Disappointed with Viofo for Abandoning A129 Duo Owners

have never had reports of dropped frames, duplicate frames is something we've dealt with before, we're still working on IQ related stuff, we only just got SDK access this month, things will take time though, it's not a quick process at all

anyway this thread is nothing to do with our products, regardless of what people think I do know Viofo are still actively working on stuff, even if they're not good at communicating that
You should be working on stuff, otherwise you end up like Nokias phone division or Motorolas ditto, the jump from grace to forgotten are not that big.
You should be working on stuff, otherwise you end up like Nokias phone division or Motorolas ditto, the jump from grace to forgotten are not that big.
not sure what to make of that, my current phones are a Nokia 7+ and a Motorola G7+ :P
Yes but they are no longer the brands pretty much all people carry
I had one of the semi smart nokias as my last dumb phone, but this was before i got data on my phone plan so i never used it, and besides i think it would have been stupid on the 1 inch monochrome LCD screen.
After that one i only got a phone nearly a decade later and that was the Samsung galaxy 2
I had one of the semi smart nokias as my last dumb phone, but this was before i got data on my phone plan so i never used it, and besides i think it would have been stupid on the 1 inch monochrome LCD screen.
After that one i only got a phone nearly a decade later and that was the Samsung galaxy 2
I remember the analog Nokia phones they where almost indestructible compared to today’s phones not to mention the signal range was far better. But I have to admit, I really enjoy today’s technology.
I delete or at least want to delete 3 apps on my phone for each APP i actually install. Sadly many phones don't allow me to delete all the APPs i want to delete, my current MI9 phone have 2X more APPS than i actually want or need.
Lots of google and xiaomi stuff on that phone i will never use but can not delete, and if i was a hard core or just normal phone user it would drive me insane and i would shoot the phone, but i only touch my phone for 5 minutes on average every day, so i am able to live with it for now.
I should have gotten a much cheaper phone, but sadly my geek / nerd side are strong, so i now have a phone way more powerful than i would ever need.

Its also why i have a 12 core processor in my computer, cuz my old phone had 10 cores and really a mans PC must have more cores than his phone.
yeah I can't answer questions on their behalf,

I realise this. I was referring to someone who actually knows what it's like to find/fix issues, and the costings of making these devices.

We have posters in here trying to tell us just how easy it ought to be to fix the issues they are having, and trying to convince us that someone is making a boat load of profit on these devices, when they really have NFI what they are rambling on about.
We have posters in here trying to tell us just how easy it ought to be to fix the issues they are having, and trying to convince us that someone is making a boat load of profit on these devices, when they really have NFI what they are rambling on about.
everything's easy, until you try and do it, lost count of the number of times I've had people say would should add some feature that is 5 minutes work, 3 lines of code etc

if it was easy then everyone would already be doing it
So does the randomly dropped frames happen on all cameras? How many have you seen and what software could be used to see if mine does it? I know I've asked before in one of these threads but no one ever gave an answer.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

1. All A129 Duos are affected.
2. Firmware 1.11 DOES NOT have the issue, but lacks support for parking mode. All firmwares moving forward suffer Dropped Frames (Front) & Duplicate Frames (Rear).
I realise this. I was referring to someone who actually knows what it's like to find/fix issues, and the costings of making these devices.

We have posters in here trying to tell us just how easy it ought to be to fix the issues they are having, and trying to convince us that someone is making a boat load of profit on these devices, when they really have NFI what they are rambling on about.

Captain Obvious says you CLEARLY thought Jokin was the proper party to ask or you wouldn't have made the statement......So trying to act as if this was sarcasm is laughable.

