Custom firmware Procam CX4 revision 3.0

Flashed Procam_CX4_v3_fw_20140728_Constant_Bitrate_18-20-24Mbit_Contrast_34-40-30_Sharpness_04-05-03_Expo_Texet-570(5GP).bin to my GearBest 0803.

GPS works. and displays on video, but (understandably)only in KMH.
There was a selection for inner and outer card, but I only tested outer.
I remember it being a little brighter out then what it is in the video, but it wasn't sunny.

20140812 v1.0



(I know I forgot to fix the time again.)

I turned the Speed Stamp on and set it to 80KMH. I thought that meant the camera would beep when I went over 80. The Speed Limit on this road is 88 (55MPH) So I did the Speed Limit and nothing happened. When I got back I noticed that the camera would not display above 80KMH even though I was doing 88 or so.

When I flashed Expo_TV-Q5NV
It rebooted and started recording. I hit the button to stop and go through the settings. While trying to stop the camera froze so I let the battery die.

I formatted the memory card in the computer and then in the camera. I went through the settings and noticed sharpness was soft and contrast was hard. I don't know if this was intentional so I set them back to standard.

Anyone else looking to flash their 0803 to this ProCam firmware when you flash it it defaults in Russian.
To change it to English you need to go into the menu and it is 5 clicks up from the first menu choice.
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I've just flashed "Procam_CX4_v3_fw_20140728_Constant_Bitrate_18-20-24Mbit_Contrast_34-40-30_Sharpness_04-05-03_Expo_Texet-570(5GP).bin" to my Blueskysea 0803 with 16GB internal card + GPS. Everything works fine and finally I got the GPS speed stamp to videos. I have also 32GB external card and both are visible to PC. :) The device had originally some firmware v1.0 20140822 it didn't have that setting at all.
Hi, good to hear it all works out ok. I will try the fw upgrade also. did you have any issues with the microphone resetting to on when you turned off each time?
I didn't test the mic bug.

Edit: Btw. the default language is Russian but you can change it to English under the menu язык.
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Flashed Procam_CX4_v3_fw_20140728_Constant_Bitrate_18-20-24Mbit_Contrast_34-40-30_Sharpness_04-05-03_Expo_Texet-570(5GP).bin to my GearBest 0803.

GPS works. and displays on video, but (understandably)only in KMH.
There was a selection for inner and outer card, but I only tested outer.
I remember it being a little brighter out then what it is in the video, but it wasn't sunny.

I turned the Speed Stamp on and set it to 80KMH. I thought that meant the camera would beep when I went over 80. The Speed Limit on this road is 88 (55MPH) So I did the Speed Limit and nothing happened. When I got back I noticed that the camera would not display above 80KMH even though I was doing 88 or so.

When I flashed Expo_TV-Q5NV
It rebooted and started recording. I hit the button to stop and go through the settings. While trying to stop the camera froze so I let the battery die.

I formatted the memory card in the computer and then in the camera. I went through the settings and noticed sharpness was soft and contrast was hard. I don't know if this was intentional so I set them back to standard.

Anyone else looking to flash their 0803 to this ProCam firmware when you flash it it defaults in Russian.
To change it to English you need to go into the menu and it is 5 clicks up from the first menu choice.

CheckYourLights, I think the speed limit is not an alarm, but a maximum speed that can be hardcoded on the video. Some people are against speed stamp on video because it can provide evidence against themselves, it may state they were speeding at the moment of the incident, thus giving ammo to the other side in an eventual lawsuit. When you set the speed stamp limit, they can never know whether you're speeding or not, because the stamp will always show the speed limit or less. :-)

It's a very good feature if you use the camera for lawsuit protection reasons. It will prove the other side is wrong when they really are, but without the possibility of the video being used against you because of the speeding printed in the speed stamp.
Check Your Lights, here in Brazil we have a lot of sun and hot days in a great part of year. You used the Procam_CX4_v3_fw_20140728_Constant_Bitrate_18-20-24Mbit_Contrast_34-40-30_Sharpness_04-05-03_Expo_TV-Q5NV.bin and I could see that is so dark. Do you recommends this firmware for tropical countries?
Check Your Lights, here in Brazil we have a lot of sun and hot days in a great part of year. You used the Procam_CX4_v3_fw_20140728_Constant_Bitrate_18-20-24Mbit_Contrast_34-40-30_Sharpness_04-05-03_Expo_TV-Q5NV.bin and I could see that is so dark. Do you recommends this firmware for tropical countries?

