

New Member
May 10, 2013
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Dash Cam
mini 0801 0803 B47FS
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Re: LS650W, F90/F90G----The Super Night Vision Twins


I see the cameras between the twins are some different

Which camera is better?

The rear view camera of F90 looks pretty ,whether it can be used in other car monitors

best wishes!

I am not good with the technical side, but I do not think so. Last i read around here some place the LA is still being tested out. Plus i would assume that a retailer would want to point it out and prove it is an A7-LA if so because of the LA being purpose built for automotive high heat environment.
A7-LA is built for high temp use, putting that in the same old chassis with a cheap lipo battery though negates most of the benefits, it just becomes bragging rights
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I've got the Street Storm CVR-A7810-G / DODMT D99 version of this one with the F2.0 lens - am I reading the picture right in that this one is using an F2.5 lens?

I don't know if Samoon had the dark chrome lens piece available for you guys like they offer other companies but that would make the camera more discrete - size wise you're right and it is very small!!

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That G90W should be the more popular of the two (it's known as the Street Storm CVR-A7810-G PRO in Russia) - it might be worth changing the name from G90W though as SZDome already have the G90 and the G90W has a better microphone and lens in a smaller size so people may get mixed up and think why pay more for that G90W.

Are you planning on selling that one via Amazon too?
It might be worth adding the bundle with the CPL filter on Amazon too - it's very popular in Russia looking at the forums over there :)
The Samoon B47FS has A7L30,A7L50,A7LA70 series,could be optional with 128MB,256MB,512MB,1GB internal memory with copy and crop function.
CVR-A7810-G should be equal to their Samo0n's model B47FS-K
DODMT D99,default is without copy memory function,factory has blocked that function as I know.

B47FS-K=Ambarella A7L70,with GPS,Memory 256M
This model is indeed very good video performance,fast to detect GPS and also with copy memory function.
I guess would release this model B47FS-K=Ambarella A7L70,with GPS,Memory 256M to website soon
Model CVR-A7810-G

Hello Everyone, , Just wanna make a research here, Is there any Eorope demand for the "Streetstorm CVR-A7810-G=B47FS-K=Ambarella A7L70,with GPS,Memory 256M with copy and cropy memory function(Emergent video files could be copied into nand flash)"?
How many of you wanna to have this model"?
UK and USA (warehouse) will consider to stock this model(Samoon's standard non-branded)
if we receive likes for this model here,please let me know,thanks .
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Model CVR-A7810-G

Hello Everyone, , Just wanna make a research here, Is there any Eorope demand for the "Streetstorm CVR-A7810-G=B47FS-K=Ambarella A7L70,with GPS,Memory 256M with copy and cropy memory function(Emergent video files could be copied into nand flash)"?
How many of you wanna to have this model"?
UK and USA (warehouse) will consider to stock this model
if we receive likes for this model here,please let me know,thanks .

Is this the same camera as the 'PRO' version that 'Reverend' linked to, which I think is the G90W as you call it, whereas the 'non PRO' (cvr-a7810-g) seems to be equivalent of the B47FS ??
Thank you @Lukey1965 to reply my post so fast,I am shocked and happy.

the name I called is based on Samoon's case ID list( I failed to upload here)
You may see more clear pictures here,

CVR-A7810-G PRO is the " Pro" with CPL filter lens
CVR-A7810-G is the "Non-Pro" without CPL filter lens

CVR-A7810-G PRO is the viriant of the CVR-A7810-G,they are the same product.
We ever went to visit Samoon factory,they have a lot of car dvr models,and we took some models back for test.
CVR-A7810-G is the best than others,bracket is also better.

Since now is not stocking them yet,we plan to stock them,so no matter you need CVR-A7810-G PRO with CPL
or CVR-A7810-G ,we can purchase from factory directly,I am in Shenzhen..

Please let me know which you prefer?You may also paste a link here,or send a link for whatever models that you may like,we will source around and try our best to satisfy
Europe demand and provide best service.

Thanks for your supports again.
I was just about to say @Lukey1965 had dropped me a PM about this one! Not sure what the price is for this one though but it's a high quality model for sure :)
On a personal level, the 'pro' version with the CPL would be the most attractive. Any idea on price please ??
Ok night footage on the non Pro firmware isn't so great - I need to see if WDR got turned on in the upgrade as it looks similar to how my old GS6000 A7 looked with WDR on.

I'll try the Pro firmware and see if it's happier with that.
On a personal level, the 'pro' version with the CPL would be the most attractive. Any idea on price please ??

Today I have called Samoon ,they said Streetstorm CVR-A7810-G PRO is A7L70 (1920X1080P60FPS) with 512MB copy memory(With video chop and copy function) +GPS+CPL
Price is extremely expensive,because too high configuration.

From,the retail price for this configuration would be:£115

Please let us know if you are interested in,we will consider to stock or not for such a expensive unit.
Ok night footage on the non Pro firmware isn't so great - I need to see if WDR got turned on in the upgrade as it looks similar to how my old GS6000 A7 looked with WDR on.

I'll try the Pro firmware and see if it's happier with that.
Ok night footage on the non Pro firmware isn't so great - I need to see if WDR got turned on in the upgrade as it looks similar to how my old GS6000 A7 looked with WDR on.

I'll try the Pro firmware and see if it's happier with that.

What is the configuration of your GS6000 A7? Be careful to get your device held,they have many vibriants in processor and internal memory.