No one said the problem was easy to fix, but as Jokin pointed out, Street Guardian acquired the SDK from Novatek and now troublshoots their own issues instead of waiting on Novatek. Viofo has two very serious problems and Bill Zhou (not jokin) stated it wasn't a priority to fix:

1. Random Dropped Frames (Front Camera)
2. Duplicate Frames ( Every 91-91 Frames) on Rear Camera.
everything's easy, until you try and do it, lost count of the number of times I've had people say would should add some feature that is 5 minutes work, 3 lines of code etc

if it was easy then everyone would already be doing it

Definitely not easy, but I commend Street Guardian for taking the initiative and obtaining the SDK from Novatek. Clearly waiting on others to resolve problems is a lost cause or an effort in futility. Maybe Viofo doesn't have in house developers and their only option is Novtaek. In that case, Viofo should be demanding resolution that is crippling their product.
they owned the market back in the analogue days, that's for sure

That was Kamkar's point. All it takes is getting complacent or lackluster to go from being #1 to forgotten product. Blackberry is another prime example. Great product but failed to stay relevant, and is now a long forgotten afterthought.
1. All A129 Duos are affected.
2. Firmware 1.11 DOES NOT have the issue, but lacks support for parking mode. All firmwares moving forward suffer Dropped Frames (Front) & Duplicate Frames (Rear).


You make perfect sense and bring up excellent points, unlike the "self-appointed room monitor" (Goofy) who wants to validate whether your problems have any merit and then corrects you on your "word selection"!!!...lol - - What a joke!!!

And now we have a "new clown" who has NFI what he's talking about, but wants to play the "smart guy"... Both of those guys are a total waste of time!

Hopefully Viofo gets busy and does what current customers expect them to do... fix our dash cams so they work as intended and respond to customers' questions in a timely manner. Is that really asking too much??? :(
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Definitely not easy, but I commend Street Guardian for taking the initiative and obtaining the SDK from Novatek.
it's not initiative, we're raised more requests than any other vendor, they finally gave in, I know we drive the engineers nuts sometimes but it takes effort to get what we want/need, there's still plenty of work to be done

You make perfect sense and bring up excellent points, unlike the "self-appointed room monitor" who wants to validate whether your problems have any merit and then corrects you on your "word selection"!!!...lol - - What a joke!!!

And now we have a "new clown" who has NFI what he's talking about, but wants to play the "smart guy"... Both of those guys are a total waste of time!

Hopefully Viofo gets busy and does what current customers expect them to do... fix our dash cams so they work as intended and respond to customers' questions in a timely manner. Is that really asking too much??? :(

It's like selling a Porsche and claiming the car goes from 0 to 60 (0 to 96 KM/H) in 3 seconds flat. Only for the car to skip a gear and stall if accelerating to fast.

Viofo has a great product on paper and that's why many people have bought the camera. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my Viofo. It's a rock solid camera that captured a kid hitting my car and saved me lots of headache. However, dropping random frames is a huge issue (think if that frame was the difference between capturing a license place and losing data). Duplicating frames is an equal annoyance, but Jokin was right, dropping frames is more seriously.

I want my product to work properly. I really LOVE this camera, but i noticed on my accident video (leading up to accident) the video stuttered. I wrote it off as a glitch, but it clearly was the result of a dropped frame.
it's not initiative, we're raised more requests than any other vendor, they finally gave in, I know we drive the engineers nuts sometimes but it takes effort to get what we want/need, there's still plenty of work to be done

Business 101. If you don't have clients, you don't have a job. Dash Cam companies are keeping Novatek in business. But with that business, you have certain expectations you want met. If Novataek engineers were getting annoyed, or couldn't meet your expectations, the next best thing is to resolve the problems yourself.

+1 to Street Guardian. Viofo needs to demand the same. But in all fairness, maybe Viofo doesn't have a staff of developers capable of resolving problems and are 100% reliant upon Novatek engineers.
they have their own team, they aren't fully reliant on Novatek, to be fair they are miles better than 99% of Chinese brands, cut them some slack though, it's not easy, it's time consuming, and they have some language barriers to deal with that can make communicating things effectively a challenge
Captain Obvious says you CLEARLY thought Jokin was the proper party to ask or you wouldn't have made the statement......So trying to act as if this was sarcasm is laughable.

You're certainly free to believe that, just as you believe so many other falsehoods, but given I have purchased gear off Jokiin some years ago, I really don't care that you believe I thought Jokiin works for Viofo.

Sarcasm has nothing to do with it. Jokiin obviously mis-understood what I was saying, and you've decided to jump on that to make your little mind feel good about itself.

Anyone who frequents any forums dealing with dashcams are likely to have come across Jokiin offering his advice on all manner of different brands.