Cyclist confronts woman 'eating cereal at the wheel'


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
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United States
Dash Cam
More than I can review. ;)
A bizarre video has emerged of a cyclist confronting a driver who appears to be 'eating a bowl of cereal at the wheel' in busy traffic. "As I'm turning left I see the driver of a Land Rover eating a bowl of cereal. I confront her and she appears oblivious to the danger", cyclist David Williams later wrote online. The woman was caught on his helmet camera in Hampton Court, greater London, UK on Tuesday and the footage later uploaded online. The video has since sparked a police probe over potential offences committed by the Land Rover driver. +++CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: Main reg plate obscured+++

Is it dangerous if vehicle was stopped?
But then, I'm sure she won't stop eating when it moves as the cereal will be pretty soggy if you let it soak a while.
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i'm sure the cyclist has never once taken his hands off the grips to drink from his water bottle....

so if eating in a car is dangerous or illegal, should drive-thrus be made illegal too?

and what about these?

yes, i'm being a bit obtuse, in case you can't tell...
Didn't TX and Lousiana used to have Daiquiri drive throughs? Never saw the sanity in that.

Also, for food drive throughs, what comes in the window, usually goes out. (As trash)
Today I drove the new car so didn't have rear dashcam but man I wished I had to post her video.
A Mercedes ML350 driver was full on makeup session behind me.
I mean, once in a while checking mirror, putting lipstick etc... is no problem but she was completely into it.
Over 10 minutes, she was behind me and went half shoulder at least 10 times and left a 200m gap behind me in a rush hour bumper to bumper traffic.
If I were behind her, I'd have honked her a$$.
WTF is wrong with people? Once in a while, some check of phone (depending upon traffic, stoplight), stereo, makeup, eat etc... is not too unsafe but completely being distracted is baaaad.

Note to self: put a rear dashcam, any for temp setup. :)
I can't tell you how many times I've seen drivers watching a small TV or videos on laptops while driving. It used to be common to see somebody with the morning newspaper or a book on the steering wheel.
The 'eating' thing. A lot depends on how you are going to react if you drop or spill whatever you are eating. I don't mind somebody eating a sandwich or drinking something, but if you freak out when some spills on you or a pickle lands on your lap, it's not good.
Liquor and guns :) though i am not a drinking man all i can say,,,,, born in the wrong GD country :(

I would like a S&W 686 ssr with 2 boxes of ammo,,,,, and a large coke. :cool:
Yes, eating solid food like sandwich, burrito, apple etc. and drinking water is pretty safe.
I've done that.
Also, drinking soda with straw is fine as long as you remain calm when it spills unlike hot coffee but don't drink bottled/can soda.
I almost had an accident once.
I was drinking Coke from a 20 oz. bottle and man that CO2 made some foam go up the nose and I started sneezing bad.
Car was all over the road but fortunately nothing happened.
So carbonated drink on ice and with straw only. :D

Also, is there a data on accidents in Starbucks drive thru due to spilled coffee? ;)
I am born 9300 KM too far east and 2300 Km too far north, and as my friend say about 500 years too late ( not agree on that, maybe 200 years too late )
I can't tell you how many times I've seen drivers watching a small TV or videos on laptops while driving. It used to be common to see somebody with the morning newspaper or a book on the steering wheel..

I SOOOO want to just blast the horn on these morons on the interstate when I see them. put down the book/kindle/tablet/paper/playboy, and DRIVE!

i can barely read the name of the currently playing track on my stereo when i'm driving... can't imagine trying to actually read a book! Even when I'm riding a bus/train/plane, i have a hard time reading because it's usually so bumpy.
Didn't TX and Lousiana used to have Daiquiri drive throughs? Never saw the sanity in that.

Also, for food drive throughs, what comes in the window, usually goes out. (As trash)

yeah, louisiana probably still has them. there used to be a Beer Barn in the next town from me when i was growing up (Porter, TX), but i don't think they sold any mixed drinks - just standard liquor store fare. but then again, i was only 10 so i may not remember it all that well.

just yesterday i was going back out to my car from a store and saw in the empty spot 2 spaces over from me, someone had decided to clean out their car and just dump it all on the ground. a couple whataburger bags, some McD's and BK, and a full size pizza box, tons of empty bottles and cups, and a lot more - the stall was almost full of trash. sad part is that there was a gas station in the parking lot, only about 50 feet away from this mess, with 2 big trash cans at each of the 6 pumps. that's not just laziness, that's FU-style contempt. made me think of that video with the russian chick on a motorcycle throwing people's trash back into their cars.
...made me think of that video with the russian chick on a motorcycle throwing people's trash back into their cars.
Absolutely one of my all-time favorite YouTube videos - especially the clip where the beverage cup still had stuff in it. :D
I SOOOO want to just blast the horn on these morons on the interstate when I see them. put down the book/kindle/tablet/paper/playboy, and DRIVE!

i can barely read the name of the currently playing track on my stereo when i'm driving... can't imagine trying to actually read a book! Even when I'm riding a bus/train/plane, i have a hard time reading because it's usually so bumpy.