Vagner, since we have excessive sunlight here in Brazil (I'm Brazilian too), I think the darker, the better, less chance of overexposure. I'll try the Expo_Texet-570(5GP), which seems to be a little darker.
Route 66 might know a little better since you are both in the same area.
My advice is to always try everything you can get your hands on and see what works best for you.
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Thankyou guys,
Route66, after you test it, please, post the results.
CheckYourLights, I read in some place that if these firmwares are running in some viewer program, the videos not runs continuosly. It's true? And I see that you have a G1W, too. What you think about G1w videos? I have one and the videos are very very better than mini 0803.
Thankyou guys,
Route66, after you test it, please, post the results.
CheckYourLights, I read in some place that if these firmwares are running in some viewer program, the videos not runs continuosly. It's true? And I see that you have a G1W, too. What you think about G1w videos? I have one and the videos are very very better than mini 0803.

Came to work today testing the camera. Daylight video quality is excellent, but each minute now takes 160 MB of space, instead of the 120 MB in the original firmware. I think the bitrate went from 16 to 21.3 Mbps, based on these numbers. Now a 64 GB card can hold only 6 hours instead of 8 with the original firmware before it starts erasing videos. Since I want to use it to record a trip to Europe this November, it's a downside for me.

Can Falsificator teach us how to modificate the bitrate? I think this firmware is perfect (at least at daytime, I haven't tested it at night yet), I'd just like to make a few more tests with the original bitrate and check if there's a significant quality loss at 16 Mbps.

I know Falsificator is doing these modifications as a favor to the community, so I won't ask him to do it for me, but I'd like to ask if he can teach me how to do it so I can modificate the firmware myself.

I've never even seen a G1W, I can't answer your second question.
Good news Route, but 160 mb is really hard.
For me, G1W has a perfect video very close a HDTV. Mini 0803 has a 1080p resolution, but the quality is very bad. So I saw A118 videos and they are close to G1W and both uses Novatek 96650. Like Cris-s did comparison, 0803 is freak if compared with car camera with Novatek 96650 chipset.
Vagner, I made the changes in Bitrate using A7tool. I just copied the original Procam bitrates back to the modded firmware using the bitrate editor and did nothing else. Flashed it into Mini0803, no problems. I'll test it later.
CheckYourLights, I read in some place that if these firmwares are running in some viewer program, the videos not runs continuosly. It's true?

I liked testing both Procam firmwares they were good, but a little too dark for my area. I have since switched to
20140804 iTracker branded. I am just now about to look it over.

CheckYourLights, I think the speed limit is not an alarm, but a maximum speed that can be hardcoded on the video. Some people are against speed stamp on video because it can provide evidence against themselves,

this is popular in Russia
This is the first time I have seen such a thing. Very nice idea for people who like to zip a little.

I played it back in RegistratorViewer 5.7 I highlighted and opened 3 files straight from the card just to test.
They loaded and auto grouped as AMBA1354-1356. They played seamlessly and the GPS seems correct in both speed and map position.
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I played it back in RegistratorViewer 5.7 I highlighted and opened 3 files straight from the card just to test.
They loaded and auto grouped as AMBA1354-1356. They played seamlessly and the GPS seems correct in both speed and map position.

The speed limit is only for hardcoding the speed into the video so you can use it as evidence without witnessing against yourself for speeding. Registrator Viewer, however, relies in actual GPS data embedded on .MOV container, that's why the speed is correct in the program and also the map position is correct too. Unless the other part watches the original video in Registrator Viewer, they will never know if you were speeding or not (maybe it would be a good idea to strip all the GPS data before submitting it to court, by reencoding).
(maybe it would be a good idea to strip all the GPS data before submitting it to court, by reencoding).
No need to re-encode, if you untick the GPS data box in Registrator Viewer's Save fragment then you can just copy the original video to a new file leaving the GPS data behind.
No need to re-encode, if you untick the GPS data box in Registrator Viewer's Save fragment then you can just copy the original video to a new file leaving the GPS data behind.

Thanks for the tip, Nigel! Best thing to do.
So, guys I did a update today with i-tracker version 20140804 and mini 0803 works fine. The video is better than original e-prance 21040507. The artifacts were missed and the the video is more sharp. But when I started first time after update this firmware, the camera did a strange noise like a "buzz" or a mosquito. I think I will stay with this version forever :p.
I started first time after update this firmware, the camera did a strange noise like a "buzz" or a mosquito
Mine has done that a few times when I have flashed back and forth. Scared me a little at first but everything went okay.

I was curious.
Is it possible to hack together two firmwares?
Some firmwares have GPS on screen and some don't others have a speed unit selection for MPH and KMH
Could someone take the Procam and iTracker firmware and take a firmware that has the choice for units and hack them together so that the Procam and iTracker display have the choice to display KMH or MPH on video?
I seen in Techmoan's review his firmware had the selection.
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