Dashcam Viewer software for Mac: beta testers wanted

Will do, I'm thoroughly impressed with your work, look forward to see how we can expand on it down the track
Hi John, I could help out by providing sample files for the Powerucc Panorama II if you are planning on supporting this camera. Which, I hope you are!

I’ve been a Mac user for 25 years, and during that time there I’ve occasionally come across tasks that weren’t properly addressed on the Mac platform. Thank you for stepping forward here. I haven’t seen your app on macupdate.com yet. In case you’re not familiar with it, if you want to reach a wider audience, consider publishing your app there, it’s the place to go.

Hi John, I could help out by providing sample files for the Powerucc Panorama II if you are planning on supporting this camera. Which, I hope you are!

@khill215: Yes, I would certainly like to take a crack at the Powerucc Panorama II. Having both some sample movies and GPS data files will be helpful. I will PM you with details of how to send them. Thanks!!

I’ve been a Mac user for 25 years, and during that time there I’ve occasionally come across tasks that weren’t properly addressed on the Mac platform. Thank you for stepping forward here. I haven’t seen your app on macupdate.com yet. In case you’re not familiar with it, if you want to reach a wider audience, consider publishing your app there, it’s the place to go.


@Mondaugen, only 25? My first Mac was a Mac 512KE! I programmed with Microsoft BASIC back in the day. ;-)

Yes, once I'm satisfied with my BlackVue dashcam support I will take your advice and post to macupdate (I want to exploit the extra data the BlackVue GPS collects).
Hi John

I'd like to become a beta tester of the software, but: I have a Powerucc Panorama II dashcam.
If this would fit as well, please let me know!

Just watched both the videos and must say it looks awesome!!

I think a great feature for Blackvue would be PIP to read the Front & Rear footage at the same time for the Blackvue DR550.
Also a big thing for people would be to export the footage ready for YouTube so if you are using a DR550 you can bind the two pieces of footage into one. Like I did with Sony Vegas in the below video. I'm not a developer but wondered if this were possible? Having a native program that did this would be awesome and push the Mac software lightyears ahead of the Blackvue one!!

I can happily supply DR550 files if needed.

Would be happy to beta test your software. I have a Givoe Mini 0801 + GPS (FW 2013 11 27) and run OS X ver 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro. Currently use RegistratorViewer on the Windows XP Pro Bootcamp partion.
Guys, I just released a new version of Dashcam Viewer (v1.1.0). Most of the new features are to support the BlackVue cameras, but there are some that will benefit everyone else (like the new Weather widget).

You can find the latest version here:



v1.1.0 - Feb 8, 2014

New Features:
  • Data window: Click a button to retrieve the weather conditions at the location and time of the video capture!
  • Data window: More GPS metrics are displayed for cameras that record them (like the BlackVue DR400 and DR500). These metrics include vehicle altitude, number of GPS satellites in used in geolocation, and GPS HDOP (horizontal dilution of precision), a measure of GPS position accuracy at the receiver.
  • Data window: Added a new Calendar widget
  • Graph window: Added plot of vehicle altitude above sea level
  • Graph window: Added plot of HDOP
  • Graph window: Added plot of number of GPS satellites in view
  • Graph window: Removed graph of Computed Speed as it was redundant with Dashcam Speed plot
  • DCV now remembers which windows were open and closed upon restart
  • Timezone correction and clock offset are now in units of hours (not seconds)
  • Registration codes are now understood even with carriage returns and spaces in them (extra white space can be introduced when a user copies/pastes the registration code from an email).
Here's a video of v1.1.0:

I will crosspost to the BlackVue forum as well.
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Wow, great job!

Do you have any plans to add AVI file support? I'm using Urive i-shotgun which is 2ch system and records the files in avi format. I'm searching an application which could play front and rear video simultaneously.
Batman, can you send me samples of the AVI files and their GPS data files? I will PM you.
Mac user since 1985 here. Just saw this thread. Will give it a try. Thanks.