You need a bigger display.
Hehe... my 6.1" displays track name in big texts followed by artist and bunch of other information in smaller text but still big enough to read from back of the car. ;)
It takes two hands and your eyes to eat a bowl of cereal. I don't care if she is stopped or not, she is in gear and in active traffic. Most people suck at driving even when not distracted!
Liquor and guns :) though i am not a drinking man all i can say,,,,, born in the wrong GD country :(

I would like a S&W 686 ssr with 2 boxes of ammo,,,,, and a large coke. :cool:

the US has a govt agency called the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (though now i think they've added E - explosives to the end)...


funny, sure. personally though i think alcohol and firearms is an even worse mix than alcohol and motor vehicles.

now alcohol and bicycles? that's funny. :p
Yeah seem like a lot of ppl whip up things that can go boom, but then again so do other ppl than Americans.
Myself i was like 15 or 16 when we mixed up TATP and the like at a friends house :D but it was thanks to the "yanks" as out brew book was improvised munitions - black book VOL 1 & 2.
What we did back then would land us a terrorist charge in todays world, but back in the erly 80ties the world was a better place "no internet and cold war and all"
At the moment it seem popular ( with visiting crooks from east / south EU ) to blow ATM machines with oxy acytelene gas.

I allways wondered about the ATF, atleast the A and F should be kept apart, and with the stuff some ppl smoke today you better keep that isolated too.

But i dig that ATF T-shirt :D
When i was a kid/teen i had the "better dead than red" t-shirt, but i had to make sure my commie dad dident see it or he would have gone full Stalin on my ass.
Years ago, I wasn't feeling well, and stopped at a motel in AZ, or NM that had truck parking for a night.
In the morning I carried out my bags to the truck, and noticed the driver in the truck parked next to me was sitting behind the wheel, cranking up his truck.
I walked into the motel office, checked out, got a cup of coffee, and walked back to my truck, maybe 5-10 minutes later.

The truck that had been parked next to me was gone. Next to my drivers side door was a pile of trash maybe 2-3 feet high. It had not been there ten minutes earlier.
My guess was the driver of the other truck had popped open his passenger side door, pushed out the mountain of trash on the passenger side floor, and left.

I was pissed, I not only had to wade through the stuff to get to my door, but wasn't sure what was all in that pile. I kicked at it a bit with my foot, and noticed there was a lot of unopened bills and other mail for an address in Rhode Island.
(appropriate for the company location on the offending truck)

I picked up a couple of the cleaner pieces of mail, got the address off of them, pu,t them in a large envelope, and included a hand written note about what a worthless piece of trash this person was, and mailed it at my next stop.
Of course, there was a dumpster maybe 25 feet away from where he was parked.

I'm not sure my note had any impact, but it made me feel better.

Years ago, I wasn't feeling well, and stopped at a motel in AZ, or NM that had truck parking for a night.
In the morning I carried out my bags to the truck, and noticed the driver in the truck parked next to me was sitting behind the wheel, cranking up his truck.
I walked into the motel office, checked out, got a cup of coffee, and walked back to my truck, maybe 5-10 minutes later.

The truck that had been parked next to me was gone. Next to my drivers side door was a pile of trash maybe 2-3 feet high. It had not been there ten minutes earlier.
My guess was the driver of the other truck had popped open his passenger side door, pushed out the mountain of trash on the passenger side floor, and left.

I was pissed, I not only had to wade through the stuff to get to my door, but wasn't sure what was all in that pile. I kicked at it a bit with my foot, and noticed there was a lot of unopened bills and other mail for an address in Rhode Island.
(appropriate for the company location on the offending truck)

I picked up a couple of the cleaner pieces of mail, got the address off of them, pu,t them in a large envelope, and included a hand written note about what a worthless piece of trash this person was, and mailed it at my next stop.
Of course, there was a dumpster maybe 25 feet away from where he was parked.

I'm not sure my note had any impact, but it made me feel better.

At least he got it back :D

When ppl mail me somthing snalmail spam , i cram the answer envelope with all the trash i can find here, and then mail that to them, and since the envelope get really thick and heavy they are slammed with a fine too.

All but my union seem to get the message, so 1 or 2 times every year when they mail me with offers to members of the metalworkers union, i mail them back a lot of trash.

And i do include things with my name on so they know where it come from :mad: wish all that work in the metal workers union would go the way if Jimmy Hoffa.
That cyclist's running around in circles along the road there was more of a hazard than she was. If a cyclist tried to confront me....o_O

I actually did save a cyclist over the weekend. The guy cycled to the top of the mountain and didn't have enough water. Had to give him water and something sweet because he was a diabetic.