Connect Mobius ActionCam to HTC OneXL

Hopr you will find solution.
This worked for me to use aMCA version for #16 camera on a rooted HTC Desire X with stock ROM and some bloatware removed. Should work also for Mobius: using this app I disabled almost all applications that receive "Media mounted" events, restart the phone and connect the camera. aMCA poped up as expected. I'm not sure if it will still work after re-enabling the other applications.
PS: The app I used is not free and the phone must be rooted. Unexpected behaviour could result after doing this.
This worked for me to use aMCA version for #16 camera on a rooted HTC Desire X with stock ROM and some bloatware removed. Should work also for Mobius: using this app I disabled almost all applications that receive "Media mounted" events, restart the phone and connect the camera. aMCA poped up as expected. I'm not sure if it will still work after re-enabling the other applications.
PS: The app I used is not free and the phone must be rooted. Unexpected behaviour could result after doing this.

Its not conveniente always disable / enable with unexpected behaviour after, but at least you found some kind of solution.
I don't really need to configure the camera from the phone, so I did these tests only by curiosity. Maybe when the Mobius arrives and if I'll have enough time I will try to identify exactly which application is interfering whith aMCA.
I don't really need to configure the camera from the phone, so I did these tests only by curiosity. Maybe when the Mobius arrives and if I'll have enough time I will try to identify exactly which application is interfering whith aMCA.

Same with me. When i got mobius, was exited with andoid app, its trully fun to play, but after some time you just firget it. No need of use in real everyday life. But of course it gives some benefits when need to configure something on the go.
I followed the instructions ... nothing more, noting less. I use short usb cables.


An OTG cable, make sure usb charge is OFF on the cam, otherwise you ned o use an OTG ca
I followed the instructions ... nothing more, noting less. I use short usb cables.

An OTG cable, make sure usb charge is OFF on the cam, otherwise you ned o use an OTG ca
It looks like this may be the clue.

My Lenovo tablet works fine with Mobius cam when I connect it to the cam, app appears automatically.
When I connect HTC One to the Mobius cam I get USB notification on the phone that says something like "couldn't charge the device."

My guess is that Lenovo tablet has bigger battery and can handle charging Mobius and opening application at the same time. HTC One has small battery and cannot handle charging cam and app at the same time.
I will have to try to desable USB Charge Off on the cam.