little different here, but liability is still a problem. (If you have money)
Many of the minor accidents are handled informally.
Long story, but exit strategy is in place.
The only way she’ll learn is to leave her to deal with it and let her pay. If you keep jumping in to deal with it and pay what motivation is there for changing?

My wife used to, without thinking kerb her alloys, it was according to her, her way of judging how close to the kerb she was. I told her, one day she will blow a tyre and as I had warned her I’d not come running. She never really believed that that was a thing until an opposite neighbour kerbed her car and blew the tyre.

She now never does this, as she knows I wasn’t lying about blowing a tyre and she full well knows if I say I’m not going to help I won’t.
She knows I won't pay, and that is one reason she is confused that I am angry at her.

The car is nothing special, but she can't afford it on her teacher salary, so the maintenance doesn't get done. It's a time bomb.
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The motorbike driver was an older teenaged girl. I don't think the bike was gunning it.

I actually PARTIALLY side with your girlfriend here. That Moped had plenty of time to avoid her and also appears to not be paying attention. Like both parties are at fault for poor driving skills.

I wouldn't get involved. Her damn problem not yours!
Not married. The lawsuit stuff is a little different here, but liability is still a problem. (If you have money)
Many of the minor accidents are handled informally.
Long story, but exit strategy is in place.

I'm sure as boyfriend you have zero obligation to get involved. Even if they TRIED to rope you in, you said I'm not married to her. Not my problem!
Some things you just have to walk away from, or at least pretend you did not see / hear
You do not want to be known as the guy that never say no and are nice, that will soon get the eyes of people that will abuse that fact intentional or not.